Will Trump’s Foreign Policy Save Canada
You know, my mom, my mom watches this. She’s going to be upset with me. Well, my brother Michael loves again. He pulls some ridiculous tricks and whatnot on my mom all the time. And she bites. She bites on anything my brother says, no matter how ridiculous it might be. Sorry, ma, but you do. It’s kind of like the media and Trump. We’re talking about the Trump.
Trump doctrine, he gives this speech a couple days ago. I mean, anybody with a few brain cells see exactly what he’s doing, how he’s looking to get the media going, get them all riled up, get them all up. Trump’s gonna invade, he’s gonna attack Canada, he said so. He’s gonna use military force, he’s gonna invade Greenland.
You people honestly.
It’s just the level, the overall level of intelligence these people, I mean, it’s not high. Not high, again, I don’t know how they got to these positions, maybe because they’re not smart. Maybe because they’ll just, you know, they’ll listen to all of this nonsense. But anyway, the Trump doctrine, they got, you know, people on the right, the Maga types, stirring the pot on social media, showing.
Maps of North America, is all red now. All red now. Canada is part of America. Mexico’s part of America. Greenland’s part of America. All right, let’s be real here. Canada, okay? Think about this first. Do think Trump is stupid? Do you understand that Canada’s got socialized?
medicine. had Justin Trudeau has been in charge of place. mean, it’s it’s pretty far to the left. They’ve got an entire province. Quebec doesn’t really want to be a part of Canada. Do you remember that from from diehard Hans Gruber, you know, remember Hans Gruber from diehard one of the one of the terrorists?
that he wanted to have released from never get it was Liberté, Quebec. But anyway, again, I don’t know how that popped in my head. But you know, neither here nor there. What about Mexico? You you did they got Mexico becomes a state. How do you think they’re gonna vote down there? Do you you think that’s gonna it’s gonna work? Well, trying to absorb Mexico into the United States. Greenland is another story.
You could pay every resident of Greenland a million bucks. A million bucks to become part of the United States and that’s nowhere near even close the amount of money we’ve spent on Ukraine over the past year. Like sure, we’ll take a million dollars, become part I mean, anyway. Let’s talk about the Trump doctrine and one of the things that he talked about. Some reporter actually, are you thinking about using the military?
The military to go into Canada, type of pressure!
And he actually said, no, economic pressure. economic pressure being brought to bear on Canada, Mexico, and Europe would be the best thing for them. Trump also said in a speech, no more EV mandates.
basically getting rid of everything that Joe Biden has been putting forward. That is what Europe needs right now. That’s what Canada needs. Mexico is a whole different ball of wax. We need to save Europe again.
Again, again, I’d like to see a strong Europe. I’d to see a much better, I like to go there. I do, I hate to see what’s happened to the place. You got a few countries that are doing pretty well and improving, but for the most part, it’s an absolute disaster. The UK, I went off on a rant on that one a week or so ago. I won’t step foot in that country.
I won’t step foot in his, listen to this quickly, okay? Say case there. And again, this is, got kids in the car, earmuffs, okay? This is 12 year old, Samantha, abducted by two Asian men, Pakistani, in this case, drove her around for hours.
raped her, threw her out of a moving car. She ran, asked another man for help. Again, he took her in and had five Asian men went on to rape her for over 24. I go on and on. I really can’t talk about this. The person in charge of this ring got three years in jail. There are people serving time in the UK right now for mean social media posts that got seven years.
the country’s a disaster.
But it’s not just there, it’s the entire continent. And you know what’s funny is? It’s funny is you get all of these European leaders now that are, their underwear is in a bunch because of Elon Musk’s tweets.
Do you understand how big of a
Yep, I’m not gonna use a word. How big of a kitty cat? What type of a loser country you have to be that you’re gonna be bothered by someone’s tweets criticizing the way you’re doing things there?
First and foremost, any leader of any sort of, was gonna welcome any sort of criticism and try to take it in. Macron and all over Europe, they’re all flipping out in the UK, they’re all these MPs are, oh, this is terrible. Americans tweeting stuff out, we’re gonna have to go after them and we’re gonna have to call the American ambassador.
wow, we’re shaking in our boots over here. What exactly do you guys even do in the UK? I don’t even…
Do even own Rolls Royce anymore? I don’t even know.
I, what exactly do mean, special relationship. What special relationship?
You do what we tell you to do!
OK, you get great musicians. got to give you that. Yeah, again, I want to really tick off tick off the European. Give Dua Lipa citizenship immediately. OK, that’s what I would do. But anyway, all Europeans are freaking out.
Freaking out because of Elon Musk tweets because you’ve got nothing And this is where you know, sorry economic pressure Is gonna have to be brought to bear. I don’t care you sanctions. There’s tariffs. Okay all your climate crap Sorry Sorry, no, we’re not doing it anymore and guess what you know what you guys aren’t gonna do it either and we’re doing this for your own benefit
Just as much as again, Trump was criticizing him credit Trump was criticized, but even Obama Obama criticized Europeans because they didn’t pay up when it came to national defense. He didn’t follow through on anything, but Trump did. It was right.
Again, talking about, wait a second here. You’re building these pipelines from Russia into Europe and you’re gonna rely on Russia for your energy, but you want the United States and NATO to defend you from Russia who’s supplying you your energy. What’s wrong with this picture? How stupid is this? Makes no sense.
Makes zero sense. An opportunity now to turn the content around. economic pressure brought to bear. Little Trump doctrine. Gotta understand what’s a little different than the Monroe doctrine, much similar in some ways, but the Trump doctrine. And what you’re doing is helping these countries and helping their people to get out from under all the socialist bullshit they’ve been under for so long. Watchdog on wallstreet.com.