What You Should Know About Big Taxes, Education Budgets, & Teacher Salaries
Yeah, math is power and number and facts are very, very stubborn. Yes, numbers and facts can be extraordinarily stubborn. just wish certain political candidates would use them a little more. A couple of follow ups here. We went off, and again, are we wrong? Basically proving that, again, education in the United States is basically a government works program.
This is for all of you teachers out there that are clutching your pearls after listening to my piece yesterday and praise Randy Widegarden and the other teachers unions. Crap. I got numbers for you. And guess what? We’re going all the way back 1969, 1970. Inflation adjusted. Inflation adjusted public school funding per student.
Okay, what we’re spending per student here in the United States versus the inflation adjusted teacher salary. Again, go all the way back, 1970. We are spending 152 % more per student today than we were in 1970. Teacher salaries are up 8%.
where where’s the money go? I don’t know. Where’s it go? Administrators anyway. Yeah, this is stubborn, too. And this is why I’ve been saying this for some time. This is why we’re kind of We really are. We’re really kind of screwed as a nation. We’ve gotten to a point in time where, yeah, 50 percent.
50 % of the population doesn’t pay anything. First and foremost, I going back to Mitt Romney, when he was running for the presidency and they caught him, they caught him on tape, he was doing a fundraiser. Amazing. I remember these things that student fundraiser and somewhere, West Palm Beach or whatnot, and he got caught, got caught on tape saying that, well, you know, why target
these people, these lower income people, as far as voters are concerned, they’re not gonna vote, and I’m paraphrasing, they’re not gonna vote for us anyway because they just want free things. my God, geez, that made the news and look at Mitt Romney and my God, he’s terrible and all, Neither here nor there. Was he wrong? No, wasn’t wrong. They just didn’t like what he said. He was spot on.
He was completely accurate in that statement. The problem was, and why I got pissed off, is he walked away from it.
He disavowed what he said. And I said, no, your job, your job as a, you want to be a true leader out there is you got to go out there and you got, again, you got to teach. You got to teach. You got to try to lift people up and say, listen, I don’t want to, I don’t want to hand you things. Okay. I want you to be able to do this on your own. We’re going to help you out. We want it. We want to lift you up throughout society. want upward mobility.
And he walked away from that. But anyway, why do I bring this up? I’ve got the data, the latest data summary of federal income tax data. Yeah, yeah. Wow. 12 .5 trillion latest coming in on 157 .5 million tax returns. That’s an increase of 650 million year over year. Okay.
Share of total income taxes paid. Here we go. The evil, awful, terrible, disgusting, one percenters. they’re awful. They’re awful. Well, I mean, again, should get rid of them all, Yeah, they’re awful. They’re terrible. They pay 42 .3 % of all income taxes here in the United States. Top 5%. 62 .7 % of all income taxes.
Top 10 % 10 % okay, one out of every 10 Americans pays 73 .7 % of the damn bill. Top 25%, 88 .5%. Bottom. 97
Okay, you top 50 again, mind blowing numbers is what we’re looking at right now. The top 50 % of taxpayers is paying 97 .7 % of all taxes, bottom 52 .3%. We’re at the tipping point right now, again, 50 % of the population doesn’t pay any income tax. And again, get your arms, get your arms around the fact.
Again, top 10%, one out of 10, 73 .7%. I did a piece on this, going back to when George W. Bush was president and my restaurant story about the people going out to restaurant. And if we were doing our taxes the way they were paying a bill in a restaurant and split the check based upon income. This is a very
progressive tax code. How, why can’t, why I don’t understand why you can’t go out and explain this. How progressive our tax code is. And I come out and be honest and say, I don’t understand why you people at the bottom 50 % aren’t writing Christmas cards and saying thank you to all of the people that are footing the fricking bill here in this country. Anyway, Watchdog on wallstreet .com.