The United Nations turned down a request from nine members of the U.S. Congress to assign international observers to the U.S. Presidential Election. The request came in letterform drafted by Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson (D) – Texas and signed by eight other members of the House.
I cannot recall a time where I was so upset with elected officials. Members of the House want to bring in people from countries like North Korea, Iran, Syria, Sudan, and Cuba to observe and pass judgment on our election process. These people have never seen a democratic election in their lives. Correct me if I am wrong; the last time we had a foreign body with influence over our elections was when we went to war for freedom with Great Britain. These modern day “Tories” are willing to give up our sovereignty to a corrupt body such as the U.N. Our own members of Congress wish to allow anti-American dictatorships and terrorist sympathizers to pass judgment on our election?
These “Representatives” are traitors as far as I am concerned. Not only should they be thrown out of office, we need to vote these anal sphincters off the island. Send these people to North Korea to live out their lives.
THE LIST—Eddie Bernice Johnson (D) – Texas, Julia Carson (D) – Indiana, Jerold Nadler, Edolphus Towns, Joseph Crowley and Carolyn Maloney, all (D) – New York, Raul Grijalva (D) – Arizona, Corrine Brown (D) – Florida, Elijah Cummings (D) – Maryland, Danny Davis (D) – Illinois, and Michael Honda (D) – California.
Do us all a favor and GET OUT!