Your Health Insurance Costs Are Going to Skyrocket
Hey, for all of you people out there that pay for your health insurance, well, again, you may get health insurance from your employer, so technically you are paying it because your employer’s paying it. It’s part of the cost of employing you. Well, guess what? Guess what? Health insurance prices are going to go through the roof. Again, remember, oh my God, back in the day, Obama pitching Obamacare. Remember when he was giving us that utter line of bullshit? that your health insurance costs were gonna go down by $2,500? Right, right. The costs that I paid prior to Obamacare compared to today, holy shnikes. But yeah, health insurance costs are climbing at the steepest rate in years. Again, it’s gonna cost businesses, but again, businesses, okay, they’re.
Don’t expect on getting a raise. How are you gonna get a raise from your employer if they’ve got to pay 7% more next year for your health insurance? That’s a cost of employing you. Now again, all of you people that are on the Obamacare Dole and you’re getting subsidized healthcare, your fellow taxpayers, again, I never got to thank you. People getting all this free stuff, getting Obamacare, all this stuff. Who do you think pays for that? You think Obama pays for it?
we the people pay for it. I never got a thank you letter for that. I’ve still gotten a thank you letter from Tesla buyers for the credit that they got on their EV. But anyway, yeah, for all of us that actually pay and have businesses and whatnot, yeah, cost for employer coverage is expected to surge around 6.5%. Oh, I can’t wait. Yes. Oh, this is so exciting. I want to pay more for health insurance. Yes, inflation is in check.
There was actually an author, no, writer, author. Again, I guess they write a lot of fiction in the Wall Street Journal now too, along with the New York Times and the Washington Post and so on and so forth, actually claiming, actually said, there was two articles in the Wall Street Journal, one was saying that health insurance costs are going down and the other one is saying that it’s going up. Right now, the price tag for employer plans.
Average $14,600 a year per employee. I wish. 14,000, wow. I wish I could get that deal for crying out loud. Yeah, yeah. For people who have individual insurance plans sold under the Affordable Care Act, premiums are also expected to rise by 6% this year. Yeah, but you know, how much you actually pay.
your fellow citizens is paying for that health insurance. I’m sure your Uncle Joe, your Uncle Joe with the aviator glasses will step in and subsidize it to an even greater degree. Yeah, yeah, employers are expected to take on the share of this increase. And again, they’re gonna pass these costs on down to their people, the products that they sell, the stuff that we have to buy. So.
Again, no, no. Inflation’s under control, no problem. They gotta uncheck. Jay Powell, Joe Biden, Biden and Obama’s killing it, man. Killing it, doing a great job. Watchdog on