Wisdom vs. Influence
Alright, but I want to do a quick check -in while I’m away. Man, we’re gonna have a lot to talk about when I get back. I was reminded of something. actually Bible scholar Jeff Cavins talked about the age that we’re living in where it’s so much about wisdom anymore. It’s all about influence and influencers and what they do. And the reality of
our situation today, especially when it comes to the political climate, is that we don’t have the wisdom out there amongst the masses. We have people that are attracted to the fickle, the nonsensical, the showy, the celebrity, the influencers. Again, it’s a bloody career choice now. We try to get followers and try to influence things. I remember yelling and screaming about this.
People used to try to get into restaurants and get free meals because I’m an influencer and I got X amount of followers on Instagram. It’s interesting. Kamala Harris campaign is right now that they’re actually paying influence, big sums, $20 ,000 to start pumping out how wonderful Kamala Harris is. And the funny thing is, that people will buy into it. I haven’t yet addressed her, it’s a walls character, this vice presidential nominee.
I’m going to go over a litany of things when I do get back next week and his various different positions which are obscene, they’re absurd at their face and quite frankly I don’t think we’ve ever had a left -wing, this far left -wing candidate running for the highest office.
in the land by any stretch of imagination. And the things keep rolling in. mean, the mainstream media is pumping out on a regular basis to all the crowds that they’re drawing and all of this nonsense, not holding his feet to the fire in regards to stolen valor, tampons in boys’ bathrooms. I mean, it’s just one thing after another. But again, this is what you expect. This is nothing new. This is nothing different.
from what has happened in the past. The problem you have right now is that Donald Trump is not running a very good campaign by any stretch of the imagination. Frankly, think JD Vance is doing a hell of a job. Trump is dropping the ball. Why are you not running on the issues? You don’t have to run and say idiotic things like Kamala Harris doesn’t like Jews. That’s not why she picked Josh Shapiro. She’s married to a Jewish guy for crying out loud.
I mean, by saying that, you sound like an absolute idiot. Is the Democratic Party a bit anti -Semitic? Yeah. Yeah. That’s why they didn’t want to would piece a progressive base. couldn’t, no way they could pick a Jew. That’s absolutely impossible for crying out loud. Yeah, you’re a bit lucky, you know, you get a Jew or Catholic on a ticket. Forget about it. It’s just not going to happen. Anyway, you know, well actually JD Vance on the…
public inside Catholic, but neither here nor there. Run on the issues. Let your surrogates, all those other people attack personalities and all of this other nonsense. You have to kind of turn this campaign around at some point in time and name calling and going after people’s IQs and stupidity. It ain’t It ain’t working. And you’re going to blow the campaign. Now, again,
When asked this past week, asked me to, I was doing it, actually I’ve been doing some guest appearances on radio shows while I’m away, much to my wife’s chagrin. She doesn’t like it when I do that. But anyway, when asked if I’m going to handicap this race right now, I’m saying right now, without a doubt, I think Kamal Harris has got it based on the way that Trump is winning. I know I’m going to get a lot of blowback because of this, but again, that’s reality. That’s how I feel.
and studying comfort of people, because I know a lot of people are going to have a collective freak out over the fact that I feel this way and many others feel this way and taking a look at some of the polls as well. And again, I hope it’s not the case. need to, the only thing you can feel confident in is the fact that, yes, we have, this country has been, most certainly, been sliding towards the left and socialism for a long period of time. I’ve been yelling and screaming about this for a while.
I called, know, Hayek called it the road to serfdom. You can call it ACDC called it the highway to hell. You can call it whatever you want. We’ve been drifting left for a long time. We’ve got an uneducated populace. We’ve got people that just want to be handed things. And again, we are a republic and this is what people vote for. Again, people complain about inflation. They complain about this, complain about that. But everything right there is, you know, it’s because of who we vote for.
and who we’re choosing. And at this point in time, you have to look at who their donors are, who is backing this Harris ticket. And those are the people that are really running the show. If you honestly think, you honestly believe that Kamala Harris is actually the brains behind the operation, or she’s gonna be the brains behind the operation, you’re crazy, okay? But what you’re looking at right now is Barack Obama part four.
It’s the Obama administration, fourth time. You had it the first two times, you had it with Joe Biden, and the way it looks right now, you’re gonna have it with Harris. Watchdog on wallstreet .com.