Will an Illegal Immigrant Cancel Out Your Vote?
Illegals will be voting this November. Again, this is on the Republican Party. They’ve let this slide for years. I know they get distracted. They’re like cats, except I think cats are actually a little brighter than Republicans, quite frankly. You get a little laser pointer over there. Let’s shine a little laser at some.
corner of the world that we want to go send troops in Republicans will get distracted with things that actually matter. But anyway, I’ll never forget this this I’m trying to remember the exact year.
I don’t know, maybe 2004. I think it was. I think it was a 2004 election. Recent resident. Recent resident, state of Florida and just changed my address and I went to go vote and I took my father -in -law with me, my late father -in -law with me at the time. And my father -in -law, same situation, my in -laws living with us.
got nervous when he was there at the voting place and it was a discrepancy with his ID and voter registration. This was in the state of Florida. And I remember, I obviously spoke fluently and they wouldn’t allow me to vote. I had to take care of the discrepancy and do a couple things that very day if I wanted to vote. My father -in -law, again, got nervous and was speaking his English to
like he normally could, they let him through. Yeah, you go ahead. You can do that. They will let this slide here. And that kind of struck me as like, wow, that’s not interesting. And year after year, we have any sort of protections when it comes to elections, no ID. I’m disgusted. I’m here in New York. You show up to vote and you don’t have to present anything. You just, you know.
You just say your name and I live here. And then they let you in and they let you go and vote. If you can’t see how that is a massive problem, there’s something wrong with you. Mail in ballots, we go right on down the line. Right on down the line. And again, you know, again, Republicans that was under Trump handed that one with all the COVID restrictions right over to the Democrats. Well, it’s getting worse instead of better. I don’t care what’s her name there.
Trump’s, uh, was there a neo? I don’t know. What’s in my art? The one who’s running the Republican Party right now, she’s not going to be able to reign this in. It’s not going to happen. Um, over the years we’ve watched, you know, going in, busing people into the polls. Um, it just is so much fraud that takes place, but that is the terrain. That is the terrain that you have to deal with. Um, if you’re not going to deal with it, um,
when you are in positions of power and clean it up, well, you know what? What do you expect is gonna happen? I guess those donkeys are just much smarter than you elephants out there. The Heritage Foundation got this story today. Heritage Foundation’s oversight project put out an image, which is a flyer from a NGO, a non -governmental organization operating in Mexico encouraging illegals to vote for President Biden once they arrive in the United States. And I quote, reminder to vote for President Biden when you are in the United States, we need another four years of his term to stay open.
Yeah, these flyers are handed out as well when illegal aliens use this group, this Resource Center Matamoros. That’s what they’re called. This is this non -governmental organization for assistance in coming to the United States. The founder of this group, this, again, Resource Center Matamoros, Gabby Zavala.
Said she’s trying to flood the United States with as many illegal aliens as possible before President Trump is reelected. It’s an operation that helps illegal aliens enter the United States. And I go on and by the way, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is a former board member. Former board member.
of this group called the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, which works hand in hand, I guess they’re same outfit pretty much of this RCM. And also has gotten tons of grants from obviously George Soros Open Society Foundation. So yes, yes, the illegals that are coming over are told to vote often, vote illegally and.
Again, I mean, it’s just, you know, 2024, there should be zero with the type of technology that we have today, zero election fraud. Everything should match. Everything. It’s not a difficult thing to do. You could outsource this. You could outsource this to Amazon. You can outsource it to a myriad of different tech companies and you would have a no fraud at all. But that’s not what’s coming. Watchdog on wallstreet .com.