Why Is the State Department so Woke?
Oh yes, and a story that reads like a satire, like something off the Babylon Bee. I give you your woke state department. National Review got ahold of an internal state department memo coming from none other than our secretary of state, Antony Blinken. And you know, this memo came out just days, just days after we launched.
strikes against those Iranian militants. Well, we didn’t really launch them against the militants. We launched them against their warehouses. We told all the militants to leave. But he had the time, he had the time to offer guidance, offer direct, like good leaders do, guidance and direction to all of the state departments. And again, when you think about all the size of the state departments.
all of the embassies, I like to call them frat houses, sorority houses, because that’s basically what they are. All the frat houses and sorority houses that the State Department runs all over the world. And you know what the problem was? Misgendering. It’s a big problem. Big problem. And I quote, making assumptions about another person’s gender identity based on their appearance or name.
can be problematic and send a harmful exclusionary message.
He directed state department employees to avoid using common terms like mother -father, son -daughter, husband -wife.
Yeah. Again, the subject of the cable, modeling DEIA, gender identity best practices. The aim is to increase understanding of gender identity and provide guidance on gender identity language and best practices that support an inclusive work environment. According to Antony Blinken, gender is a social construct.
Since when? In the past year or two? Pretty much thousands and thousands of years of time. It’s not a social construct. It is what it is. Again, I don’t know that the young gentleman’s name. I don’t know his name. It’s a brilliant quote. I should probably try to find out his name. The young boy, the young kindergartner and kindergarten cop that let Arnold Schwarzenegger know.
that men have a penis and girls have a vagina. This is brilliant wisdom from kindergarten cop. Anyway, anyway, moving on here. Commonly used pronouns could include she, her, he, him, they, them, and zee, zur. Zee, zur? Anybody ever ask me from my pronoun? I laugh in their face. What do you think? Anyway.
They’re saying that there’s other pronouns as well and this is a personal decision that should be respected. Nope.
again. I start telling people to call me your majesty. Anyway, um, the cable also instructs staffers to use gender neutral language whenever possible. Problematic terms.
Manpower, you guys, ladies and gentlemen, mother, father, son, daughter, husband, wife, they should all be avoided. Better to use terms like labor force, everyone, folks, you all, parent, child, and spouse instead. When speaking, avoid using phrases like brave men and women on the front lines.
What else is there? I mean, I can go on and on and on, but you read stuff like this and, you know, obviously, you know, our adversaries, the ones that they’re kind of the boogeymen that are out there, they see this too. Again, based upon where we’re at right now, people always, I can, I look at this stuff and I’m saying, if China was going to invade Taiwan, why wouldn’t they just do it now? Why wouldn’t they just do it now based upon just how pathetic we are? Watchdog on wallstreet .com.