Why Does Britain Want Access to Your iPhone Data?
The British are coming, the British are coming. Yeah, they’re coming for US tech companies. Now they’re coming for Apple. Yeah, the UKs are calling it, want to call it the snooper charter. Basically, well, it wants Apple, ordered Apple to build a back door.
to build a backdoor that would allow the British government to download and read the private encrypted data of any iPhone user anywhere in the world.
Now, again, that would most certainly wreck a major selling point for Apple devices. Billions of people have chosen Apple devices. It’s one of the world’s most valuable companies because it doesn’t have a backdoor. I want to remind everybody, what was it in? was Bakersfield? Was that the terrorist attack in California that took place?
And actually, there were some people arguing here. They wanted Apple to unlock jailbreak the terrorists phone and they refused. But no, no, we’re not letting that out. And I wouldn’t give that to the US government. Kid me. and they were they were throwing a hissy fit about it. And actually, if people mean, well, they should let them do it. Are you kidding me? You want to give the United? No.
Absolutely not. The same government that we’ve already caught them spying on us and everyone else and reading our emails and looking at our search history and all that other crap. No! I don’t trust anybody in Washington DC and I most certainly don’t trust any people in the UK. Damn redcoats. Screw them!
Anyway, again, thank God. Thank God Donald Trump is in office because I’m sure Kamala Harris would be like, you better comply. Again, Apple could choose not to. we’re already we’re already seeing right now Apple is likely to withdraw its services from the UK rather than comply. Great. Fantastic. You know, I’m thinking of I’m thinking of that scene in the the Breakfast Club.
Bender gives the upside down middle finger, like, do you hear this? Shall I turn it up? Yeah. Okay. Screw them.
Shut it down shut it off. You know as a matter of fact Okay, again. This is not this is not the first the UK with their their security services over there Again, they must have gotten rid of all the double O’s and they’re gonna choose to spy on everyone Electronically no more James Bond’s anymore. It’s getting right out of the damn thing there right we’re specters trying to control all of the
everybody’s phone and know what’s going on. But anyway, yeah, the Investigatory Powers Act. You’ve already had global companies saying, hey, we’re going to do this. U.S. Encryption Company Signal said that if the content moderation requirements of the Online Safety Act with which signal necessarily cannot comply because it’s end to end encrypted, they’re going to absolutely walk away.
Because again, you know, the UK going after people on social media because they don’t like what they say. It’s an absolute joke. I wouldn’t step foot. I’ve said that before. Okay. I won’t step foot in that country. won’t go. I try, I I’m not going over there. Keir Steimer. You know, see that fool on TV yesterday bragging that he just got himself an AIDS test.
Where are you hanging out, man? Are you using intravenous drugs? Are you getting a little freaky at a black bath house, buddy? Okay. Again, mind blowing stuff. Mark Andreessen, one of the foremost venture capitalists here in the United States and a very vocal opponent of online censorship. Yeah, they closed their VC office in London.
This is one of Anderson and recent and Horowitz is massive. They they shut down their UK offices two weeks ago saying this country is on investible.
Hey, to all you Brits out there, how does it feel to have an uninvestable country? What do you got now? I’m making fun. Your crappy cuisine? Watchdog on wallstreet.com.