What the Hell Is a Neogender??
Okay, there’s some stories here that we go over on the program. I’ll be honest with you, I get into them. I have to check them several times. I don’t believe that they’re real. Um, it’s like stuff that you get off some sort of satire site. And in this case, again, after I finding out that this is real, I almost wanted to get on a plane and get the hell out of dodge. Uh, I’m not kidding. What the hell is a neo gender? Well, I’m going to tell you the California department of public health is in partnership with a California based, wait for it, gender spectrum organization. What the hell is that? I don’t know. I don’t know. We’ll find out. Basically, they have this radical liberation from the gender binary, encouraging kids to invent their own genders.
which parents are supposed to affirm. What do you mean by making up your own genders? Yeah, you can be a fox. You could be a vampire. You could be a moon. And you’re saying to yourself, how does this happen? Well, okay, neo-genders or neo-identities are words.
other than man and woman, which individuals use to describe their gender. Neogenders may describe gender as a personal aesthetic, synthesthetic, or a headspace-oriented experience. A neogender may have a corresponding neo pronoun other than he and her. I always remind you, I just thought about this today. I remember my son and…
nursery school and nursery school, your preschool, chasing the girls around the playground. I am a fox, I am a fox. He was teasing the girls. He didn’t really think that he was a fox. But in this thing example, someone could identify as fox gender and use the fox self pronoun.
It doesn’t mean the person believes he or she is a fox, but rather the person identifies with aspects of a fox, whether that’s their appearance, their personality, or how they’re viewed in society. I’m not making this up. This is from this company here. If one were to use the fox self pronouns, one could say, fox said fox would rather than do it fox self.
instead of she said she would rather do it herself.
And I guess there’s unlimited number of genders that one can have. And of course, this gender spectrum company says, if the parents are not thrilled with this, don’t tell them. Keep it a secret, parents don’t need to know. The only thing you can’t do, the only gender you can’t take on according to this is one that encompasses a racial, ethnic, religious or disability group.
That’s it, you can’t become that. Can’t do that. Again, people, I’m not making any of this up. This insanity is alive and well here in this country. And yeah, it makes me want to throw up in my mouth. Watchdog on wallstreet.com.