Ukraine Is Turning Into a Giant Money Laundering Scheme
Like clockwork, like most of our military adventures post World War Two, Ukraine is turning into a massive money laundering scheme. I’ve taken taking some flack over the past almost two years now when it comes to Ukraine and my position on my Ukraine, Ukraine and being one of skepticism. I don’t trust I don’t trust our government as far as we can throw it, especially when it comes to matters of.
conflicts, wars, interventions, you name it. Why would I? Why would anybody at this point in time? May go back to Dwight Eisenhower warning us about fearing the military industrial complex. And he was right. He was right. Again, one of the most popular presidents ever and no one listened to him. We’re at a point in time, point in time again, get both media outlets, get the left and right.
because that’s what we have here in this country, or the one or the other. Basically, yay, cheering on the entire thing. Cheering on the entire thing. And again, if you ask any questions about what’s going on, you ask any questions when it comes to the money that we’re spending in Ukraine, you get pooh-poohed. And somehow you’re against freedom and democracy, and you don’t like the Ukrainian people. Well, I mean, I want what’s best.
for the Ukrainian people and I think the Ukrainian people are being used. I think they’re being used and I think, you know, at some point in time, you know, they’re going to end up getting abandoned in some way, shape, matter, or form just like we abandoned the people in Afghanistan. But we shouldn’t have been in Afghanistan, should we? I’m sorry. You are what your record says you are.
We constantly tell ourselves how wonderful and how great we are when it comes to our military. And yeah, we might have the most capable military on the entire planet, but we obviously don’t have the most capable people running the military or being directed by the most competent people in Washington, D.C. It’s, you know, we’re racking up. We’re racking up the losses, my friends. I mean, that’s the reality of the situation. Vietnam.
Okay, Korea, a tie. Oh yes, we got, you know, Operation Desert Storm, which accomplished what? Yay, we got Saddam out of Qatar. Fantastic. Then you get the whole war on terror. What was that, about $8 trillion? I don’t know, give or take. $8 trillion, going to what? Going to what? Taliban’s back in charge. We’re out, Taliban’s back in charge. We got rid of Al-Qaeda in no time.
Why the hell do we have to stay in Afghanistan? But anyway, I’ll tell you why. Money.
Money. Hey, that $8 billion that you and I and our fellow taxpayers spent, man, went into somebody’s pocket. Did it not? Oh, tons of contracts being handed out here, there, and everywhere. And that’s what war has become. It’s become one big money laundering operation. It is what it is. I hate, you know.
Be like, so there’s like a such a Debbie Downer, but people can you argue with me on this point? I mean, let’s take a look at, you know, the Ukraine. Again, I know a lot of people have got their Ukrainian flags up. You got members of Congress wearing a flag on their lapel. They’re down for the struggle. People up on their social media pages. And hey, listen, I understand. I understand. I mean, they’re in a bad situation. And we went over this again, about a year and a half ago.
when this whole thing started and some of the things that led up to this conflict that could have been prevented, could have been dealt with. But again, we brushed that aside. Some of the latest interesting stories out of the Ukraine, we talk about the money laundering operation. New York Times. New York Times actually piece out about face that.
that big mass casualty events, whether it’s strike on the market, it wasn’t Russia who did it, it was Ukraine that did it. They had to do a complete about face and change on it. And what is with this American transgender spokes, American transgender spokesperson for the Ukrainian military that is threatening to go out and basically kill anybody who disagrees with their narrative?
over there because it’s Russia disinformation. You can’t make this stuff up. JD Vance was asking questions. Again, it’s funny he was being interviewed. Again, you watch these videos, it’s like a Saturday night live parody. It’s almost unbelievable. It is unbelievable, but it’s real. You couldn’t make this stuff up. There’s an American transgender spokesperson for the Ukrainian.
Anyway, last night, last night, you know, Poland, they basically said no more weapons, no mass. They said enough’s enough. They’ve been, you know, fighting, arguing with Ukraine in regards to agricultural, we call dumping, if you will. Ukraine is basically offloading a lot of their grain shipments, agricultural shipments, and other in places in Eastern Europe. Now remember, Ukraine is not a member of the European Union.
price is undercutting all of the existing businesses, farmers that are the farmers are upset about this. Polish government warned them you have to stop doing this. The Hungarian government says no more. Poland basically said, hey, this and this is it. There’s no more guns. There’s no more weapons. We’re getting out of this here right now. We support the Ukrainian people. We’ve taken in the refugees. But we’ve got to we’ve got to rearm ourselves here. And we I think we talked about this on the podcast.
Poland’s gonna actually have the largest military in Europe within the next couple of years. The largest military and it’s not gonna even be close. So they’re arming up and this is a big about face and I think you’re gonna start seeing more of this from Hungary and some other places there. I do think you’re gonna find some pushback here in Washington DC until, you know, I don’t know. Like I said, I don’t know if you’re gonna convince them you get the rah rah.
get the rah-rahs and there’s a lot of, so some Republicans that are pushing back on all of this money, what we’ve already spent about a hundred billion dollars over there. But you know, now they’re gonna see some real money being made in a Ukraine. I don’t know if they’ve wrecked enough of it yet. I mean, maybe they should just wreck, they gotta maybe wreck some more of the Ukraine because you know, you gotta rebuild it, right? Gotta rebuild it. Oh boy, again, big money.
Right there. Actually reminded me of the movie Margin Call, which was kind of about the financial crisis. And it was Jeremy Irons playing the leader of a big investment bank that pulled out in the beginning and said, hey, listen, it’s gonna be a big mess, but there’s a lot of money to be made cleaning up that mess. And there’s a lot of money to be made cleaning up Ukraine. Contracts, you name it. And guess what?
Guess what? Yeah, oh boy, Joe Biden just talked about authorizing $25 billion to go to the World Bank. And guess where the World Bank wants to send the money? The World Bank’s not gonna just send the money, they’re gonna send it, guess what’s back? Back from the dead. Oh yeah, they’re in New York right now, the Clinton Global Initiative. No, you couldn’t make this stuff up if you wanted to. They’re back.
The Clintons are back. The whole Clinton Global Initiative, that money laundering operation, got shut down after Hillary lost to Donald Trump. They didn’t have the influence anymore, but they’re back. It’s like some sort of slasher film. Eee, eee, eee. Jason Voorhees, the Clinton Global, they’re back. And they’re gonna, they’re raising money and their World Bank is gonna give them money. And guess what? The Clintons and their cronies are going to get.
paid. And I do have to give credit to Jesse Waters over at Fox News, who’s also covering this story too. Nobody else. Nobody else even looking in to this. I don’t mind everybody. You see the country of Haiti and you see what’s going on there and how messed up that country is. And if you remember, they had a massive earthquake in 2010 that killed over 200,000
people. And again, here we come to save the day. Clinton Global Initiative comes in there. And there, the state, Barack Obama’s president, Hillary Clinton, the State Department, tells, you know, Haiti, hey, listen, you’re going to have to wanted to made Haiti lower their minimum wage. So again, you had US clothing manufacturers, they’re able to make more money. That was actually used.
in the Daniel Craig James Bond movie, Quantum of Solace. They actually talked about that. And they’re suppressing the minimum wage to benefit these clothing companies. Anyway, it was all, all the donors, okay? You donate to the Clinton Global Initiative, you give them money, you get the government contracts to clean up. The money flows through you. Oh, there’s a myriad of different things that took place. Bill Clinton.
intervening in the jail sentence of Laura Sillsby, convicted child trafficker who attempted to smuggle 33 children out of Haiti. Magically, one of the people that was set to expose the Clintons and all the graft that was taking place. Magic, again, you can’t get a life insurance policy if you work with the Clintons. Ended up shooting himself in the head a week before he was able to testify. Right.
Again, you go on and on. Hades former Senate president said Hillary Clinton tried to bribe me. Now I got the Ukraine. And the Clintons are starting up their Ukraine action network and boy, oh boy, you know, they’re meeting in New York right now at the same time. You had, you know, the treasury secretary, Janet Yellen was there. Oh yeah, yeah. Oh, you had the Pope, Pope kicked it off with a speech.
You had all Matt Damon, all these others, basically getting people to line up to line the Clinton’s pockets. But it’s okay. It’s okay. Like I said, you know, you donate money. It’s just this is the big club and this is how it works. It’s disgusting. It’s disgusting. You know, again, people are going to become billionaires on the backs of we the people, the U.S. taxpayer, supposedly trying to fix the Ukraine.
Okay, you think you’re gonna see anything, you know, Ukraine’s got the lowest per capita, I mentioned lowest per capita GDP in Europe. Lowest, they got all these natural resources, got lowest, you know, this was prior to Russia invading. How’s that? How’s that possible? How is it possible that they have a lower per capita GDP than Kosovo? Corruption. I mean, for crying out loud, I mean, have you seen all of the people that Zelensky?
just fired? This is all in a show to make, oh, we’re cleaning up the mess over here, we’re cleaning up the corruption over here. What a load of crap. And did you actually listen to his stupid speech? I’m sorry, the guy’s a clown. I don’t trust him as far as I can throw him. Okay, his stupid speech in front of the UN, he’s talking about climate change and countries being, the countries that are disappearing underwater and all this crap.
Oh, trying to pull on the heartstrings, trying to convince people there that he’s down for the climate struggle. He’s basically gonna be the next Davos man. So send him more money.
Sorry. This is Europe’s problem now. Again, if I was, I don’t care, I’d come out. You got to get some of these candidates out there on the Republican side. And again, this is where I completely disagree with Nikki Haley. You know what? Enough. This is Europe’s problem. We’ve sent enough money. We’ve got problems here in the United States. Poland’s our neighbor and they’re pulling out.
Let Germany front the bill. Let France front the bill. But again, the scary thing is, and this is what you need to pay attention to, people. And again, every single time, you get all the media outlets out there not asking questions, falling in line behind the next war, the next conflict, the next thing we have got to spend money on as taxpayers. That’s when you need to be scared.
You know what scares me? Consensus. When I see consensus, when I hear consensus, I think that people aren’t thinking. Again, I’m once a bit twice shy for crying out loud. And again, I wish America would wake up. I know how the media works, they can pull on your heart, and I’m not saying that the situation in there terrible for the Ukrainian people, but you still think?
You still think that they’re gonna… I’m sorry, I said it from the get go. You think that they’re gonna win?
against Russia? No, no, I don’t think that they’re going to win against. I’m sorry. I don’t. And then we’re told right now, this is the most interesting thing. We’re told right now that there’s no negotiating, no negotiating at all out of this situation. You can’t negotiate with the Russians. You can’t. So guess what? We’re basically saying, you know what, the Ukrainians, you know, you guys have got to fight to the death. We’re not going to negotiate this at all. Is that smart? Anyway, watchdog on