Tired of all the Lies
Yep, I’m admitted. I’m exhausted. I am. I am exhausted. I’m tired. Not to the Fourth of July barbecues or anything like that. I’m just I need a vacation. I’m tired of being lied to. Tired of turning on the news every single day. I don’t know if you feel the same way I do, but it’s it wears you out. It really does to have your in
intelligence insulted on a regular basis and the people that do it, it would smile on their face and they keep lying and they keep being employed and nothing is done.
news outlets, spokespeople, again, it’s tiring. Joe Biden yesterday, again.
made a fool of himself. I can’t even say he made a fool of himself. The powers that be, the people that surround him, the people that are addicted to power made a fool out of him, putting him in positions, quite frankly, that he shouldn’t be in. Again, off the teleprompter, it was a brutal scene. Yesterday, he screwed up on a radio interview in Philadelphia.
He’s got a Fourth of July event at the White House and quite frankly, it was just incoherent. And again, you watch how the media is playing this at this point in time and the lies. I think one of the funniest ones was the Associated Press. The Associated Press said that Joe Biden at 81 is sharp and focused but sometimes confused and forgetful. They actually printed that. Again, I pick up, I have to, it’s my job to go through all of these publications. It’s funny, New York Times, I noticed, they did a piece on Joe Biden’s decline, evidence of his decline. And they were showing instances.
that they claim just not too long ago were cheap fakes.
They changed their tune!
These media outlets are, again, they’re not journalists, they’re not doing their job, they’re not holding truth to power. They’re a joke.
And I got to be honest with you again, it’s depressing to me. It really is in so many ways. So again, I slept in a little bit today, I admit. So I get up around 5 .36 AM and I forget having some coffee then flipped on, watched, you know, putting on some of the news and Fox and Friends popped on.
And the folks at Fox and Friends, they do this often now. They have these, well, they make them look like news stories, but they’re actually commercials. When I go out to Fox Square and I got some barbecue guy, whatever it may be, that’s all paid for. You do not know that that’s a commercial. They were actually hawking today clothing, like shirts, polos that were normally $150, now marked down to $30. This was…
on the Fox News Channel.
This morning. Now I used to I used to tease my wife used to do advertising at Fox decades ago. So kind of when they were first up and coming, she was doing the per inquiry ads. And some of the crap that you know, you would you’d see being sold there and per inquiry ads is the amount of people that actually the stuff that they sell that’s depending on how much you know, they’re going to be paid on those ads. But now now it’s gotten
It’s gotten ridiculous. These are news networks?
another story, again, stuff makes you sad. you got an actual opinion piece out there where they actually are, and the contradiction is funny. the piece is titled it’s time for the Biden campaign to embrace AI. After the president’s dismal debate performance, he noted that he might not walk as easily or talk as smoothly as I used to.
AI could help with this. Given the president’s concerning performance last week, it’s time for the Biden campaign to consider leveraging artificial intelligence to effectively reach the voting public.
The consequences of not taking this approach could be dire. If Biden is old and can barely speak saying that the AI augmentations in video renderings could serve to smooth out these bumps while allowing the Biden campaign to effectively disseminate true information. So basically they’re saying they have to use AI to lie to everybody about the president’s condition so they can get out truthful information. This is an actual opinion piece.
This is where we’re at today. Now, Barton Swain had a piece in the Wall Street Journal. And again, he knew he was at various different events. He was going back and things that he reported on going back to, you know, when Biden won in South Carolina and didn’t even realize that he was in South Carolina, thought he was in North Carolina, couldn’t make heads or tails out of his speech. We’ve reported.
on all of this. And again, you’re watching the narrative shift right now. This was interesting. This was interesting. This is in a very live, the New York magazine. The reporter, Olivia Newtsey, were basically said, the elites are stumped as to how and why the fast declining 81 year old is being allowed to continue his reelection bid. But they were saying basically, they’re not sure who’s running the country right now. Please.
Please. They’re basically right now, they are throwing, I don’t know really way I can put this, is they’re throwing shit at a wall, seeing what’s gonna stick and what might work. If, if.
If they can sell, if they can sell the fact, and there was actually, I forget the Goldman is his name, is a representative in the state of New York. I’m not sure what district he’s in, actually came out and said, it’s no big deal. No big deal. Biden’s got great people surrounding him. Great people. He’s got top men working around. I don’t have to worry about it. That, you know, and again, they’re basically saying they’re trying to see whether or not they can get Biden reelected.
get by and reelected and you know, people will be happy with that with, you know, him being just the figurehead. Him being just the figurehead for the country. He can just, you know, stay and, you know, and roll with beach Delaware and have somebody else run what’s going on. That is what they’re trying out right now. This is how sick and demented these people are.
You got to ask yourself a question. You got to ask any representative, any governor out there that at this point in time is coming out and saying that, you know, Biden’s okay and we got to stick with this. What does that say about that individual? What does it say about the quality of that individual? What does it say about us?
But what does it say about us as a society where we are, the type of people that we decide to represent? So again, people we’re gonna, everything that comes down the pike, we’re gonna deserve, and that’s one thing we need to understand. That’s one thing that we need to get our arms around. Now I’m being asked, you know, I get emails coming in, you know, what do you think about Stephanopoulos and Biden interview tonight? I gotta be honest, I’m not watching that crap.
I’m not watching that. You’re gonna, again, you’re gonna trust George Stephanopoulos. He’s a political Clinton hack. The fact that he’s allowed to be a network news anchor based upon what he did in the past is insane.
It’s insane. It’s like I made this when I was before. It’s like allowing Derek Jeter to umpire Yankee games.
You would never allow that to happen. They wouldn’t allow that to happen.
and he’s gonna be doing this interview? And again, we already know how they’ve edited things in the past. I don’t know how they’re gonna, I really don’t, to be honest. I don’t know what direction they’re gonna take at this point in time. But what I’m telling you is, what I do know is that whatever they decide to do, it’s gonna be kicked off tonight.
gonna be kicked off tonight. Again, the Democrats done this past, remember, remember Donna Brazile, giving the questions up. They’re gonna either take Joe out, because that’s what they want to do. They’re gonna either take Joe Biden out, or they’re gonna find some way to change their, try to change an era at this point in time.
I mean, I’ve this is when Limbaugh was on the air, he used to say this all the time. And again, I think honestly, I think it was being disingenuous when he said it. He always says, yeah, I have faith since I have faith in the American voter. I don’t.
I don’t have faith in the American voter. Again, I take a look at some of the polls that they’re out there. Trump is widening his lead against Biden.
Listen, it shouldn’t even right now. I mean, the Democrats, I would see them jumping over to RFK Jr. In some way, shape, matter, form, but watching what you’ve been watching and you’re still going to vote for this guy. I’m supposed to have I’m supposed to have faith in the American voter. It shouldn’t be close.
This is the presidency of the United States. I’m supposed to have faith in these people, these one issue voters. All they care about is aborting babies or getting their handouts. No, I don’t have faith. I don’t have faith in the American voters. I mean, honestly, you’ve got to take a good hard look in the mirror, okay? And trust me, okay? You’ll do this thing, okay? Fine, so I hammer Donald Trump here on this show. I am an equal…
opportunity basher. And I’ve been honest here. I wish Donald Trump would say, you know what? I’m going to step aside. You know what? Instead, I want to help the next president out. Maybe I’ll operate as, he’d be funny, Secretary of State. I think he’d be great. I think he’d be a fantastic Secretary of State. I wish. That’s not going to happen.
Not going to happen. And again, you know, Donald Trump again, I said, I’m exhausted watching this stuff. A video of him comes out. Somebody sneaks a hidden camera on the golf course. He’s on the golf course with his son and he’s bragging about his debate performance. And he says some, you know, things about Kamala Harris. And I’m like. Can’t you just shut the blank?
All you need all you don’t have to say a damn thing Donald you don’t have to spike the football You don’t have to do anything Just shut up You you’re gonna start saying things about you’re gonna tick off Certain voters, but I mean you don’t have to do that again, like I said, he’s Donald being Donald and we know this but
Again, tired of the lies. It’s exhausting. It really is. Anyway, Watchdog on wallstreet .com.