The Truth About All the Gold Senator Menendez Is Hiding
You know, I had to do a follow up on this from yesterday. We did the whole Santos, Menendez, corruption, idiot Republicans, all sorts of stuff. I see this today. I’m like, you’ve gotta be kidding me. And it made me think of the Austin Powers flick there, Goldmember. I love gold. Yeah, it turns out.
Senator Bob Menendez, you can’t make this stuff up, okay? The gold bars, the gold bars that were stashed in Bob Menendez’s home were actually taken from a 2013 gunpoint robbery.
I should not. Okay, yeah. The gold bars that were found, they were traced to a robbery a decade ago. They have specific serial numbers, uniquely engraved. I don’t understand how the whole gold member stuff goes. And they found them. They found them and they traced them to a robbery where four assailants beat and robbed.
an individual in Edgewater, New Jersey, stealing 22 gold bars, jewelry, and cash. And they’re in a United States Senator’s home, 10 years. The guy is on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. He’s still in the United States Senate. He could still, you couldn’t make it up if you wanted to.
The fact that these people in DC like puff their chests out like they’re somehow better or important. You know, again, this is what the founders and you got to respect the, you know, the Madison, the genius and the constitution. We should have had an eject button. They should have put something in there where, you know what? No confidence vote.
It could be on every ballot where you ever heard something where you have a no confidence vote and every single one of them has to be thrown out and we start over. That’s what this country needs right now is a reset, just to start over. And actually they cracked that joke in the movie Mars Attacks where the lady was laughing where the aliens blew up Congress. She’s like, they blew up Congress and she’s laughing. Now I’m not saying blow up Congress, I’m just saying, they all need to go. All need to go restart. Watchdog on