The Pentagon Fails the American Taxpayer Again
You know, quite frankly, it’s shameful. It really is. It’s shameful that I’m one of the very few outlets that are actually reporting on, again, malfeasance by our government and how they’re ripping off the American taxpayer. Again, it’s getting old. It really is. I think Reason Magazine as well, which is a libertarian publication, is covering this also. But the Department of Defense, again, has revealed that the results of its most recent financial audit,
for the sixth year in a row, failed, failed. Yeah, the Pentagon’s Comptroller, they hold $3.8 trillion in assets, $4 trillion in liabilities. They scrutinize all the department’s finances, they subdivide the department of defense into 29 components. All components are examined individually to verify that records are complete and accurate.
700 visits, 1600 auditors of the 29 components, only seven passed inspection with a clean audit. Seven out of 29. All due respect, okay, we deserve more. We deserve more because again, not a day goes by that you don’t see another op-ed in one of the major publication or another ex-military guy on Fox News and now currently works for some defense contractor banging his…
banging his fist on the desk like Nikita Khrushchev at the UN back in the 60s, we must bury you. No, we need more money. Pentagon needs more money. But again, you guys can’t account for the money that we send you already, and you’re asking us for more. This to me, again, I don’t know how heads cannot roll with stuff like this. We get audited.
I have audits. I’m an SEC registered investment advisory. The SEC comes knocking and does an audit. If I don’t have every I dotted and T crossed, it’s a problem. Many people have been audited by the IRS. You’re gonna go back to the IRS. Ah, you know, yeah, I screwed up on, jeez. I screwed up on over 60% of my tax returns.
and I’ve been doing it for years. I think you throw me a mulligan. Why are we, the taxpayers held to a different standard than the people that we send money to that are fearless overlords in Washington DC and in this case, the Pentagon. And again, you’re thinking about an agency with trillions of dollars.
and assets, a budget that surpasses over $800 billion. It’s going to be heading close to a trillion dollars sooner rather than later. And they can only muster a passing grade on you know, less than 25% of their finances. And again, spare me spare me every single time you’re going to send another one of these can’t care. It’s a presidential candidate. I don’t care if it’s other one of these ex generals that again now working
for some defense contract there demanding that we spend more. You know, I’m running for president before you spend another dime, before you get another dime, you gotta pass a simple audit. And this goes back. This goes back to, they wanted to start doing this back in 1990, the Pentagon stonewalled for two decades before they even started getting into it. And again, you can’t catch up.
You know what the one of the Pentagon’s response to this is? We’re getting better. We’re improving. Well that’s great. We’ll send you guys over a participation trophy. Fantastic. Watchdog on