The NYT Feels Bad for the Drug Cartels??
The New York Times feels bad for Mexican drug cartels. I know, I I I still read the New York Times as difficult as it may be, but here’s the headline. How labeling cartels terrorists could hurt the US economy. Okay, first and foremost, the Mexican drug cartels, and if you don’t know anything about them,
It’s a whole nother level of evil. I mean, these are people that belong as characters in the whole Hellraiser movies thing. I mean, the type of evil that it’s, you can’t even make movies about these people. You can’t. They have no endearing traits whatsoever. What they do to women, children, families, it is just pure evil.
That’s okay for the New York Times, I guess. Let’s go through. Let’s go through this piece today. President Trump’s executive order designated Mexican cartels and other criminal organizations as foreign terrorists could force some American companies to forego doing business in Mexico rather than risk U.S. This is according to former government officials and analysts. And this could have a major effect on both countries given their deep.
economic interdependence. I don’t care. I don’t care. You understand every year I have to take continuing education classes and the bulk of them has to do with money laundering? And how to identify drug cartels and why not to be doing business with drug cartels? Again, I don’t get it. I really don’t. But we’ll go on here. These criminal networks have extended their operations far beyond drug trafficking.
and human smuggling. They are now embedded in a wide swath of the legal economy from avocado farming to the country’s billion dollar tourism agency, making it absolutely sure that American companies are isolated from cartel activities. You know what?
This disrupts Mexican tourists. I’m sorry. Go on spring break somewhere else. Don’t go to Cancun or Tulum. Dave Matthews will have to move his concert series somewhere else. Move it to St. John for crying out loud. No, I don’t care.
Anyway, avocados, I’m sorry, I’m gonna just throw this at you. I love avocados, okay? Healthy fats, great stuff. I love guacamole, but I would gladly stop eating avocado. If I couldn’t eat another avocado and guacamole to stop Mexican drug cartels to put a stick into them and what they do in human traffic and all that stuff, you wouldn’t do that?
You’re not willing to give up your avocados or your guac. Well, you, my friend, are an asshole. Sorry, I don’t know how to put it in the way. I know it’s a bit harsh, but there’s something really wrong with you. And in fact, what I do is, if I was smart, I would get together with Chipotle and these other companies and say, hey, listen, you know what? We’ve got 100,000 people dying every year, drug overdose here in the United States, fentanyl.
human trafficking, 300,000 missing children coming over the border, all brought by these cartels. You can give up your damn avocado. Blank your avocado.
Anyway, again, you know, they’re talking about, you know, well, the financial sector. Now the American banks are gonna have, gonna be scared to do business with certain Mexican companies because they might be connected to a Mexican drug cartel. Let me put it to you this way. Try getting a bank account in some European countries right now as an American.
It’s hard. It’s not an easy thing to do because guess what? The IRS is tough. Really tough on these European banks and making sure that there’s no issues with money laundering or any of that stuff. So we’re not willing to do the same thing to Mexico? Have we lost our minds?
You know, this is, quite frankly, it’s kind of gross, if you ask me. We all know. We all know, and we all know that there’s moneyed interests tied into human trafficking and the drug trade here, okay? It’s like that television show, The Wire, okay? One of the best television shows of all time, The Wire. Why did the powers that be, why did they not want to have a wire? Why didn’t they want, because they knew.
the powers that knew they would be following the money and they don’t know where it’s gonna go or who’s gonna be attached to all of this drug. Would you understand the type of money these drug cartels pull in? Do you have any idea? You don’t think that they have their fingers in a myriad of different things here? And make no bones about it, people, no. They just don’t care. They don’t care. And I’m reminded as well, one of the best…
Anti-drug ads, in my opinion, the best one I’ve ever seen. This was after 9-11. I can’t probably say you’re going to go back to around 2006, 2007, in around that period of time. There was a drug ad running on commercials here in the United States, basically saying, hey, listen, you do drugs, you do drugs, you’re helping a terrorist.
You are funding the terrorist organizations, which is true. You are funding those organizations. Ad got pulled, got pulled very quickly, which I found curious. How come they’re not running ads on anti-drug ads on TV right now saying, you know what? You buy drugs, you’re doing drugs. You who you’re supporting? You’re supporting the abuse of children. Abuse of children, human trafficking of children. No, no, no, no, we can’t do that right, again, follow the money. Watchdog on