The Free Market Can Fix Our Nation’s Schools!
Know what will fix American schools? The free market will fix American schools. Not more money. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. We’re not throwing any more money. Again, we’ve demonstrated here on the program how much money we’ve spent going back to the 1970s. And how’s that worked out for us? Well, you got Kamala, you got Trump. They’ve got their plans for schools. Trump now, he wants to take wokeness out of American schools. And he said he would deploy federal powers to pressure schools and universities that he considers to be too liberal. He said he would launch civil rights investigations of schools that have supported transgender rights and racial diversity programs. Again, various different tactics here. I disagree. Sorry, Trumpsers, not a good idea.
Not a good idea. Yeah, we’re gonna have little government people running around telling schools what to do. Kamala Harris, we’re gonna expand access to preschool and we’re gonna make college more affordable. That’s one of the funniest things I’ve ever heard. How many presidents over the years have said, we’re gonna make college more affordable? How’s that worked out so far? All you do is make it more expensive because all you do is subsidize it. This is the thing. I was never, ever, ever invited back
on Don Lemon’s program on CNN. yeah, I was a guest. And your topic was the high cost of college education. And I said, the reason why college education is so expensive is because of student aid, because of student loans. If you eliminate all the aid, all the subsidies, all the student loans, colleges and universities would actually have to price their product based upon what people can afford to pay. Novel concept. That’s how the free market works.
But let’s take that and put that aside. Because that’s not what it’s about. I want to talk about how we can fix schools. You want improvement in schools? Force them to compete. Force them to compete against one another for everything. For everything. We do it already on the athletic field, right? We do it in debate clubs, band competitions. How am for money?
Yeah, how about schools compete for money? Well, guess what? You allow schools to set up however the hell they want to set up. They can if one school wants to be an LGBTQ, I don’t know, center and they want to paint the bloody walls, every rainbow color out there, they want to be DEI, they want to teach gender studies. Let them.
Let them. And let the kids who decide, the parents want to send their kids to that school. They want to do that? That’s fine. That’s your choice, right? Free market. Whatever dollars are spent on that child will flow to that school. Let me ask you question. How well do you think that school will do? Think it’ll be in business for long? Why don’t we set up an old school type of school? Gee whiz, reading, writing, arithmetic.
maybe vocational studies. And we’ll let those schools compete against one another. And then you can have schools out there, hey, they want to have a religious education, whether it be a Jewish school, whether it be a Catholic school. Allow the money to follow the child. And guess what will happen? Schools that are not getting it right, that can’t compete will be eliminated, because they’ll no longer be able to stay in business. The free market works every single time it’s tried. It’s just that simple. Watchdogonwallstreet .com.