The Fallacy of Fat and Free
I haven’t figured it out yet. Not a big fan of upsetting people or their feelings here on this podcast. And this is not going to be any exception. I saw the story where Southwest Airlines has now decided, decided that they’re going to give a full row of seats to passengers who are overweight for free.
For free. Well, let me tell you something about free. There’s no such thing. Talked about that before. The fallacy of free. Okay. Again, I will sub-reference Wall Street. Remember the sales manager coming out to Bud Fox? Somebody’s gotta pay. Ain’t gonna be me when the guy didn’t pay for his trade. Yeah. Somebody’s gotta pay.
for the overweight person getting the entire row of seats, they can do, you can decide. You can decide whether or not you get an extra seat or two extra seats, and they’re not free. Every other person on that airplane is paying for those seats. Those seats cost Southwest Airlines something, and they’re just passing that cost on down to everyone else.
I’m not making this up. So Southwest Airlines is being celebrated by passengers of size. That’s the term now. That’s the term we’re using. It’s passengers of size. Okay, note to self, passengers of size. They can request complimentary seats, one or two, depending on needs to accommodate their girth.
Customers whose bodies encroach past the armrest are entitled to an extra seat, according to Southwest’s inclusion policy.
They are currently one of the few, if not the only airlines to offer free seats to larger passengers. This is just how I roll. Southwest Airlines gave me 10 free seats right now. I wouldn’t fly on that airline. You couldn’t pay me to go on that airline. Anyway, neither here nor there. You know what? I decided to look it up. Okay, I decided to look it up. And again, it’s only fair, right? It’s only fair.
Um, everybody, just according to the government, according to the government, I am obese. That’s right. I am. I look at I went online and go to the government BMI thing and I punch in my height and I punched in my weight. I am officially obese for the government. So I guess if I want to go on South, West Airlines, I could say, excuse me, excuse me. So hold on Eric. Excuse me. I’m fat.
And I want, no I’m a passenger with size, can’t say that. I’m a passenger with size, I want the whole frigging row. Are they gonna give it to me? Yeah. Watchdog on