The Anniversary of the Soda Tax: What Have We Learned?
thieves, cheats, liars, and politicians. That was reminded of a story we did over five years ago. Over five years ago, there was this, city of Philadelphia, they imposed a soda tax. They imposed a soda tax, and we explained here on the program who that.
tax is actually going to hit, progressive, hitting poor people that it’s supposedly supposed to be helping and how people are gonna go and buy soda somewhere else. All of these different things, just how dumb the entire thing was. And we also mentioned at the time that the money was supposed to be allocated for pre-K and schooling. Well,
John Stossel, John Stossel actually did an update to the Philadelphia soda tax scam. And yeah, what happened? Yeah, people moved and bought soda elsewhere. Businesses got hit, politicians collected the tax. Did it go to these pre-K programs in schools? Did anybody notice any difference?
supposedly some of it did, but most of it went into Philadelphia’s general fund. That’s, that’s what happens this past weekend. if you’re paying at all attention, both Gavin Newsom, I don’t know who else I stopped at Gavin Newsom and Elizabeth Warren put out tweets. They put out some tweets asking people to donate, donate money to the people affected by the California fires.
interestingly enough, the pages that they put out, were through a group called act blue. So, what they did was, is they were again, telling people to donate money, but they set it up to run through a democratic website. Again, this is the act blue is owned by the democratic party where the democratic party, I’m not making this up. Okay.
I don’t know, you go look for yourself. can go to ActBlue and you can show how you could set up your own charity, but guess what? The Democratic Party is gonna collect 3.95 % of every transaction. Think I’m lying?
Again, do your own homework. That’s who these people are. Thieves, cheats, and liars. There was that line from Hunt for Red October, where was like the chief of staff comes out and tells Jack Ryan, I’m a politician, which means I’m a cheat and a liar. I’m not kissing babies, I’m stealing their lollipops. True line, without a doubt. You gotta think about the taxes, the taxes that are collected.
in some of these high tax states like California. I try to teach people, we haven’t talked about college education to explain this to my kids. When you’re spending money on something, what is your return on investment? What is your ROI? Interesting. They put out a list of the states with the best and worst return on investment for one’s tax dollars.
Number one in the country return on investment with the taxes that you spend is New Hampshire. New Hampshire, they’re ranked sixth overall as far as overall government services. Number two is Florida. They ranked two and they’re 23rd when it comes to government services. Again, you can take a look at the usual suspects at the bottom.
of the list New York is 47th. Okay, total taxes paid per capita rank the work number 42nd on that list. Overall government services 30. California of course last on the list. Total taxes paid per capita rank 50 highest taxes overall government services 37 now mind you New Hampshire and Florida there’s no state income taxes. The great Walter Williams, Professor Walter Williams.
said, I prefer a thief to a congressman. Thief will take your money beyond his way, but a congressman will stand there and bore you with the reasons why he took it. Watchdog on