Teachers Unions are the most dangerous institutions in America!
When I’m asked about society, the world around us, and people are like, what are the most dangerous institutions? What are the most corrupt institutions out there? What comes to mind first and foremost? Teachers unions. That’s right, teachers unions and teachers. Sorry, people, and I know I got teachers that listen to this right now, but our entire education system along with the teachers unions is a joke. It really is.
the idea that you go and get a degree in education. You know what Joe Biden has her doctorate in? Education. No, no. We’re doing it wrong. We are. We’re doing it wrong. Wouldn’t you rather have people with expertise in a certain field teaching your kids? My father, school teacher, but guess what he was? He didn’t take a single education class. He’s a microbiologist.
You know, it was the 1960s. He was a microbiologist who decided to become a school teacher. He knew his stuff. He knew his stuff. And it was interesting. I wrote about this years ago. It was the former CEO of, I think, it was Lockheed Martin or Raytheon, one of those companies. And guy who had a doctorate in chemistry. He retired. But he didn’t want to leave the workforce. He wanted to give back.
And he wanted to go and teach at a public school in Texas and couldn’t do it. Couldn’t do it. He wasn’t qualified. Wasn’t qualified. Yeah. Former CEO of a company, doctorate in chemistry, but he couldn’t get a job as a chemistry teacher because he had to go and take BS education classes. Well, anyway, anyway, it is, um, they got a lot of money in teachers unions. They, they do. And again, I’ve got a ton of clients.
that our school teachers and friends, and they get that money taken out of their paycheck, and a lot of money ends up where? It ends up with the donkeys. The donkeys own the teachers unions. How did the teachers unions do during COVID, huh? And then the nonsense that they pulled on this entire country doing everything and anything that they could to keep kids out of schools. Randi Weingarten, the head of the teachers union, national teachers union, she’s one of the most dangerous people in the country, bar none.
One of the most dangerous people in the country. Take a look at our test scores, kids. How we doing? How we doing? We talked about the civics grades, which are absolutely in the toilet social studies, math, science, reading, garbage, garbage. And granted, granted, okay, let this out there. I’m sorry, parents play a part.
in educating your kids. And I understand that if you have a kid in your classroom where the parents don’t care, good luck with that. You’re not gonna do well. But just to show you how far, I mean, off the deep end these teachers unions are, I saw this story today. I’m not making this up. The Colorado Education Association, okay?
had a, they passed a resolution stating that in the association’s opinion. Capitalism inherently exploits children, public schools, land, labor, and resources. The resolution takes a position that capitalism is posed to fully addressing systemic racism, climate change, patriarchy.
gender and LGBTQ disparities, education inequality, and income inequality.
Yep. Yep. Capitalism, capitalist system that has made our country wealthy, that has raised countless people, millions upon millions of people out of poverty, is somehow evil. These people are in classrooms and they believe this nonsense. They really do. Again, my kids go to public schools, but guess what?
I know what they’re learning, okay? I’m my kid’s teacher, my wife, my kid’s teacher. We’re on top of them all the time. We teach them a value system if something doesn’t tick in the classroom that they don’t seem to understand what is being pulled, they can talk to us about it and they do. This is, again, this is teachers unions wrecking the country once again. Watchdog.onwallstreet.com.