Speaker Johnson…Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss
All right, we got Mike Johnson, new speaker, the house and fire up, fire up the who? Yes, I actually looked up the lyrics. I forgot how brilliant some of these lyrics were back in the day. Won’t get fooled again by the who? You know how they end that song up? Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss. Certainly looks that way. But man, these lyrics are great. I mean, it really is basically, you know, same thing. Tip my hat, the new constitution. Take a bow for the new revolution.
smile and grin at the change all around, pick up my guitar and play just like yesterday. Yeah, anyway, yeah, Mike Johnson here. Two-step, got a two-step plan. Two-step short-term spending proposal that’s gonna keep the money flowing. That’s right, keep that money flowing to all the federal agencies into the early part of next year to stave off.
The evil, terrifying, partial government shutdown. We are.
Yeah, we got a week, no less than a week. It’s Friday, right? Friday is when federal agencies will start shutting down once current funding runs out. Why I say meet the new boss, same as the old boss, guess what? This new measure put forward is not going to impose any spending cuts. No, no, God forbid we do that.
It’s not going to implement anything in regards to changes, in regards to border policy, anti-immigration rules. Again, this was, they, you know, many Republicans said this was critical for them in order to support any spending moving forward. On the same note, the same note, Moody’s on Friday changed its outlook on the U.S. credit rating to negative from stable, citing
I guess what? Large fiscal deficits and a decline in debt affordability. And Janet Yellen was none too happy about that. But again, what Moody’s what took you so damn long? We’re thirty three trillion dollars in debt. We’re running massive deficits that aren’t going away any time soon. And we can’t get Congress to agree to just
cut back a little bit. I mean, get, how, we were $33 trillion that you really can’t get rid of our deficits, but no, they want to spend more. Want to spend more. Again, meet the new boss, same as the old boss. Watchdog on wallstreet.com.