Sen. Tim Scott Speaks the Truth Therefore He Is a Racist??
In my coverage of the last Republican debate, I pointed out that in my opinion, the most important point being made was done by Tim Scott when he went after LBJ and the Great Society programs. Well, Tim Scott speaks the truth and like clockwork, if you are a black American, you speak the truth, you are a racist. According to the mainstream media.
You’re a racist. Let’s go back. Tim Scott had to say, black families survive slavery. We survive poll taxes and literacy tests. We survive discrimination being woven into the laws of our country. What was hard to survive was President Lyndon Johnson’s great society where they decided to put money, where they decided to take the black father out of the household to get a check in the mail. And you can now measure that in unemployment, in crime.
devastation. If you want to restore hope, you’ve got to restore the family, restore capitalism, and put Americans back at work as one American family. Again, a point that again has been long overdue in these debates. Again, many presidential candidates are afraid to deal with the truth. They don’t want to be branded a racist. I mean, for crying out loud. Even Barack Obama alluded to this.
But again, you know, being a black Republican to point out liberal government programs for exactly what they are failures. Guess what? You’re going to be branded a racist. So we’ve got the Washington Post, Jennifer Rubin wrote that Mr. Scott revealed the MAGA movement’s desperation to rewrite history and reclaim victimhood for whites.
of all the deplorable things Republicans said, the new Republic chimed in. Mr. Scott’s remark may have been the worst, but the cheap shot came from Nicole Hannah Jones, you know, that 1619 project to fraud. Yeah, she writes for the New York Times. Imagine being black and running in a political party where you believe you need to disgrace your ancestors to have a chance. And Tim Scott.
to her comment, when black conservatives speak up and speak truth, folks like you say to shut up and sit down. Again, Wall Street Journal today, and I got to give them credit. I wrote a piece back in 2012, covering this exact same issue. We’ll get into that in a bit. Mr. Scott didn’t, as his critics implied, deny either the unmitigated evil of slavery or the cruel-
human suffering and inflicted. He was talking about what happened to the black family long after slavery was abolished. He pointed to an uncomfortable irony for progressive America. The black family recovered from slavery in a way it hasn’t recovered from the great society, notwithstanding all the good intentions. And then you take a look at all of the evidence that’s out there. Thomas Sowell, Thomas Sowell, my favorite economist, points out that 1960.
100 years after slavery. Only 22% of African-American children grew up in homes with one parent. 30 years later, after the expansion of the welfare state, the percentage has tripled. Brad Wilcox, director of the National Marriage Project at the University of Virginia. 65% of black children lived in homes with married parents in the 1870s. By 1918, a half century.
after the 13th Amendment abolished slavery, the share had risen to 80%. Can anybody argue that the Black family is worse off today? Isn’t worse off today? Well, again, and then again, the Wall Street Journal gets into some of the points that I made, that this is not simply a Black or white issue, it’s just an issue. It’s just an issue. And in my column, Drug Pusher, back,
Again, 2012, I wrote this, I basically talked about Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s State of the Union address in 1935, where he proposed social security, unemployment insurance, aid to dependent children, all sorts of stuff, but he put a warning in there. And again, they never talk about this. And he basically said that continued dependence on relief induces a spiritual
and moral disintegration fundamentally destructive to the national fiber. This is FDR. To dole out relief in this way is to administer a narcotic, a subtle destroyer of the human spirit. It is inimical to the dictates of sound policy. It is a violations of the traditions of America. And again, this is FDR. This guy’s a patron saint of the Democrat Party. But if again, you see any Democrats talking like this today?
pointing this out. Back in 2012, and the research that I put into the piece, I grabbed a lot from the Cato Institute. And they put out a study, it was entitled Welfare and the Culture of Poverty. And in that study, it showed that welfare is both a consequence and a cause of several conditions that are described as social pathologies, dependency, poverty.
out of wedlock births, non-employment, abortion, violent crime. Every single one of these conditions, one would feel comfortable being associated with substance abuse. And my contention, my point in the article was, is that all the money spent on welfare entitlements and its horrible side effects makes it theoretically our nation’s most destructive drug problem. But if you follow FDR, you follow the logic, if it’s a narcotic,
Wouldn’t all of these handouts and giveaways, wouldn’t the great society programs actually be our nation’s number one drug problem? And you know, trillions of dollars, time I wrote this 2012, trillions of dollars spent on welfare since 1964. And again, has the poverty rate changed? No, it hasn’t. We keep adding.
to all of this. And again, I take a look at all of the programs that were being expanded at that time. And again, SNAP program was being put on steroids, a myriad of different things. But again, what was interesting about this was that you take a look at the great society programs and who were they pitching them to? These great society programs were born
in Appalachia. That’s what Lyndon Johnson did. Did an entire column on this too. And where they went back and they were talking to school teachers at the various different public schools in these areas where the Great Society was launched in Appalachia. It’s the same thing. It’s not kids looking to go out and be astronauts and all of these wondrous things. It’s kids looking to graduate and they can’t wait to start getting their first government check.
I didn’t get to this. I have alluded to this before here on the podcast, on the radio show, talking about true privilege in this country. Certain public schools, certain public schools out there, they again, a lot of them are getting in trouble for doing this. They want to demonstrate to kids privilege. And they do this, I guess, this privilege walk where they line kids up and they say all white kids take two steps forward.
If you are, you know, dark skin, take two steps back. If you’re black, take two steps back. And the whole idea is to try to teach kids about their inherent privilege based upon their color of skin. Yeah, yeah. There was this economist by the name of Melissa Kearney. Yeah, this has always been obvious. Anybody with half a brain, you can see that this is the case.
She published a book called The Two Parent Privilege. And she states, marriage is the most reliable institution for delivering a high level of resources and long-term stability to children. There is simply not currently a robust, widespread alternative to marriage in US society. In terms of benefits to children, not all family configurations are the same. Throughout the book, she says the necessary caveat that no person should remain. Obviously, she says,
You shouldn’t remain in unhealthy marriage or anything like that, a violent marriage. But she makes the case that again, the real privilege is a two parent household. It is superior to alternative arrangements. It is what it is and the numbers don’t lie. And her later numbers that she used in the book or the latest she had was in 2019. 77% of white children and 88% of Asian children live with married parents.
The share among Hispanic children, 62%. Only 38% of black children live with married parents. That’s a historically low share. Again, the numbers are what they are. You might not like the numbers. The numbers may not jibe with your feelings. Might not jibe with your religion at this point in time, this liberal religion that is out there, but you cannot.
denied that this is the case. And I’ve talked about this all the time. I say, look at the school district that my kids go to. I take a look up the makeup of the families that are there. More often than not, the 90 plus percent, plus two parents at every school function, awards dinner, football game, lacrosse game, doesn’t matter, okay? Are these kids privileged? Yeah.
They are, and you know what? I’m not apologizing for it. And again, Tim Scott, thank God you didn’t freak him back down from what you had to say. Again, more and more people should be actually speaking the truth. Watchdog on