Republican Poop Storm
How shall I put it? How shall I put it? Again, various different things. I’m trying to give up for Lent. I’m trying to not swear. It’s one of the things. Anyway, we’ll just call it Republican poop show. Okay? We’ll call it Republican poop show because that’s what took place yesterday. Let’s start off with, you know what? Let’s start off with Mayorkas being impeached.
Yay. So today Wall Street Journal, I guess they assigned Mark Green. They signed Mark Green here. He’s Tennessee congressional, which, oh yeah, seventh congressional district, Tennessee, why we impeached Alejandro Mayorkas. It was the right thing to do, he said. And he talked about the grounds, willfully refusing to comply with the law.
blatantly disregarding provisions of the Immigration and Nationality Act, directed the release of millions of inadmissible aliens into the country, yada, yada, yada. Should he probably, should he have resigned his position if he didn’t agree with these things that he was told to do? Probably. Probably. I mean, again, I…
other cabinet secretaries of design in the past. I’ve talked before about Paul O ‘Neill under the Bush administration, Treasury secretary at the time. But Republicans decided to impeach Mayorkas for what?
I’m asking. I’m asking all you people thought it was a great idea. For what? What can you explain to me what they’re going to get out of this? Do you think that my orcas is going to lose his job? No, no, they’re going to have this. There’s a ceremony. There’s a ritual where you carry the articles of impeachment over to the Senate. I think Patty Murray is the one that’s going to preside over this. And there is a trial in the Senate. You do know who controls the Senate, right?
You’re aware of who controls the Senate, correct? It’s the donkeys. So you’ve been working on this, you’ve been spending time on this, you’ve been wasting taxpayer money on this, where the result will be nothing.
Nothing with all of the problems that we have in this country, in this world, you decide to waste our fricking time with nonsense like this. Nonsense like this. I’m no Dave. Whoa, it’s gonna be great for politics and it’s gonna be great. We’re gonna, we’re gonna, you know, put more attention on the border and Biden’s failures at the border. Oh, okay. All right. You know, fine. If you think that that’s.
going to work, but you just had a candidate. You just had a candidate. So I’m talking about the Republican poop show. This is just how incompetent this party is, how ridiculous this party is. You got together, you kicked out the fabulous George Santos. OK, you got got rid of George Santos. And again, I don’t even I don’t even know how he passed. I don’t know what type of background checks.
you Republicans do before you decide to run candidates or give them money. But not very much. Just leave it at that. We all know George Santos, the fabulous is your joke Saturday Night Live skit. You decide to kick him out. Kick him out for being full of crap. Do the Democrats, Democrats, did they kick out Bob Menendez for having cash strewn about his house and gold bars that were
you know, that came from some theft from years ago. And I mean, the amount of stuff I’m bobbing, it’s off the charts. You’re seeing the Democrats in the Senate trying to get rid of him. No, no. So you do have an elect, you had elections coming up in November. You couldn’t have waited until November. And then Santos wasn’t planning on running again. You could have run somebody else. But no, no, no. How to get rid of him. Because again, um,
The Republican Republican party, it’s it’s it’s again, it’s it’s synonymous with morons. It’s it’s it’s idiocy. It really is. You run. This Massey Pillip. This is again, this is right next to my district next door in Nassau County. And this Massey, I had no idea who she was at all. She’s a Nassau County legislator and she is a.
Register Democrat.
She’s a registered Democrat running against, I suppose he, who again, how many terms? Again, six years, I think three terms, suppose he had served here in Long Island. And again, Republicans picked up a seat yesterday. And I’ll delve further into the Republican poop show.
You know, Trump had a chime in basically on his truth social media thing there and basically said that, uh, well, Mazzie, Phillip, in essence, didn’t kiss Trump’s ring. Didn’t come out. Mag and Trump was saying, you know, the only way to win is gotta be MAGA. And he put out this thing and said, you know, all my primary people win MAGA primary people win. And he’s right. You know, a lot of MAGA primary people win the primary. Why don’t you take a look at it?
Donald Trump’s record, his MAGA people in the general election, because that’s all well and good, you win the primary, but you’re supposed to run people that can actually win the general election. But no, your track record, quite frankly, how shall I put it, sucks.
So, you know, people, I get to question people all the time. You know, you want to, you know, and I’m not, I don’t, not a gambling person. I don’t, you know, play that when it comes to sports or handicap things, but.
people talking about red waves. Right now, I don’t see it. I don’t see it. I think the Republicans quite frankly look like fools, like they cannot, they couldn’t manage a lemonade stand if they wanted to. Again, you’re gonna see a pushback, the Senate pushed forward this, this, this, this
bill for money for Ukraine and Israel and Taiwan. And then the House is like, we’re not taking that up. And they may, you know, the Democrats may usurp the House leadership and force a vote on this. I think they have to get a certain amount of votes on board. They’re gonna get some Republicans to come on board. And what does a Republican look like? Like a joke.
Like an absolute joke. And I don’t know what the House is going to do. Maybe they’re going to try to attach the border bill to it. I don’t know. Why don’t you come up with some money for this thing? Why don’t you defund the United Nations after what we’ve learned? Take some more money away from the IRS. But if they get this and force this through, again, why would you vote for this party? They’re all incompetents. I mean, it’s embarrassing.
It really is. And you can try to spin it. Why the Republicans, oh, it was a snowy day yesterday here. Oh, it was terrible. I honestly, I live here. That’s the biggest bunch of BS ever. I was laughing. So my kids got a snow day. My kids, my kid, my one kid at home got a snow day yesterday and they called, you know they do now? They call it before it even happens. You don’t even get the suspense.
That was one of the cool things about growing up and we would get up at like five o ‘clock in the morning in upstate New York. WROW, the radio, AM stations, they would have the school closings. You know what would suck sometimes was when my dad’s school where he taught was closed and ours wasn’t and he would rub it in on us really, really bad. But anyway, neither here nor there, we got four inches of snow.
four inches, never, never would we miss four inches snow that kind of melted. It didn’t even, it was too warm outside. It didn’t even stick to the roads. Didn’t even see, there wasn’t even any reason to plow. And we’re, ah, yes, it was difficult yesterday. It was horrible weather conditions. It stopped snowing by 11 a .m. for crying out loud. So again, again, I give you, you want to?
Poop show? Power to poop storm instead of snow storm. That is the Republican Party. Watchdogonwallstreet .com.