Republican Dumpster Fire – Shortsighted Fools
Yep, what we’ve got going on right now is a fire. Fire, what kind of fire? We got a Republican dumpster fire. So what we’re gonna do, what we’re gonna do is I’m gonna break down. We’re gonna do four separate little podcasts on the Republican dumpster fire. And we’re gonna start off with the short sighted fools. So we got Matt Gatzee, he ran this coup.
and forever he will be in a history book. Matt Gatz made his way into the history books because this has never happened. Congratulations, you pulled off the coup. You have taken down the Speaker of the House. Now, again, let’s look into this, the short sightedness of this. We have got budget negotiations that are supposed to be taking place.
That’s not going to even start for at least a week from now. You’ve got people around the globe looking at this. And I’m telling you, I get the messages, the emails. WTF? What in the world is going on over there? So again, Matt Gaetz gets a win. Saying maybe the House Freedom Caucus gets a win here. But what did you win?
What exactly did you win in this? Okay, maybe it’ll be Steve Scalise, maybe it’ll be Jim Jordan. Did you gain any other seats in the house? No, no. The metrics remain exactly the same. Exactly the same. So what are you gonna do? You’re gonna come back, you’re gonna pick a new speaker of the house.
and you’re gonna get into budget negotiations and the Freedom Caucus, and first I wanna preface this. The things that the Freedom Caucus stands for, I happen to agree with and we’ll get into that in a bit, but they have no idea how to go about implementing these things. You’re talking about short-sighted as all hell. You’ve lost.
You, I mean, oh fine, you picked up the house barely. Just because you want something, doesn’t mean you can govern like you’ve got some sort of bloody 60 seat majority in the house and also have the Senate. This is a, you know, for Quentin, as a republic, people, I might not like the metrics, okay, but it is the reality of the terrain.
So you’ve been in this stalemate over budget negotiations. You got that, what is expired? November 17th? You’re gonna have another showdown over another shutdown? Where’s it gonna end up?
Where’s this whole thing gonna end up? I mean, this is the same reality that, same reality that they’ve been dealing with for a period of time. It’s not gonna change. The terrain is not going to change. It blows my mind. You know, you change the speaker, no different metrics whatsoever. I don’t get it. Okay, I wanna talk about the freedom.
caucus, okay? Ours the freedom caucus. Here we come to save the day. And again, I just told you, okay? Yes, they have a lot of conservative ideals that I happen to agree with, whether it becomes immigration, spending. I mean, listen, I pulled it up here. Restoring the people’s voice in Congress, again, myriad of things in regards to committees, independence of committees.
opening up the legislative process, enforce responsibility and spending. I get all of this. Level the playing field for the American people, normal legislative process, reset house rules, hold bureaucrats accountable, end secret deals behind closed doors, institute a ban on earmarks. That’s all well and good. And I like all of those things. But let’s look at the history of the freedom.
caucus, shall we? Again, they were none too happy. They were the ones that ousted John Boehner as Speaker of the House. And then that was replaced by Paul Ryan, they didn’t end up liking him either. They had Freedom Caucus members slowly but surely leave. Then you had the American Health Care Act, the AHCA, which was the House Republican bill to repeal and replace
Obamacare. It was withdrawn by Paul Ryan because it lacked the votes to pass due to opposition from the Freedom Caucus because they thought that the replacement provisions had the effect of failing to repeal some of the elements of the original Affordable Care Act. Again, again, this tantrums. You can’t.
You can’t govern. You can’t govern. You can’t operate in a country like the United States, if you’re going to throw yourself a frickin tantrum every single time you don’t get everything that you want. And that’s what many, not all, but many of these members of this Freedom Caucus, you know, that reminds me of some child throwing a tantrum, because they didn’t get everything that they have wanted. And it’s sad. It really is.
A lot of football analogies and metaphor stuff going on as of late trying to explain what’s going on. You had Newt Gingrich come out and basically discuss this and say, hey, listen here, this is absolutely ridiculous. He compared what he said, it was as if, because he’s obviously from Georgia, he said it was like somebody on the Georgia football team, the Bulldogs, they’re playing Alabama.
All of a sudden they’re upset with something that the coach said to them and they start tackling players on their own team. Then you had interesting Claudia Tenney today was on CNBC or Fox, one of the morning programs. And she was, she’s a Republican from the Buffalo area of New York saying, comparing it to Josh
the receiver, you know, rather than running into the end zone, sure shot right into the end zone, decides to just fall down at the five yard line. Because the receivers upset that the ball wasn’t thrown to him enough in the prior week.
I like the football. So I’ve got my own because this is what these tantrum, you know, guys are doing. They have zero strategy whatsoever. None. I can’t think that these people are really that bright or that deep, quite frankly, if you can’t understand that, you know, there’s there needs to be some strategy involved and that you’re not going to get everything that you want in a republic like ours, not to mention, in fact, a majority which
You’re hanging on by the skin of your teeth, including that fraud, George Santos. Okay, so you wanna win a football game. Compare football to other sports. No other sport like football based upon all of, the strategy that’s involved, the calls that are made, the planning that is involved over the course of the week, the analytics, the matchups, everything that goes along with that. Sure.
other sports, yes, you’re scouting reports and whatever it may be. And you put together a plan. If you’re a soccer team, if you’re a lacrosse team, basketball, whatever it may be. I get all that. We understand football, right? I mean, you ever see a football team try to win by throwing a bomb every single time? All or nothing. Every single time they have the ball on offense, they try to throw it.
as far as they possibly can. You ever see a football team do that? And on the flip side, on defense, all out blitz, send the corner, send the safety every single play. Ever see that? No. Cause it’s a losing strategy.
That is the same short sightedness of the Republican party, especially in the House of Representatives at this point in time. What we’ve got, my friends, is short sighted fools. Watchdog on