Regulators favor Big Banks, Small banks are in trouble!
All right, so let me get this straight. It’s okay, it’s okay for JP Morgan Chase to come in and get a bloody sweet heart deal from the government and FDIC to take over First Republic and they’re very, very wealthy clientele, but it’s not okay for TD Bank and First Horizon to merge. Again, two mid-sized banks.
getting to get no good, they can’t do it because of regulatory hurdles. Again, logic, reason, just throw it out the window. It, you know, again, you got government, they just make it up as they go along. You know, the funny thing is, is that, you know, we’re supposed to be a nation of laws, not of men, rule of law is supposed to, again, you want to explain this to me?
Regulators are not allowing TD Bank and First Horizon Bank called off that merger. They called it off because of regulatory impediments. Yet, Biden administration gave the okay and a damn sweetheart deal to JP Morgan to acquire First Republic. Again, too big to fail is here to say. And again, we warned everybody.
this. You want to go back to 2008-2009, talk about all of the bailouts, handouts, whatever the hell you want to call it. I remember at that point in time, right not long after, that’s when you started having the whole Occupy Wall Street movement and unfortunately they didn’t get it. They got, you know, kind of got taken over by the idiot socialists, but they had a point from the beginning.
they had a point. And again, it goes to what we’ve talked for a long time, the watchdog and Wall Street axis of evil, big business politicians, and the media working hand in hand to further their own needs. You know, most of the country is so blinded by this stuff, they’re so caught up in whether or not they’re an elephant or a donkey. They miss it.
They say, do you understand the whole King Charlemagne divide and conquer concept? We’ve got ourselves into two different camps, warring camps here, but both sides are getting royally screwed. Royally screwed. Again, yeah, you can’t fault JP Morgan. They put themselves in this position because they made good choices. But we’ve become a nation and we’re even becoming worse where it’s almost
like a European style system when it comes to banking with these massive banks that rule everything. So again, no sense whatsoever. I want to talk a little bit about the how the Fed right now, US officials, US officials, top men. Whenever you hear US officials think of top men at the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark when they were rolling the Ark back into the warehouse and Indiana Jones was concerned that the Ark and the power and
Government officials told them we got top men working on it right now. Remember that? And he’s like, who? Top men. Okay, we got top men assessing the possibility of market manipulation behind some of the big moves in the banking share prices in recent days. Good luck with that. Have a grand old time trying to sort that thing out in today’s day and age. For crying out loud, you had the Financial Times of London.
actually put out a Fugezi news story that drove a stock price down. Where’d they got their information from? I don’t know.
No, no, no. Again, every single time it is make a you might want to make a habit of this. Whenever you see a journalist, whether it be on TV, whether it be in print sources, tell us who. Oh, your sources won’t go on record. Well, I don’t want to hear it. If you if you can’t back up your story with with real sources. I’m sorry. I know I’m not buying what you’re selling.
at this point in time. Again, I don’t care what side of the aisle it’s from. Who?
Who? We all know, we all know that Ken, you know, did a lot of these, actually kind of popped into my head here. Sub-reference once again. You remember Gordon Gekko in Wall Street and in order to push up the price of stock that he already acquired, remember? They had a newspaper in, it was called the Wall Street Chronicle. Wall Street Chronicle it was called in the movie Wall Street and…
You know, I remember Gordon told Bud Fox call up my friend over the Wall Street carnival and tell him
What was it? Forget what it was. Somebody loves Blue Star Airlines. I forget the beginning of it. It doesn’t matter. This is nothing new. And in today’s day and age with social media, it makes it a little bit easier to manipulate some of these things. We’ve got increased short-selling activity and volatility in shares have drawn increasing scrutiny by federal and state officials, given strong fundamentals in the sector and sufficient capital levels. Okay.
Again, part of the problem with banks is their stock price is an important part of the whole banking function. And I mentioned this yesterday. Our banking system is based on faith, belief, credit, credere, okay, Latin root, to believe. Do you recall, because I do, when one senator from the state of New York by the name of Chuck Schumer, that was 2008,
uh, wrote a letter, uh, wrote a letter, put a letter out and went public. It was concerning Indy Mac bank and whether or not that bank was solvent, causing a run on the bank. And that bank went under again, um, belief, you know, right now, you know, as of 11 45 AM on a Friday timestamp today, regional banks are up markets up. Whatever.
Um, I, I still believe that there are more dominoes to fall and I can, the information that I’m getting in is, is be very, very careful. Very careful. Um, again, my advice to people that want to bottom feed to some degree in some of these regionals, um, do that with your speculative money. Okay. What, what does that mean? Um,
Do it with money that you can afford to lose.
When I talk about investing like a multi millionaire, when you get stories in the news, Ben Affleck lost X amount of money on this investment and this one lost X amount of money on this investment.
to them, that’s money that they’re gonna just blow in the casino anyway. Okay, it’s speculative money to them. It’s not their serious money. You want to speculate on some of the stuff? Okay, be prepared to lose it. That’s all. That’s all. There’s still a lot of uncertainty when it comes to that sector. Watchdog on