Ramaswamy Says…”You’re Fired!!”
When the show first came out, The Apprentice, I liked it. I did, I enjoyed the program. Donald Trump was a bit of a cartoon character. He was actually kind of likable on the program. He wasn’t a big jerk mentality at that point in time. I don’t know, it could be me calling me crazy, but Vivek Ramaswamy, as he’s channeling his inner apprentice, you’re fired. And he made this vow, made this vow to
Fire, fire federal workers, get this, based on social security numbers. Yeah, his plan to drastically cut the size of the federal government goes like this. If he was elected next commander in chief, he would instantly fire 50% of federal bureaucrats. And here’s how he would do it.
If your social security number ends in an odd number, you’re fired. Yep. That’s, that’s how he would do it. I says that downsizes the government by half. And he’s right. He said, what would happen? What would happen the next day? Nothing. Absolutely nothing would break. Zip zero zilch nada. Um, and he said that this plan that he had.
would basically circumnavigate civil service rules. Mass layoffs, we’re doing mass layoffs, it’s exempt and would prevent government employees from claiming their firings were politically motivated. Yeah, listen, I don’t know how to sound mean, but.
Listen, trust me, okay, we all know, we all know, we all know what goes on, we all know, you know, the sitting around, we’ve already talked about the fact that right now, as it stands, 80% of them don’t even show up, don’t even go to the office anymore. What do you think these bureaucrats are doing all day long? You think that their superiors are looking into what they’re up to? Oh, come on, people, come on, stop.
stop. Again, it’s become a no show job here in the United States. I used to, you know, again, it was a concept that not foreign to me, growing up in a socialist city called Albany, New York. And everybody I want to go over graduate from high school. I want to get a job working for the state. And I was I was like, what the bloody hell does that mean? I don’t even know.
But yeah, it was a grand desire. And that’s good. You get a job with government. Get a job with the government. Who knows how much you’re working, what you’re doing, whatever it may be. I mean, again, a big story we just talked about yesterday on the podcast, The Goings On at the FDIC. Well, you don’t think that this ever? I mean, again, not even going to work at this point in time. Yeah. Again, Ramazwami wants to get rid
workforce and I mean I don’t have any problem with it at all. I don’t have any problem with it at all. Okay. And again, what you could do to the people that remain, I can give them raises. Give them raise, maybe they can work more. Have a little bit more when it comes to responsibility. Offload all of this government real estate that we do not need at this point in time. Government is completely out.
control. The size of government is insane. You think about the waste and we talk about it all the time. Every single aspect. You know we’re constantly told we’re not spending enough money. Get the hawks out there. We got to spend more money on defense. Gotta have more money on defense. I’m like how much more? Where does the money go? You mean to tell me you can’t do like everybody else? What corporate America does?
What corporate America does during slowdown, smart companies do, they cut things down to size, look for greater efficiencies. Our entire system in regards to how we go about budgeting and basically looking every single year as, okay, we got a program and we’re just gonna fund it and then we’re just gonna fund it by that much more the year after that. We don’t look for greater efficiencies, don’t look to see whether or not programs are working. Everything is just green lighted.
and government grows and grows and grows and grows and grows and has never cut down to size. Again, do I think that Vivek will be, I don’t know, do I think he’ll be successful in this attempt? No, no, I do not. But believe me, there’s a reason why, there’s a reason why, you know, in and around Washington DC is as blue as blue could be.
It’s reality. State around state capitals. Blue as blue could be. Government workers. Government workers, they’re reliable. They’re keeping there, keeping fat and happy, keep paying them. They’re not going anywhere. They’re going to continue to vote. Continue to vote in one way and one way only. Watchdogonwallstreet.com.