Penny Stocks for Sale!
Penny stocks for sale. Listen, I don’t watch much cable TV. Oftentimes, I might have one of the business networks on in the background and the volume is off. I might catch something that I might want to see and I’ll turn it on. I want to watch it. And obviously, I got the closed caption going on so I can read it and go back to it. And most certainly not paying attention when commercials are on. But something caught my eye. Something caught my eye. And again, most of the commercials we see nowadays are
you know, that there’s something that’s ailing us that we need this magical drug for. I got so many magical drugs for sale on TV. It’s crazy. But now I noticed on the business networks that they’re actually selling stocks. Yeah, selling stocks. I mean, penny stocks for sale. This is new. This is new. I’m actually, you actually are seeing companies advertising, not so much a product.
that they’re trying to sell or get you to buy. They’re just going out there and talking about themselves and you know, this is our stock. This is our symbol that’s out there. And again, I’m kind of blown away by the entire thing. Back in the day, that’s what the armies of cold callers used to do at various different boiler room operations all around the country. And I went to pick on the small firms, big firms did the exact same thing.
I’m just going to warn everybody out there. You just might want to be careful. Just saying throwing it out there. Okay. To go ahead and put your money and start investing in a company that’s advertising their stock. Their stock online. I mean, again, you might want to get an idea. Maybe you advertise and sell your product and then your earnings go up. And then guess what?
your stock will then go up. That’s how it’s supposed to work. Supposed to, again, I know we live in a day of roaring kitties. Watchdog on wallstreet .com.