More Lies About Afghanistan EXPOSED
lies that we’re told and you know coming out of the government pentagon when it comes to war and looks like we’re lied to again about the withdrawal from Afghanistan video evidence is now coming out being uncovered that completely undermines all of the pentagon investigations that that’s a bit of an oxymoron don’t you think?
Basically about the suicide attack that took place outside Kabul airport and what happened after the attack and everything that surrounded we were told that people were killed because of the explosion. Again, I could get into great detail. There’s been a lot that has just come out. However, no one’s really covering it in the mainstream media.
I don’t know, they talk about it today on any major websites out there today. Did you know about this or is this the first you’re hearing about it? And that’s, that’s a problem. Um, as it turns out, these Marines that were involved in this, they all had their GoPros on and the conclusions that the Pentagon gave to everybody in the investigation after that, this took place. They didn’t tell us truth and.
Yeah, this is again, it’s kind of par for the course for people in government. Come up with a story. Come up with a story. Put that story out there. They know that eventually, eventually the truth is going to come out. But hell, that’s four years ago now. Four years ago. Who cares now? Does it really matter? It’ll be a non event and people have short memories.
when it comes to this and they realize that it won’t be a front page story, it’ll be a back page story. I wish we could expect more out of people that are in positions of power rather than a perpetual cover your ass mode type of a situation. And again, like I said, it’s also our fault as well. You have to do some digging and I…
I don’t like the fact, I mean, I don’t know about you, that I don’t trust anything anymore. Once bit, twice shot, I mean, once bit, we’ve been bit 100 times. I don’t trust anything that comes out of Washington, DC. I don’t trust anything that comes out of the Pentagon. You know, it’s interesting.
you know, about this again, we just spending more on weapons and whatnot. We’ve talked about this and then to the Ukraine and Israel and Taiwan and we’re assured that all of this money is going to the right places. And do you believe it?
I’m honestly, I mean, I guess the easy way out is to kind of head, you know, bury your head in the sand and, you know, not pay attention to the perpetual lies that are constantly being thrown at us on a regular basis. And this is terrible. I mean, we were. We were firing on. Innocent civilians and killing them. And, you know, there’s a doctor who.
Again, he’s got asylum in Finland now and he is telling everybody what’s going on, how he was ordered to cover up footage of what he was doing and what he’s had there. Again, this is…
This is stuff that we’re supposed to be better than this, right?
I mean, aren’t we supposed to be better than this? Isn’t the United States of America supposed to be better than this? Again, this is a war in the haze of war and bad things are going to happen. And we all know this.
But why lie about it?
Why lie about it? I don’t know. I don’t know. But again, I encourage you to do some homework on your own. I’m not going to read through this lengthy report here on the podcast. If you’re interested, do your homework. And actually, CNN has done some really great work on this as well. Again, just tired of being lied to. Watchdogonwallstreet .com.