Lina Khan is Captain Ahab
You gotta hand it to Lena Kahn, at least she’s persistent, but so is Captain Ahab. Yeah, yeah, going after Moby Dick. Lena Kahn, FTC, their Moby Dick is Amazon. That’s right, Lena Kahn has been trying, wrote a paper in college about Amazon, basically saying you gotta throw out all antitrust law because Amazon is just too powerful, too strong.
despite the fact that customers happen to like it and I can make an order and have it delivered in a little while here to my house. Anyway, neither here nor there. Okay, so you had top members of Amazon’s legal team. They had a video call with FTC officials on August 15th. This is the, they call it the last rights meeting, which is often the final step before a court battle.
and it was a chance for Amazon to make its case to the regulator to head off a possible lawsuit that officials have been working on for many months. Okay, during the meeting, companies basically offer to basically change their business practices to kowtow, kowtow to Lena Conn and the FTC to avoid a lawsuit. But Amazon, as I sub-reference again, we’ll go from Moby Dick, we’ll go to Godfather 2.
You remember when Senator Geary was pressuring Michael, okay, in regards to the casinos and the licenses there in his office? There he turned a little desk cannon on Michael. And Michael’s like, you want my answer, Senator? Nothing, nothing, I give you nothing. I told him to put up the money for the casino licenses as well. But anyway, yeah, Amazon said, no, we’re not doing anything.
Basically, the things that FTC wants to push upon Amazon could result in higher prices and slower shipping speeds to customers.
Again, why would you do that, Lena? I know Amazon is your great white whale, but just leave it alone, okay? It didn’t end well for Ahab. Watch Dog on Wall Street.