Kevin McCarthy Shows His True Colors
Kevin McCarthy is leaving Congress at the end of this year, showing his true colors. And again, this is just who these people really are. I’m gonna try to keep my cool here. You are the former speaker of the House. Again, gonna remind you, if you’re not familiar with the Constitution, House of Representatives election every two years. Every two years. So,
Kevin McCarthy, oh, I know he was mistreated. He doesn’t have his power anymore. He was sent packing from his speakership. Now he’s a whiny.
female dog and he’s quitting. He’s quitting, but oh no, he took to the pages. He took to the pages of Wall Street Journal talking about how he’s gonna continue to fight. He’s gonna fight the good fight. Again, I wanna show you just how little these people think of you. They’re working for you, working for the American people. The Republican party remains an absolute joke.
You don’t have much of a majority. The Republican Party doesn’t have much majority. What are they down to? 3-4 now? Santos. They kicked Santos out. Kicked Santos out. And the guy, I don’t even know how he got in the first place. Again, they kicked Santos out, but gold member Menendez is still in the Senate. So again, you lost the vote there. Now, McCarthy.
McCarthy is going to leave at the end of this year. You mean to tell me you couldn’t hold off? You couldn’t hold off for a year? You were just elected a year ago. Re-elected a year ago, two year term. You can’t do two years. You are upset. You know, you didn’t like it. You know, you’re doing the old Cartman from South Park. Screw you guys, I’m going home.
You care about the American people? You write an op-ed in the Wall Street, you’re gonna fight the good fight? No, you’re there to line your pockets.
You’re there to line your pockets. Again, I hope the next time anybody listens to this program, you get some sort of fundraising drive from the Republican Party, you’ll laugh in their faces. You’ll laugh in their face. If you remember, just quit. Quit. Come over to the libertarian side, go independent. Quit. These people obviously don’t care.
about you. So you, the Republicans just lost another vote. They just lost another vote in the House. Again, you know, yeah, McCarthy, he cares about his constituents. You care about your constituents? Why don’t you finish your term out? Why don’t you finish your term out and help groom somebody to replace you moving forward? No, no, can’t do that because it’s about me. Watchdog on