How Americans Are Being Robbed by the Green Movement
Man, I’m so sick and tired to have my intelligence insulted, not to mention the fact that just being ripped off on a regular basis. Again, watchdog on Wall Street. I’m supposed to prevent ripoffs and scams. And I try here on the financial side. And that’s what we’ve been doing on my show for 20 some odd years. When it comes to government, there’s little I can do. There’s little I can do because, you know, the politicians in the media, they get the
people going on various different topics and we get robbed. Our pocket is being perpetually picked by these liars and I don’t care if it’s an elephant, I don’t care if it’s a donkey, it’s the same crap. And I want to talk a little bit about some of the green nonsense that’s taken place. There was a great column that was on Real Clear Wire written by Dugan Flanken and he actually went back to Enron.
went back to Enron and Enron near and dear to my heart was before I actually had a radio show. I wrote a column questioning Enron and its viability. And it was ridiculed back there in the 1990s for the column because Enron was the greatest company of all time. It was great. The Republicans loved Enron. The Democrats loved Enron because it was all in on Kyoto protocols and all sorts of stuff. And I’m
taking a look at this thing and I’m saying, I don’t get it. Yeah, I did the whole, you know, big scene there. I don’t get it. How does this company going to make any money? May have survived a little bit longer if we, you know, abided by more of those Kyoto protocols, but who knows? But this column, he writes about the rise and fall of Enron and actually Ken Lay’s speech writer.
He said that the cause of Enron’s financial bankruptcy were at root philosophical. Enron’s leaders were certainly engaged in massive philosophical fraud, an attempt to cheat reality itself. And that’s basically what we’re doing with all of this green nonsense, we’re trying to cheat reality.
Again, for years, I think it was five years running Fortune magazine had Enron as one of the most innovative companies out there. Very forward. It was a progressive company, man. It was a progressive company. Clinton loved it. Republicans loved it. Didn’t matter. Didn’t matter. But anyway, it was a joke. Their accounting methods made no sense. They basically, they accounted for earnings that
they said we’re gonna happen. And they call that an asset. This whole mark. Again, it’s so hard to get your arms around. It’s like me going into a bank, or you going into a bank saying, yeah, I got this business. And our projections for these things are gonna be X, Y, and Z, five, 10, 20 years down the road. And it’s worth that much on my balance sheet right now, which is ridiculous.
in of itself. Anyway, anyway, this whole green revolution that has been taking place that they’ve been pushing on us, I really do think and I’m hoping, I’m hoping it collapses sooner rather than later. We’re already seeing the cracks, we’re already seeing European governments pulling back from mandates, we’re already seeing car manufacturers here in the United States.
slowly but surely try to take a turn away because they know, they know unless there are subsidies, unless there’s more government handouts and giveaways, quite frankly, it’s just not viable. The whole concept of net zero is a complete and utter philosophical fraud. Again, it makes put it this way to.
puts it to dream the impossible dream and to turn it into reality would mean sacrificing an estimated 6000 useful products that rely on byproducts from crude oil refineries, everything from asphalt for highways, fertilizers, cosmetics, or synthetic rubber medicines, medical devices, cleaning products, plastics, yada, yada. Again, we’re already seeing the breakdown. Germany is already backing away from its total blank ban on and
internal combustion engines by 2035. Again, a lot of them are still planning to get rid of it. It’s just not going to happen. Again, you want to take a look to I did it this morning. I went I went I watched some of the documentaries early about the slavery because modern day slavery that’s happening in Africa right now is what it is. The mining of cobalt
in Africa and the entire supply chain and how it’s looted and how big corporations, they can keep a couple steps away from it and how about and how that cobalt ends up making its way to some Chinese battery manufacturer. And you’re looking at four year olds, four year olds, you know, going down into mines. They said they make less than a pound a day. There’s a British documentary on it. Less than a pound a day. It’s not slave labor. What would you call it? It’s exactly what is.
modern day slavery. That’s what’s taking place so you can keep your electric cars going. I mean, I think listen, Cobalt goes into the batteries for your iPad, your phone and whatever it may be. But the demand for this product is so great because of all of this. This is what these companies are resorting to at this point in time. Now it’s amazing to me, you know, how all the left-wingers got all up in arms when they found out about blood diamonds. Remember that?
Leonardo DiCaprio did a movie on it. Nobody doing blood cobalt at this point in time. But anyway, let’s take a look at, we’ve gone over this here on the program, just how impossible it’s going to be when it comes to the power grid and the infrastructure concerns. We, from the get-go, put the cart before the horse and didn’t think any of this through.
And again, you know, it’s all these, it’s like kids in some college dorm room, you know, coming up with ideas without thinking through the consequences. Did you see that the Google bus in San Francisco, the electric bus that lost power last week and rolled backwards, rolled backwards and like destroyed like a countless number of cars going down one of the hills?
in San Francisco. Do you know, you know this too? This is amazing. Amazing. Um, they have those, those e bicycles now the e bikes. Um, they’re killing people due to fires. I you couldn’t make this one up. Okay. Fire safety in New York City had gotten great. Obviously, the technology is there and everything like that. Another awful story last week about a
in Brooklyn and you had three generations of families from 33 to 81 perished. Why it was because of a battery charging fire. 17. 17 of there’s been 90. Think about this for a second. Ninety three fire deaths in New York this year. Seventeen of them have been due to.
Electric batteries for crying out loud. That’s pretty substantial, quite frankly. Anyway, anyway, I can go on. We can talk about just the stupidity. We can talk about volcanoes and when they go off and the amount of CO2 that gets spewed into the environment. And I actually looked it up, why not? Because again, this is when I was a kid. I remember this because…
We actually had ash in upstate New York from Mount St. Helens. Mount St. Helens erupted in 1980. It released the same amount of pollution as 270 years of human industrial activity as it was in 1970. Think about that for a second. 270 years, one blast. And the 2022 blast of the eruption there was at the Hunga Tonga.
eruption was twice the size of Mount St. Helens. So why all this discreet nonsense? There’s a lot of money being made, people. I mean, you go back and you take a look at some of the losses and what we’ve spent as taxpayers. We all know, Cylindra, that was obviously a buzzword. They had a $535 million
That means, when we say government guaranteed, it wasn’t government, we guaranteed it. This is how they use language the wrong way. If this was presented, they say government get, no, if it’s taxpayer guaranteed loan, we just took, are we the people, we took a half a billion dollar plus loss on that. None of it was paid back. Now, another one here, 400 million given to a bound solar. Gone.
280 million Cali solar 193 was doled out to Fisker. Another 336 million of it was canceled in loans. 132 million A123 systems failed battery maker. This was all under Obama. So on our Obama, this $2.3 trillion jobs packages by the administration stuff that was put forward, free money for.
General Motors and Ford and other automakers. Again, they’re losing. They’re losing a fortune. None of these things would exist without taxpayer subsidies, without us paying for it. What are we getting for all of our money? Nothing. But let me tell you who is. Let me tell you how this works is your buddies, the people you vote for in Washington, D.C., they’re the ones that
in one way, shape, matter or form. I was cracking jokes about it. I remember how bad the markets were in the lead up to Obama being elected. And I said, the greatest investment, greatest investment for the early stages of the Obama administration was actually giving money to Obama. The best way to make money during the Obama was giving money to Obama and then opening up some BS green company
massive amounts of tax dollars funneling over to you. But again, I’m not going to just pick on Obama and Biden, because it’s both sides. I can’t put this another way. They’re all whores, man. And again, I was thinking about this saying a an old friend of mine, late friend of mine, who happened to be one of the smartest people I’ve met, he was.
Arguably the number one eye surgeon in the entire country that left us way too soon. And he built up with his partners just this tremendous business in Southwest Florida for everything, plastic surgery, all this stuff, offices all over the place. Really, really smart people. I remember talking with him, you know, the phone calls from the politicians demanding, you know, money, you know, better give us this or.
you know, you’re not going to get this or we’re not going to be able to pass this. And we’re fighting for you here. And he’s sitting down at one of our kids birthday parties and like Chris Mann, they’re all whores. They’re all whores. And he’s right. He’s right. Here’s another one. Case in point, you’re Republicans, right? OK, you’ve now got you’ve now got Louisiana’s Bill Cassidy. I think he’s on his way out the door.
and none other than I love all wars, Lindsey Graham from South Carolina. Um, they’re basically pushing a Senate bill. This is a Republican Senate bill that would enact a carbon tariff. That’s right. Which is what people that is a new fricking tax on you and I, oh, and they’re going to sell it to you. They’re going to sell it to you like, we’re going after China. We’re going after the communist China.
and they’re polluting ways. We’re gonna put a tariff on their products because they’re not doing things the clean way like we’re gonna do. You think, I mean, honestly, well, they do. What they’re doing is they’re insulting your intelligence. Who pays for tariffs? Well, Chinese government’s gonna pay for it. And those Chinese companies that are polluting. Really, all they’re gonna do is they’re gonna pass that cost on down to you. It’s just that simple.
Yep. And again, you know, the Donald, he’s a big fan of tariffs. He likes this bill. Former trade advisor Robert Lighthizer. He loves tariffs. So again, Cassidy and Lindsey Graham, let me tell you how they’re the whores that they are. Sorry. Certain businesses.
certain businesses here in the United States that rely upon.
whatever it may be from China, certain parts, certain materials coming from, whether, let’s say be lithium, whatever it may be. They’re gonna cut checks to Lindsey Graham and to Republicans so they can cut little deals so tariffs can be avoided for the stuff that they want. So this is great if you’re a politician, this is a great way where you go to various different people and you say, you know what, you give us campaign.
money or guess what, the products that are going to go into what you’re making, your end product are going to be a hell of a lot more expensive. Making the people in Washington DC, no different, no different at all than Don Finucci from Godfather 2 going around to wet his beak.
Any difference? I don’t see much of a difference. I really don’t. So anyway, their bill is gonna impose tariffs on 16 categories of goods produced in countries with higher CO2 emissions than the United States. Steel, aluminum, critical minerals, solar panels, wind turbines, crude oil, gasoline, petrochemicals, plastics, paper, and lithium ion batteries. Now again.
Now again, companies could lobby to have products added to the list and certain companies will, right? So let’s say you are making, I don’t know, you’re making wind turbines here in the United States and you can’t compete with, I don’t know, you can’t compete with China or other country that’s making it and you say, well, they’re dirty, they’re dirty, stick a tariff on that, make my product.
more competitive. You understand, people do you understand the hypocrisy and the crap? It’s the same crap that China would do, authoritarian governments would do. Who ends up paying the price? We do. We pay the price. Now, get a kick out of this. Tariffs are gonna be based on a foreign goods relative carbon.
Intensity, they actually come up with these phrases as calculated by a new National Laboratory Advisory Board on Global Pollution Challenges. That’s like a run-on for crying out loud in the name of some National Laboratory Advisory Board on Global Pollution Challenges. Is Greta Thunberg on that board? That’s when we need another government agency. We need another government agency, we need another fucking hole in the head.
Yep, new bureaucracy with sweeping powers. That’s just what we need, another government bureaucracy that acts as judge, jury, and executioner. And these a-holes call themselves Republicans. What’s the difference between what they’re doing and what John Kerry wants to do? Nothing, but make no bones about it, people in South Carolina will still vote for Lindsey Graham.
I don’t know if Cassidy’s running again, but they’ll vote for him too. Vote the name you know, right? Stupid.
Anyway, US production of most goods on this tariff list doesn’t come close to meeting domestic demand. Yet tariffs could be reduced only in limited circumstances, namely for national security needs or if US companies produce less than 5% of domestic demand. That means importing businesses won’t have an alternative to paying the tariffs, which obviously would be filtered down.
to us. And again, this is the misdirection that’s being sold. Cassidy is selling the bill. He’s saying that, and again, something like Al Gore would say, the Chinese Communist Party and other foreign governments have ignored international norms and agreements regarding environmental protection and pollute the world without consequence. And the bill would hold these polluters accountable. No, it won’t.
No, it won’t. It’s not going to hold anybody accountable. It’s going to just, they’re just going to collect more money for them. And again, it allows politicians to collect more campaign money.
Again, it’s going to be retaliatory tariffs. It’s going to go back and forth. And quite frankly, it’s not going to work. The whole thing is a house of cards and it needs to go away. You know, it’s interesting. It’s been a year out here. But a year ago, I was railing. I was disgusted by the administration coming out, you know, telling the SEC that, hey, listen, you know, you got any advisors out there? Anybody on Wall Street?
that is putting their clients into ESG funds, well, if their clients lose money on it, you know, they’re not responsible. They’re not, it was a get out of jail free card for bad investment advisors, well.
I told you that these things are garbage. Investors have pulled more than $14 billion from these ESG funds. Why? I don’t know, they suck. They’re losing people. Exactly like we told you they were gonna do. At some point in time, people, you have to stop, you have to stop.
accepting that we have to be ripped off. You have to start railing against all of this injustice, because we’re getting robbed.
We’re getting robbed more ways than one. You’re getting robbed if you’re donating to political parties, you’re donating to these candidates, and we’re getting robbed because of the policies that they’re putting forward that further their way of living. They don’t further our way of living. And again, the way our country works, again, we criticize China, China’s communist party. It’s the same nonsense here with who you gotta pay off and what you’ve gotta do and who you got to cut a check in order to get business done the right way all under the guise of saving the climate? Save me. Save me, please, okay? Watchdog on