Have Dog Killers and Trannies Taken over the GOP?
Dead dogs and trannies. Another another banner week. Another banner week for the Republican Party. Man, these guys are they’re just brilliant over there, aren’t they? Oh, my Lord. So let’s start off with Kristi Noem. She’s got a book that’s coming out about her life and story from years ago where she killed her puppy. She shot her puppy.
Well, I don’t know if it was still a puppy when it’s like 14 months old. I don’t know. I don’t know. I love dogs, but I’m not a dog owner. To me, dogs are like boats. I like other people’s boats and I like other people’s dogs. Anyway, neither here nor there. I said I’d pass all that stuff. I don’t know how it works on a farm. Said it was a working dog. I again, I’m not familiar with that dynamic. But we now we live in a world.
where it’s almost like pet worship. Again, pets are above all. I mean, I first time ever seen this. It actually just opened up not far from my house. They have urgent care now for pets. I never had that. I mean, people fed pets, you know, even when I was little, I remember it being urgent care, whatever, it’s fine. People love their pets. Like their old, remember Gordon Gekko line from Wall Street? It’s a thing about wasps, bud.
Love animals, hate people. Remember, he was talking about being on the board of directors, the Bronx Zoo. Anyway, so that basically say, well, that basically ruined her political career. She’s got no chance of being vice president after that came out because Republicans, Democrats up in arms about what took place on Kirstjenowem’s branch. I don’t know how many years ago, 15 years ago, something like that. Then we got he’s back. George Santos, everyone’s favorite.
Fabulous. I mean, this is again just shows the the utter stupidity of the Republican Party, just how dumb they are. I amazing to me. First and foremost, Democrats, they don’t flinch. They don’t flinch. You got Menendez in New Jersey with cash lying around his house. It’s like something out of a 1970s film for crying out loud.
gold bars that were part of, you know, that were stolen, Mercedes Benz’s cash everywhere. The guy’s as crooked as crooked could be. Do you think the Democrats are gonna get rid of good old Bob Menendez? No way. No way. So again, Republicans, hey, and we own the George Santos story. All made up. I mean, fabulous of monumental proportions. But again, these politicians are…
They’ve been known to make up stories. You know, cannibals eating your uncle, Hillary Clinton, you know, dodging sniper fire. I mean, George, George had a lot of them out there. He did. So rather than just let him finish his term, rather than just, you know where he is, not going to cause any problem and just let him finish his term. You throw him out. Now he’s got nothing to do.
Now he’s got nothing to do. Now he’s going to cause all sorts of problems. You lose a member of the House at that point in time. All he had to do was wait, get an election every two years. Again, great, great thing our founding fathers have when he built into this Republic, it’s called elections. And you can remove people at that point in time. So again, they threw him out and he was replaced by a Democrat. Now George is looking to make money and he has brought back his drag queen.
persona, Katara Ravachi. You couldn’t make this up. Seriously, I ever think about that, you ever think about the stories that we have on a regular basis, the crap that I gotta cover here. And you were to go back, like I said, 20 years ago, that could never happen. Anyway, so George Santos is now doing videos where you can pay Katara Ravachi, $275 to $350 for personalized messages.
Again, another banner week. Banner week for the elephants. You guys are really killing it. Watchdog on wallstreet .com.