Do Faceless Bureaucrats Know What’s Best for You?
It’s actually a follow up to a story that we covered here on the podcast back in the fall about the pretty awful conduct of, I mean, the numbers are kind of striking. More than 500 individuals employees at the FDIC. And you think of the FDIC, you think of a bunch of old guys with slide rules and pocket protectors with pens in them.
making sure that your deposits are all okay. We covered it here on the program and little FDIC hotels that were like frat houses and the treatment of people that were working there. And of course, nobody, nobody lost their job and nobody got in any trouble. Again, this audit just came out. Still, what can be done?
What can be done? They have airtight union contracts, making it nearly impossible, nearly impossible to lay them off or even file any sort of disciplinary action against them and how it has to be handled. Not to mention you take a look at the guy that’s been running this thing, this Martin Grunberg. He’s been at the agency for 20 years, served his head for 10 of the last 13.
I mean, you got reports with the things that he was doing that was completely inappropriate in the office. Now, again, I’ve worked on Wall Street, financial worlds, and, you know, just sort of what places I worked at, there was some people there with this inappropriate behavior or the time some of the sales assistants, I’m dating myself going back to the 1990s, were mistreated. It wasn’t tolerated.
by a bunch of that. We just wouldn’t allow that to take place. This is government. It’s different. It’s the same thing where, for example, New York City, they have bad school teachers, bad school teachers, terrible school teachers, school teachers get in trouble. Can’t fire them. Can’t fire them. So they send them to this rubber room where they read books and play crosswords all day and continue to collect their paycheck. That was a major
Major issue, major issue. One of the things that Kennedy did that was not right, allowing government employees to unionize. They are omnipotent. Watchdog on wallstreet .com.