DeSantis vs. Newsom…The Most Useless Debate Ever
Did I watch the DeSantis Newsome debate last night live? No way. You gotta be kidding me. I wanna have a good night’s sleep for crying out loud. By the way, you know that Seinfeld, everybody knows the show Seinfeld, the show about nothing. I knew from the get-go that this was gonna be the debate about nothing. The most useless debate of all time. You’re Gavin Newsome, okay? I’ll put this into football.
parlance for everyone. I’ll make it easy. It’s like a football coach or a team after a game, after a game that they lost, I don’t know, 48 to seven, claiming that they played great and they actually won. In the mortal world words of Bill Parcells, you are what your record says you are.
You can’t debate that. Again, this is why they call this a debate. What were you debating exactly by every single metric out there? Florida’s kicking the tail out of California. You know what, I’m gonna go through some of the numbers. All right, employment since January, 2019. Employment has increased by 1,031,030 in Florida.
while declining by 85,438 in California. Yeah. Florida’s population is 22.2 million and rising while California’s is 39 million and falling. Unemployment, despite a shrinking labor force, California’s 4.8% jobless rate is the second highest in the country and nearly twice as high as Florida’s 2.8%.
California paid $48.7 billion in unemployment benefits since January 2019, nine times as much as Florida. Fewer Californians are starting businesses. Yep, Florida’s received 2.7 million new business applications since January 2019, one for every eight residents. Now that’s awesome. Again, that’s what really makes an economy.
dynamic as business starts. California had 2.3 million for California, one for every 18 residents. Small businesses in California pay a top income tax rate of 13.3% compared to zero in Florida. Personal income.
Business and worker earnings have increased by an annual compounded 7.7% in Florida since the first quarter of 2019 compared to 5% in California. Population migration. Again, this is one of the biggest scorecards. People are leaving your state. Between July of 2019 and July of 2022, 1,044,494 Californians left for other states while…
737, 433 people on net moved to Florida. California lost 55.7 billion in adjusted gross income between 2019 and 2021. Florida gained 80.6 billion. Electricity prices twice as high as in California, as in Florida owing to what?
Green energy mandates. I want to remind everybody, they pump a lot of oil in California. And yet their electricity prices are twice as high. They’ve got windmills. I drove through one of those windmill fields as far as the eye could see. Half of them weren’t even turning. You remember that? Remember that from Rain Man, the beginning of Rain Man? Oh, they were singing that song, Ike, Ike. Remember that? It was picking up the Ferraris and the windmills? Yeah. Their electricity price is twice as high.
as they are in Florida. Californians also pay $1.80 more per gallon for gasoline because, again, higher taxes, climate regulation. State and local taxes in California add up to $10,167 per capita versus $5,406 in Florida.
California spent more about $14,755 more in 2021 than $8,816 in Florida. Pensions, public worker pension payments, $51.2 billion in California versus $7.3 billion in Florida. Again, fun growing pension bills. Californians are going to have to pay even higher.
taxes every citizen in the state of California is on the hook for $18,500 in unfunded pension obligations. It’s also the case in Florida, but it’s $5,200. Homelessness, federal government counted 171,521 homeless in California versus 25,959 in Florida.
$31.5 billion budget shortfall. Florida ran a $17.7 billion surplus.
Student learning, California spends 45% more per pupil on K through 12 education than Florida. But its student test scores are significantly lower. Only 30% of fourth graders in California rated proficient in math last year compared to 41% in Florida. Again, both of those numbers need to improve, but I can go on. I can go on. Where’s the debate?
Again, why are you getting people? Well, I even watched it last night. I watched clips of it this morning because I knew exactly what was gonna happen. What can you debate? The only thing you can do is try to confuse and bewilder people. That’s the only thing you can do. There was that South Park episode. And again, it became part of our cultural lexicon there where Johnny Cochran,
there is giving the Chewbacca defense, where you just try to obscurate the reality by misguiding people and pointing them in some sort of odd direction, where his defense is basically explaining, you know, where Chewbacca was born. That didn’t make any sense. But again, what can Newsome do at this point in time? What does he have to stand on? Yosemite? Watchdog on