Decision 2024…Debate $%#@ Show
I can’t believe I stayed up for that nonsense last night. Holy schnikes. I had my little, my phone tells me to go to bed by 9 20. It yells at me if I’m out of sleep by then. Yeah, debate started at nine. I stayed up, watched it, got aggravated. Because I got aggravated, maybe more difficult for me to fall asleep. So then I had to watch Hannity interview a couple people and eventually it’s like, I gotta shut this off before I even get more ticked off.
All right, I’m gonna go through it candidate by candidate across the board. But you know what we’re gonna do, we’re gonna start off with the moderators. How shall I put this? You sucked. You’re terrible. Had zero control of what was going on. Stuart Varney, I don’t even know why he was there. I have no idea why he was there. The lady, I can’t remember her name. Sorry, sorry.
the one from Univision. Why do we have so many damn questions about Latinos for crying out loud? I don’t get it. Why? You know what, we’re gonna put up a Native American moderator as well and they get to ask questions. Well, why don’t we divide the country up in a little more pieces there? I, it’s terrible.
And Dana Perino, some of the questions that she was asking, cutting people off, not letting people respond, sometimes letting them respond, not letting them respond, it was awful. It was an absolute shit show of a debate, downright embarrassing. I’m telling you right now, the donkeys are sitting back right now, laughing their heads off. Look at this.
They’re happy, you wanna know why? Because they’re gonna get to run against Trump. They’re gonna get to run against Trump and that’s what they wanted from the beginning. But, but, did you see the poll this past week? Washington Post poll? Uh-huh, uh-huh, okay. If you honestly believe that poll because there’s more than one that came out, it’s fine, you can believe whatever you want. You can believe in Santa Claus, you can believe in the tooth fairy. I don’t care, it’s up to you. But that’s who they want.
to run against. Anyway, anyway, and the funny thing is there’s good candidates up there. Good candidates. I wanna start off with Doug Burnham down at the end. You know, at the end of the debate, you know, you had the Hannity and, you know, what’s her name there? The one that used to work for Trump, one of the spokespeople there, the one who fought with her husband. I can’t even remember her name. She noise the hell out of me. It’ll come to me in a second. Sorry, didn’t get enough sleep last night.
you know, somebody’s candidates have got, they must drop out of the race. Wait a second. You’ve got a guy that was up there on the debate stage last night. And granted, he might not have the name recognition that everyone else has. Might not have the name recognition that everyone else has. Comes from North Dakota. You wanna take a look at his CV, you wanna take a look at his resume and see what this guy’s done with his life. Did you notice that every single one of his answers was…
Thoughtful? Was thoughtful made sense? The guy knew his stuff? Hey Sean, why are you so interested in getting him kicked off? Hey Dana, why do you constantly cut him off? Why, because he makes too much sense? Do your overlords there back at Fox, they telling you to yank him off? I don’t know.
Anyway, Chris Christie.
And he had, he’s being Chris Christie, you know, Chris Christie, I think at some point in time, some point in time, he’s going to leave politics. And I’m not kidding you, maybe people don’t know this, maybe all around the country. He was actually up for being there’s a big sports station, sports talk station in New York, the fan, WFAN, the fan, they were actually considering him for one of the drive time slots for Peer Time. I’m not kidding.
And again, I think he’d be great at that. I do. And listen, I like some of the points that he made. He got way too freaking rah again, gotta go into Ukraine, bombs away type of crap. But he wasn’t bad, wasn’t bad. Who was next down the line? Nikki Haley was next? I think Nikki Haley was. Her answers at the beginning to questions, she couldn’t answer them.
If you go back to the beginning of the debate, and obviously all the networks, all Fox wants to talk about this morning were jabs, was the fact that Nikki Haley told Vivek Ramaswamy that the more he talks, the dumber she feels. What about her answers to questions at the bidding? She couldn’t answer stuff. She was completely unprepared. And again, you see this in some of the candidates. They’re trying to recall in their mind, they’re trying to recall in their mind
what their handlers told them to say and how to answer a question. If you do that, then guess what? You’re not prepared. You don’t know the material. You haven’t studied hard enough. Now I’m asked this. I’m asked this, you know, Chris, you do podcasts, you do shows, you do this, you appear there, you know, how do you, you know.
How do you stay abreast of all this stuff? Well, you know, listen, I come up with ideas for the show over the course of the week, pop it in my mind, I say, oh, that would sound good on the show. Do you think I write them down? Nah, I don’t write them down, because it’s not natural. I thought of it then, okay? I know my material. Okay, yeah, do I have to sometimes hear my quoting from some article, whatever it may be, that I will read from? Yes.
But it’s important to have command over what you’re talking about. And these are people that are running for the presidency. And I’m sorry, I thought Nikki Haley was woefully unprepared. Did she have some good one-liners? Yes, but that’s what impresses you about presidential candidates are one-liners. Well, have at it, have at it. Anyway, next to, who’s next?
Vivek was Vivek standing next to Nick? I think or is it? No, Vivek was to the right of the sand. I doesn’t matter. We’ll do Vivek now. He, I mean, he’s very good. He knows there’s no doubt about it. He’s, he’s highly intelligent. Sometimes the way he answers questions, I can understand that might many people might feel that he is abrasive or maybe a little bit too eager.
Um, it may come off like that, but again, I thought he did a, a decent job. And one cannot say that he doesn’t know the material. One of the things that I think he’s, I think he wished he probably didn’t glob onto from the beginning. Um, is, you know, this, he’s this, this Trump thing that he’s got going on. You know, I think Trump was a fantastic president. Yeah. I think Trump did many good things as president.
But I don’t think that he’s not by any stretch of the imagination of a fantastic president. The guy shut down the fricking country and spent trillions of dollars that we don’t have. Trillions and trillions of dollars in response to COVID, which was completely unnecessary, listening to people that he put in charge of his COVID response team. And the guy who was in charge of his COVID response team is actually up there in the debate stage. That was Mike Pence. So no.
I’m sorry, you know, you don’t get five stars as a president when you had a couple good years. Doesn’t work that way.
Again, so his attachment to that drives me a little bit bonkers. But again, it has command of the issues. No doubt. I know I think that the Sanis have a great night. I did. Who who was the most presidential up there by far?
I by far was to say this by far. It wasn’t even close. As far as his response, I kept his cool when he was there. Again, his CV is as far as a presidential candidate is concerned, is fantastic. I think the only things that I would put against him is the fact that he went to Ivy League schools, but at least he paid for him on his own, so I give him kudos for that. But, you know.
military service cross the board his answers to a myriad of questions and I happen to agree with the guy. I happen to agree with the guy that you know you’re going to have to we’re going to have to do something when it comes to Mexico and these cartels who are kicking our ass right now. They’re killing tens of thousands of our people every single year and we’re not doing a darn thing and again Vivek also makes a point as well it’s the demand side too. We’re not handling it here in this country.
You know, people are getting addicted to these drugs and it’s a downward spiral. And again, I have another story we’ll get to a little bit later on in one of the other podcasts, what they’re asking people to do in New York at this point in time, you wouldn’t believe it, but I want to say that for another day. So yeah, so I think the Sanis did an absolutely fantastic job in the debate. What else do we have? We’ll go down the line. Oh, Tim Scott. Tim Scott, you know, again,
trying to, I guess his handlers said you got to be a little bit more forceful. He’s pretty much been so far, how shall I put it, almost a Mr. Rogers candidate that has been running and he wanted to roll around a little bit and throw some punches and he had some back and forth, some serious back and forth with Nikki Haley for a period of time. And I like Tim Scott a lot. I do. And I’m going to give him kudos for probably the most
point of most intelligent. Point of the entire night. One of the most intelligent points of the entire night. And I put a smile on my face because this is something that we have talked about here on the show, something that I’ve written about in my newsletter, I’ve had columns on this. And he was talking about talking about the demise, the demise of the black family here.
in the United States is what he got into. I think it started off with a bit of a back and forth in regards to the school curriculum and the state of Florida and some of the things that got put into the media that DeSantis shot right down. And Tim Scott actually, you know, he talked about where we are today and how it all came.
from the Great Society programs in the 1960s under Lyndon Johnson. Yeah, I wrote a column about this, several columns about this, Lyndon Johnson being the most consequential president in the last, you know, 67, well, yeah, going back 60, 70 years now. Most consequential in regards to what he has put forward, Great Society programs and what it’s done.
to this country, an absolute disaster, breaking up family units. And that was a very, very intelligent point. And I’m gonna give him kudos for that. Going down the line, who do we have? Oh, good old Mike Pence. You know, Mike Pence reminds me of, and again, he’s a nice guy, okay? Mike Pence is a…
You know, he is, he is, you know, those dolls back in the 1970s, you had the string in the back and you would pull it. You’d pull the string and would come out with some, you know, statement, whatever. I love you. Whatever it may be. Well, Mike Pence is that doll. You know what the doll is? Again, I’m a sub reference again. One of the best kid shows of all time, in my opinion, the Muppet Show.
The Muppet Show, where else could you have a show where you would get guest stars like Elton John for crying out loud for kids. But anyway, neither here nor there. It was hilarious, great show, loved it. But do you remember one of the characters on the Muppet Show was Sam the Eagle? It was Sam the Eagle, it was like this, you know, super patriotic Muppet that they had on there. That’s basically Mike Pence. He’s like the Sam the Eagle puppet with the string on the back with the canned Super Republican lines.
from way back when. But anyway, all in all people, they say it’s a great night for the Republican party, no. Now, you know what debate I’m actually looking forward to? I’m looking for DeSantis versus Gavin Newsom. That’s the one I’m actually looking forward to at some point in time. Do me a favor, can you, again, can you get some moderators up there that can get actual control of the situation?
You know, is it that hard? I mean, people grow up for crying out loud. Act like an adult when you’re up there. Let somebody finish speaking, okay, and then step in. But that last night, I mean, again, arguing over one another. I couldn’t understand what was going on. Probably about 20% of the time, 20, 25% of the time. Not a good look at all. Anyway, decision 2024. debate shit show. Watch Dog on