Corporate America and The Culture War: What you need to Know!
Corporate America and the culture wars it’s almost sounds like a Title of a bad Star Wars movie for crying out loud, but that’s that’s where we’re at The culture wars have come home to Corporations in the United States Take a look at the backlash But like take a look at what is going on over at Target
Now North Face, and there’s going to be others that are out there. Again, we told you this was coming. We told you this is coming. You get these progressive groups out there. Don’t you give them a little bit of power. They like to push and push and push. We have been vehemently against ESG, DEI, all this crap out there. Dave Chappelle, one of his skits, he said, he was called
You never want to get the alphabet people upset or angry with you, because they’re loud. They are. Now, as my long time listeners know, my libertarian leanings, I don’t give a darn. I don’t give a darn what you do in your free time as long as you’re not bothering others. I don’t care what you do in your bedroom. That’s not up to me. But you don’t
have to push your lifestyle on others. That to me is ridiculous. It really is. It’s patently absurd. It’s ridiculous. You don’t see me pushing my lifestyle on you.
We’re all different. We’re all unique. I get that. I understand that. But what’s happening right now is nuts. Now I’m gonna frame this in terms of corporate America. Yeah, I have a company, but I’m not publicly traded. There’s three shareholders. Yeah, we got a lot of workers, but there’s three shareholders. There’s myself, my brother Michael, and my brother Matthew. We own it.
We own it, we’re accountable to each other. You’re the CEO of a publicly traded company. You have a fiduciary duty to your shareholders, not to some progressive group. By any stretch of the matter, you have a duty to do the right thing by your shareholders. Now, I don’t know, we talked about this before, who in their right mind over at Anheuser-Busch thought it was a good thing to…
put a famous, I don’t even know, again, I don’t even know how it works. Is it a transgender male or transgender female? Oh, it was a guy pretending now to be a girl. I don’t know which one it is. And quite frankly, I don’t give a shit. It’s not important to me. Okay. I don’t give a crap about your stupid pronouns. Okay. I don’t. I’ve said this before. It’s stupid.
Following the science here. Okay people sorry I’m following science. You can say whatever you want that. There’s all these genders. There’s not There’s not period the end you go to kindergarten cop when Arnold Schwarzenegger little boy in the front Boys have a penis girls have a vagina. Good that kid was right. You’re all wrong Period the end okay. Oh No, the the earth is flat. No, it’s not Okay, that’s how ridiculous your argument is and quite frankly
the birdcage? I thought it was funny. Back when I used to live in Southwest Florida, I know that it was popular, one of the restaurants there, they would have drag queen bingo night and people would go and yeah, for adults, for adults, what is I’m trying to figure this out too. What is the grand desire for drag queens, their desire to do story hours with children? I don’t get it.
I don’t understand it. I’m not gonna go in there as hello man, hello, and read to the kids. I’m gonna read to the kids like a normal human being would. And I’m sorry, what you’re doing is not normal, but it’s okay. You don’t have to be normal. You can be different. I don’t give a damn. You just don’t have to put your lifestyle on everybody else. And it’s become too much, okay? You overshot. Most people could give a darn.
Okay, most Americans, the people that are pushing back against this couldn’t give a darn what you do on your own, as long as you’re not pushing it on others. Now, with that being said, getting back to these cowardly CEOs, because I’m going to give you my honest opinion. A lot of these CEOs that I’ve met over the years in my business, a lot of them are just a bunch of wusses. Okay, they, again, they make a shit ton of money.
And again, they’re a part of the watchdog on Wall Street. Many are part of the watchdog on Wall Street, Axis of Evil, big business, politicians, and the mainstream media. They have their own clubs, they have their own parties, all this society stuff. They don’t wanna be disinvited to these things. They don’t, they don’t. They wanna be a part of all of the things that are going on. And if that’s the cool and trendy thing at that point in time, they’re cowards and they won’t push back.
are failing their shareholders. Failing their shareholders because they’re being bullied by progressive groups. And again, CEO fiduciary responsibility to his or her shareholders. And you know, Elon Musk mentioned this yesterday, said lawsuits are going to start piling up. They are. You’re going to start seeing shareholder lawsuits.
Now, again, certain things I just quite frankly, I don’t get and I don’t understand. And like I said, I’ll see this, you know, you’re going to go into a target and you’re going to have a massive display in the front with clothes that have, you know, tuck this in. Listen, it’s a whole world out there people. Okay. I didn’t even know that this was the thing that they mass market at this point in time.
I really don’t, but you didn’t think there’d be blowback? You didn’t think there would be blowback? Not everyone happens to agree with that lifestyle, which again, that’s someone’s opinion. I may disagree. Like I said, I don’t care what these people do. Just stop shoving it down our throats or anyone’s throats.
Yeah, I remember. I mean, this is going back in time. I remember back when the O’Reilly had his program on Fox, the O’Reilly Factor, looking out for the folks. And he would always, he would always go to, there was some parade, I guess, in San Francisco, and it would just get, you know, the clothes and everything like that would get completely out of hand. And, you know, it was fulsome. I can’t remember exactly.
But whatever it may be. And I always watch the show and I say, Bill, the hell do you care, man? You don’t live there, okay? They got their one little area that they’re there. That’s up to them and that community. But they wanna go ahead and do that and that’s fine. I mean, in New York City, they’ll have a big parade going on. I know the Halloween parade in Greenwich Village has always been a big thing. I don’t care.
I don’t care. I just don’t understand why you have to push all of this sexuality stuff on the kids. It doesn’t make any sense to me. Again, I brought my kids up and I wanted them to enjoy being children. That’s a part of your life. Part of your life where, again, the innocence that was there.
to Disney. I would have never gone back to Disney again if I had that situation out in California where you had a fairy godmother, but they don’t call them godmothers anymore. I know what they call them because they can’t say that. Some guy with a beard wearing a dress and makeup. I would have never gone back again if I saw it. I don’t want my kids exposed to that crap because that’s what it is. It’s crap. Dora, Diego.
Uh, you know, Bob the builder, superheroes, all of that stuff. Okay. You don’t have to be pushing this stuff on them at that age. I don’t get it.
I don’t. And again, companies are gonna be paying the price. They are gonna be seeing lawsuits coming down the pike. I’m surprised. I wouldn’t be surprised to see a lawsuit, shareholder lawsuit against Target in the near term based upon you take a look at how, what’s happened to that stock. As soon as we saw what was going on, we sold immediately.
I’m out. I’m not holding on to this. Drop like a freaking rock for crying out loud. And rightfully so. And the funny thing, the other thing, we’ll end on this. It’s the boycotts. I’ve never been really too into boycotts. Certain things, products I won’t buy from certain people, I guess I’m technically boycotting them for whatever reason it may be. Usually more often than not, it’s
or social reason, it’s usually because they piss me off in some way, shape, matter, or form by being annoying with their advertisements online, whatever it may be. But now I avoid these places. I do. I avoid certain places and the left is calling it, they’re calling it, I’m not making this up, economic terrorism. You boycott Target, you don’t buy Bud Light anymore.
terrorism and the funny thing is they can boycott whatever the hell they want. They can boycott whatever they want. Again, you know, you take, you actually take a look at Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton. They, you know, they, they basically started that trend back in the day. You know, you shake down a company, shake down a company, warn that you’re going to have a massive boycott of the company unless the company does X, Y and Z and then you get Al Sharpton and Jesse out in front of the corporate headquarters with a bullhorn yelling and screaming.
Now it’s economic terrorism if people who don’t think the same way progressives think apply the same tactics. Anyway, watchdog on