Biden Is Building a Border Wall?
I checked this story about five, six times and I still, I got a report on it. I mean, I’ve done my checking, but I still don’t believe it. Yes, the Biden administration wants to build a border wall. Yeah, Alejandro Mayorkas. Yeah, Department of Homeland Security says there is an acute and immediate need to build a border wall.
in Texas. I’m not making this up. This is an exact reversal of what was been said for the past, what, seven, ten, I don’t know how many years by the left when it comes to a wall. Just a couple months ago, a couple months ago, the Biden administration was selling off
put up for scrap. I should not. They were just selling off all of the Trump wall that wasn’t installed. They were selling it off for scrap. And this was, you could look, it was on a government surplus website for crying out loud. So, Mayorkas is citing an acute and immediate need to waive dozens of federal laws in order to build a border wall in South Texas as the crisis grows utterly out of control.
the Secretary of Homeland Security is determined pursuant to law that it is necessary to waive certain laws, regulations, and other legal requirements in order to ensure the expeditious construction of barriers and roads in the vicinity of the international land border in Star County, Texas.
No, I’m looking at, I cannot believe this. I really can’t. Myarkas is gonna waive about 26 federal laws to expedite the construction on this. And again, I wanna go to some, you know, I have here some articles that were written by the mainstream media. This is off NBC. Trump’s border wall was never just about security.
It’s meant to remind all Latinos that we’re unwelcome. Okay, this is off Bloomberg. This isn’t a border wall, it’s a monument to white supremacy. And they said, like Confederate monuments, President Trump’s vision of a massive wall along the Mexican border is about propaganda and racial oppression, not national security. The Hill.
You got Ilion Omar slams Biden administration for continuing the construction of Trump’s xenophobic and racist wall, which again, they stopped. But, you know, at this point in time, I don’t know how many people have gotten in 7 million, 8 million. Again, let me kind of break this down for everyone in terms that they can understand. They’re throwing crap up on the wall to see what’s going to stick.
Um, my orcas, my orcas can put up his wall. They can start putting up their wall. I don’t know when they’re going to start doing it. I think it’s just here to kind of appease saying, Hey, look, we’re doing something at this point in time. Cause everybody knows it’s out of control. Uh, unless the policy changes, it doesn’t really matter. It doesn’t really, what will it slow the, uh, the speed? Yeah, sure. It’ll slow the speed, but it’s not.
going to change anything. It’s just that simple, okay? You have to change the policy. We’ve gone over this before. Again, I don’t know if this is bull excrement. Again, I have to believe, you know, again, this is the federal government for crying out loud. You know, maybe there’ll be some negotiation now because they’re talking about our border wall. I try to see between the lines because I don’t trust anybody when it comes to Washington, DC.
now that they’ll say maybe they can get funding for the wall. Again, this might be a ploy for more, I’m gonna be honest people, and again, it’s how cynical I am when it comes to government, a ploy for more Ukrainian aid, saying, oh, okay, we’re gonna get more funding now. Okay, but if we get more funding, Lindsey Graham talked about it this past weekend. Okay, we’re not gonna get border wall funding unless we give money to Ukraine. So they’ll talk this up as some sort of compromise, saying, oh, we’re gonna give money for the border wall now.
so they can send more money to the Ukraine. That sounds a little bit more plausible to me than this. With that being said, no one’s interested in actually doing what works. There was an article yesterday in the Wall Street Journal was actually talking about what’s taking place in the state of Florida and how Florida right now, a lot of the agriculture, a lot of construction companies are applying for visas.
for migrant workers to come in and work legally. Legally, these are legal visas to come and work on the farms. They’re getting close to $15 an hour for the work that’s being done and they get housed and, you know, taken care of. And they’re asking for more of these things. The e-Verify system in the state of Florida has pushed many of these illegal workers out of state. Out of the state.
Again, there’s no limit on the amount of these visas that they can acquire and they can get. And quite frankly, I’m going to be honest with everybody here. I think having legal workers is the best way to go rather than having illegal workers. And that’s why I think e-Verify is the best system you can have. And force business owners to make sure that people are legal. With that being said, and I know this is an extension of what we’ve been talking about here.
I see a story today, they’re talking about the Latino wage gap in the United States. Oh, open arms, the amount of money a Latino makes compared to, you know, white people. And it’s so much less. And I got to look at this and I got to laugh. I got to say to myself, listen, okay, the reality of the situation is when you first move to this country, more often than not, people who move to this country from…
places they’re forced out of wherever they’re from, you come here with not a lot of money. I mean, when there were waves of certain ethnic groups that came here to this country, there was a wage gap, wage gap based upon the people that were here and were not here. And we hear the stories, you know, people, I’m the first one, I’m the second one in my family to go to college. And the beauty of this country is, is if you play by the rules, and you assimilate
into our society, you learn the language, guess what? The next generation will do better than the next generation, than the next generation, than the next generation. That’s how things are supposed to work. The fact that there’s a wage gap, obviously, that has something to do with the fact that you just got here. And as you move through and you assimilate into society, and this is one of the big things that I have when I talk about immigration, the need to assimilate.
You know, you’re going to do better as you move along. But anyway, as I get off the beaten track, Biden wants a wall. You believe it? I don’t. Again, I think this is a fugazi. I think you’re going to see a negotiation. Watch me. Watch what I’m saying here. You’re going to see there’s some sort of deal cut for money to build this wall. And money going to the Ukraine. Watchdog on