Biden: “I didn’t do that.”
I mean, at what point in time, at what point in time are Democrats just going to come clean? Or maybe they don’t have to. Maybe they don’t have to when it comes to Joe Biden. Maybe they can just keep playing pretend. It’s like they’re winking and nodding to one another when it comes to Biden and his capacity. I know they’ll come out and they’ll say he’s sharp as tack and all this stuff. But come on, we know better.
And again, I made the comparison early on in his presidency that he is just the name on the package. The Lady Eloise president. And again, if you’ve seen the Eddie Murphy movie boomerang, you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about. Anyway, so Easter. OK, Joe Biden put out a I do declare and do decree.
proclamation from the White House. From the White House when it comes to, again, this trans day of visibility proclamation.
First and foremost, okay, do do times being out here. I’m gonna be upset. You know, do trans people really need a day of visibility? I mean, you can spot them. It’s pretty obvious, pretty visible where they are. Okay, see, I can see you. I can see clearly now the trans people. I see them. You can very easy to spot for crying out loud. Anyway.
Neither here nor there. He puts out this, I do declare, do decree proclamation. Then he came out and he denied it.
I denied it. I didn’t do it. I didn’t do that. He was asked about the proclamation. When asked about Speaker Johnson’s claim that he had, Biden replied, he’s thoroughly uninformed.
Mr. President, that’s complete bull excrement. Again, Biden can’t keep up with his.
woke leftist Marxist handlers. Again, this is a Joe Biden. Doesn’t he resemble Joe Biden from back in the old days, back in the Senate days, prior to him even being vice president. Okay. Again, this guy is a figurehead and the leftists are running the show. We all know that and they don’t care.
They don’t care. This is, I mean, for the left to south, this is like brilliant for them. They’ve got a president that is basically incompatible, doesn’t know up from down, down from up. We all know this. And they’ve got these other people running the show.
So again, and again, and I’m being honest here, the amazing thing is is that the elections is close. And it shows a lot of people, they just don’t care.
They don’t care. I mean, tell me people cannot recognize what exactly is going on. They can, they just don’t care, which is frightening in of itself. Anyway, watchdog on wallstreet .com.