Biden Blames the Private Sector for the Economy!
Yes, the DNC, the lackeys, Biden’s handlers, you know, the ones that are pulling his strings. Well, they’ve decided to tell our commander in chief to pivot on the economy. Stop trying to sell. They’re not selling Bidenomics, I guess, anymore. They’ve got a boogeyman. And guess what it is? The private sector. That’s right. It’s the private sector’s fault.
All of the only private businesses out there. It’s all your fault. You’re keeping the economy down. You’re making it hard on nobody messes with Joe. Again, I always brought up that Michael Corleone, don’t insult my intelligence bit, but I don’t even know how I’m addressing it too. Okay, because Biden’s just a mouthpiece. He doesn’t know God’s creation. He’s saying.
Anyway, you’re taking a look at stories out there. Inflation is making Americans hate the US economy. And these are just numbers since 2000. Electricity up 25%, plants up 21%, natural gas up 30%, used cars up 35%, rent up 20%. Oh, major appliances up 12%, water and sewage up 16%, restaurants up 25%, groceries up 25%.
Uh, yeah, car insurance up, health insurance up, child care soaring and no, here we go. We got to pivot. Got to pivot. Just got to pivot using a pivot foot right now. Okay. Cause everyone’s ticked off about the economy. Um, he, um, is blaming it on price gouging. That’s right. It’s all of us, all of us businesses out here. We are price gouging.
our fellow citizens. Yeah, he actually put together a new group, a new group of dumbass bureaucrats that will do nothing, that will have meetings with fancy coffee and probably some sort of buffet spread. It’s the White House Council on Supply Chain Resilience.
Yeah, yep. So he went after, he took aim at private businesses yesterday for charging prices that he said, because Joe knows, right, because Joe knows so much about the private sector. Oh, there’s so much. Yeah, you got big businesses going on in, you know, in Ukraine and Romania, he knows a lot about the private sector. Yeah. He’s saying that businesses are charging prices that were
artificially high, even though inflation is down and shipping costs have come down. And he said, any corporation that has not brought their prices back down, even as inflation has come down, even as the supply chains have been rebuilt, it’s time to stop the price gouging. Give the American consumer a break, man.
He doesn’t get it. He doesn’t understand. Who’s running the show there? You guys are still parading this guy out with this nonsense. Did you focus group this and you think that this is gonna sell? I don’t know. You know, I’m probably in New York Times and some of these publications, I’ll find a few economists that said, yes, yes, it’s those evil private, it’s the monopoly man. You know, it’s all those people running businesses, you know, with their top hat and cane.
You know I’m talking to Scrooge McDucks that are ruining the country. Spare me. Watchdog on