Bernie Sanders: No one should be a Billionaire!?!?!?!
Oh, it’s May 1st, May Day everybody. It’s kind of, isn’t the official, unofficial socialist holiday, workers day, whatever the hell they’re calling it. Oh, you know that they’re probably rioting in France right now. I gotta get their second win going here, going against McCrone and his pension reforms. Heavens to bet you worked to 64 years old. Oh my Lord, merciful, that’s terrible.
Anyway, in honor of this socialist holiday, we’re going to go to one of the socialist and well, they’re all, most of them are socialists now in the donkey party, but Bernie Sanders. Bernie Sanders being interviewed by Chris Wallace and Bernie says he’s got a new policy now.
Got a new policy right now and he says that you’re not allowed to get to a billion. Yeah, he’s come up now, this is his latest thing. 999 million is the permissible level of wealth.
And he just wants to confiscate everything over that. Again, this is what he wants. Again, you’re going to give it to Washington, DC? Because they’re such great stewards of money there in Washington, aren’t they? Again, you want to talk about the destruction of economic growth. You want to talk about waste. You want to see a country that falls apart.
Send it to Washington DC They don’t know how to invest they don’t do it. They don’t do a flippin thing in Washington DC Mind you Bernie you adjunct moron What what do you what do you think would happen? What do you think would happen if you decide to say, you know what?
We are going to go, we’re socialists here in the United States now, we freely admit it. If you make over a certain amount of money, we’re just taking it. What do you think those people are going to do? You think they’re going to stick around? You think they’re going to stick around? Do you understand? Do you understand the volume of, they call them golden visas, are being sold by countries all over the globe to US citizens?
Well, you don’t think that a billion dollars will buy a nice passport and a much more friendly locale? Damn straight! And that’s exactly what will happen. And again, in honor of this socialist holiday today, I got another story for you. Unfortunately, they had to cancel.
They had to cancel their Workers Day parade in Cuba. They’re out of oil. They’re out of fuel. There was a time when International Workers Day was marked in Cuba by parades involving more than a million people marching through Havana. Havana’s revolution square. Many came out of conviction, some because they were pressured, others to enjoy.
Party, oh no, party today, it’s gonna be empty. They had to cancel, they had to cancel the May Day celebration due to gasoline shortages that is crippling the socialist paradise island economy. Story, for weeks, motorists have been sleeping in their cars outside petrol stations and he was at stretch for miles.
and last for days. President Miguel Diaz-Canel has said the island is only receiving two thirds of the petrol it needs and that the shortfall is due to supplier nations failing to fulfill their contractual agreements. Huh! Who is that supplier nation? Oh!
It’s another socialist paradise, Venezuela. Yeah, they’ve had a deal going. They’ve had a deal going since 2000. Cuba sends Venezuela doctors, teachers, and counterintelligence agents, and Venezuela ships crude. Venezuela now feels that they’re losing revenue.
by not selling their oil on the international market. They can no longer continue to give petrol to Cuba. Uh-oh, Venezuelan exports to Cuba dropped by about 50% over the past decade as overall oil production has decreased due to corruption, mismanagement, and sanctions. No, that doesn’t happen in socialist countries, never.
Anyway, enjoy your May Day. Watch Dog on