Banish the Neocons!
banish the neocons to the dustbin of history. God willing, God willing. This was interesting. See, normally a president might not have said a damn thing. This time Donald Trump came out and put out a tweet, I will not be inviting former ambassador Nikki Haley or former secretary of state Mike Pompeo to join the Trump administration.
which is currently in formation. I very much enjoyed and appreciated working with them previously and would like to thank them for their service to our country. Again, not necessary for him to put that out. Presidents usually, they pass people over, but they really don’t give you a reason why. This, and again, I hope.
I hope again, so far so good. It looks like Trump has learned from some of the mistakes he made first time around when it came to hiring decisions. The neocons have to go. The neocons are also the ones that are the Lincoln Project, Bulwark, the anti-Trump movement out there. The people that will always find a war somewhere.
or for some reason for us to invade another country or station troops here, there, or anywhere. I have to say, and again, we’ve talked about this before here on the program, foreign policy for the United States post 9-11 has been atrocious. In every way, shape, matter, or form, have we made more friends or have we made more enemies? How has that worked out? It’s been an absolute disaster.
where all of a sudden we’ve got to become Team America World Police and we’ve got to go to every corner of the entire globe telling people how they have to live. No, the best way to lead is to lead by example. Let’s do that for a while. Let’s do that for a while before we decide to send troops somewhere.