Are Stockbrokers Psychopaths??
American Psycho, you might be familiar with the film starring Christian Bale horror film that it’s the book, Freddie Stin Ellis. There was a lot, a lot of accurate stuff in that book and how what goes on on Wall Street. Again, I was there, been there, done
And what I found interesting was that years ago, years ago, I saw a study. It was in the Scientific American. There was a Swiss research university that, again, kind of right along with the movie American Psycho and also what we’ve been talking about when it comes to the culture of Wall Street and schlock brokers and many bad and unethical advisors.
that we’ve known for years now, that you’ve been privy to, you’ve been listening to this program. This Swiss research industry of, let’s go St. Gallen, scientifically prove what we’ve been saying all along. The behavior of stockbrokers tops that of psychopaths when it comes to manipulation and recklessness.
Scientific Americans, psychopaths exhibit characteristics such as charm, dishonesty, callousness, remorselessness, infallibility, a fondness for irresponsible behavior. The study’s authors compared and contrasted the behavior of 28 stockbrokers who were given computer simulations and intelligence tests to that of psychopaths
who were given the identical tests. Now here are the results. The brokers outscored psychopaths in their willingness to engage in risk. Brokers were more eager to harm their opponents and their desire to come out on top. One of the, Thomas Knoll, one of the guys who did the study stated that naturally one can’t characterize the traders as deranged, but for example,
They behave more egotistically and were more willing to take risks than a group of psychopaths who took the same test. Instead of simply pursuing the greatest gain possible, it was more important to the traders to get more than their opponents. And they spent an enormous amount of energy trying to damage their opponents. And he stated that the behavior resembled people whose neighbors might have the same car.
and you get mad at it and take a baseball bat to it so it could look better for yourself. And neither, neither were able to explain why brokers were so willing to cause so much damage and pain in their quest to get ahead. I’m going to give you my theory. Do you remember when was Siegfried and Roy there, Roy Horn and what was it? Roy Horn and Siegfried. Siegfried is just one name, right?
One of them got attacked by the Tigers. I don’t remember which one. Chris Rock had did a comedic bit on this. And he was going after all of the the pundits out there and the people in the media that were rationalizing that the attack occurred because the tiger went crazy. Now, in Rock’s bit, he said that that tiger didn’t go crazy. That tiger went tiger.
So what’s crazy is the tiger actually performing tricks. The same thing holds true for humans as well. If you had an ethical bypass at birth, there’s probably a good chance that it’s going to surface. Doesn’t matter what school the ethically challenged graduated from or their societal pedigree, they are who they are. Watchdog on wallstreet .com.