World War III is NOT Hyperbole!
World War III, it’s not hyperbole and it’s unfortunate, but that’s, think how most of the country is actually taking it. When Donald Trump in the debate starts talking about foreign policy, talks about dragging us into World War III, he’s not wrong. just is an awful communicator. Awful communicator. That point that he made in debate was so important.
And it was so true, yet again, lost in the sauce. And I’m going to blame it on him, his inability to get that point across. Again, growing up in the 70s and the 80s, I wasn’t around for the Cuban missile crisis. But again, I tell my kids about how in elementary school we would have bomb.
you know, bomb drills where we’d hide underneath our desk. And I remember how stupid I thought they were even at the time saying, know, I knew what a nuclear weapon was capable of and what hiding underneath the desk is going to save me. And, you know, we had the, you know, the movies back in the time we had was Red Dawn, you know, where the Russians and the Chinese and the Cubans invade. And then there was the
back when there was only like three networks, wouldn’t much on TV back then. They had the day after tomorrow was a big television event. Big television events supposed to scare the pants off of everyone. Anyway, what I am witnessing, what I’m watching right now, again, it’s not hyperbole. I cannot recall. I cannot recall a time in my life that I’ve been trying all day today where
We’ve been this close to really going at it with Russia. Back then it was the Soviet Union. We are flirting right now with allowing Ukraine to use Western precision guided missiles into Russia, long range strikes into Russia. There was a lengthy interview with Vladimir Putin that again, I suggest you go and watch, translated it.
and basically explaining that these missiles don’t work unless they’re using European and American satellites. They’re not going to work. Ukraine doesn’t have the capabilities of using these missiles. So what he’s saying is if they use these missiles and strike deep into Russia, that would elevate the conflict with a direct direct conflict with NATO. But just leave it at that. A direct
conflict with NATO. This will mean, I’m quoting Putin, this will mean that NATO countries, the United States and European countries are fighting against Russia. That what you want?
Is that what you want? think that this is a good idea? Here’s another story. Again, none of this in the mainstream media. None of this in the mainstream media. I have never, I can’t recall, I remember Bush being rebuked by some leaders over in Europe, but not to this degree. I mean, a secretary of state of the United States, the Polish minister to the European Parliament,
and I quote, I quote Blinken go home as soon as possible. Get lost. We don’t want you here. We don’t want Polish people paying and dying for your wars. Blinken does not speak for us, nor do we vote for this endless war. This is, this is what’s taken place right now. no, it’s not.
by any stretch of the imagination. Things can escalate. Again, you need to be a bit of a student of history. And, you know, why don’t I bring it up? It was a book I recently read. I enjoy Victor Davis Hansen’s work I do. And he did a recent book. was basically on the absolute, basically the annihilation of civilizations.
and you read it and you can kind of see how things can escalate very quickly. Very quickly. And you don’t want to play around with that by any stretch of the imagination. No, we should not be allowing Western weapons to be having long range strikes into Russia. Watchdog on wallstreet .com.