Why This Christmas Is Extra Special to Me
My Christmas epiphany. As most of you may have listened to know, okay, practicing Catholic and I talk about holidays and religion here on the program and Easter has always been my favorite, I guess, because basically the way I, I guess, saw God and saw Jesus is there to came to save me from
My sins and you know what easter quite frankly is all about Christmas to me like Christmas just as much the next person I again I not watching the hallmark channel. Yes, I decorate. Yeah, love getting together and I kind of saw Christmas as you know More or less for you know a holiday for the kids And you know again
enjoyed it a great deal when obviously I had younger kids and getting them presents and all of that and I you know never really thought about it too much until this year I had a I guess my own little Christmas epiphany and I’ve talked about this before I you know I see say your prayers and I sort of you know ask for wisdom ask to be a better person the next day is basically what I asked for because I always saw you know God
faith, you know, how dare I ask for anything, quite frankly, because there are people that are, you know, much, much more in need than I am. And I’d never say I’m not going to take up bother God or waste his time with anything that I may need. Or quite frankly, just even asking for advice and direction. And I can’t understand you. That’s that’s a really arrogant
position to take on. this year, I kind of I changed this year in the sense that, you I’ve talked about it before here on the program where, you know, you’re going to ask God and again, it goes to a reading in Matthew I talked about last weekend on the radio show and come to me all who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. Yoke is, it’s something they use to put on oxen to drive them. Take my yoke. And it’s interesting the word easy in this, for my yoke is easy, because this original was in Greek. The word krestos, which also means kind or good. So what is…
What is he saying here? He’s saying that if you follow his direction, you have, you’ve hit a wall, okay, you don’t know what to do.
Ask. Ask for advice. Ask for advice and what should I do? Give me guidance. Okay? And you’ll be led in the right direction. You know, whereas basically I’ve spent my entire life saying, okay, you know what? is, know, I’m gonna ask to be smarter. I’m gonna ask to be brighter. I’m gonna ask to be a better person. Forgive me and all that stuff. I didn’t get the whole thing.
And you know what I’ve learned and again is advice you can take it or not. It’s you’re actually able to get a lot more accomplished and again, it’s some people again, it’s a it’s a man thing too where you’re you’re always trying to solve problems and our arrogance thinks that we know everything well We don’t and there’s nothing wrong
With asking God and using was it you know for his advice? On anything On anything and I guess I’m not talking about. you know, want to be rich Show me the bit. No, that’s that’s not how it works. You know point me in the right direction. What is the right choice? You know and you’d be surprised you want to call it Divine intervention call whatever you You ponder these things you think about things
You start to see the world a little bit differently it opens up a lot to you and Yeah, again, I’m you know mid 50s now and You know, I’m still learning and starting to get it to a greater degree So I have my my newfound appreciation For Christmas, you know, God so loved the world. He gave his only son And it’s not just about forgiving
our sins and dying for our sins, it’s guiding us, guiding us and pointing us in the right direction. Merry Christmas, everyone. Watch it all on wallstreet.com.