What We Can Learn from George Orwell’s Animal Farm
The news stories the past past couple of weeks. I mean, it’s just every day. Every day you turn the television on and it just gets worse and instead of better. I was reminded of. Animal Farm and the end of Orwell’s Animal Farm and how. You know, in the end, in the end, the reformers there, right, the bigger pigs.
pigs was Napoleon. Napoleon, I remember he bought bought some other fields he expanded expanded the the animal farm. The tattoo went the name of the play went back to went back to a manor farm was the name again they was it changed the commandments they were down to one. All animals are equal but some are more equal than others.
and. The poll, they remember it was a party at the end. And I got to go back and I got to read. Napoleon at the end was eating with the humans there. Remember, there was a party and they’re playing cards there and when they’re playing cards and they both they got caught cheating, the humans and the pigs got caught cheating at cards. I can’t help but think about that.
book watching what’s going on and the fact that
It’s right out there in front of everybody’s faces at this point in time. Everybody, everything we’ve talked about. Watchdog on Wall Street, Axis of Evil, big business politicians and the media. Prior, I mean, prior, mean, you know, George Carlin was talking about this the same time I was talking about this. I’ve done his bit here on the program when he was going off on the education rant and why education sucks in the United States.
And he talks about, you know, the owners don’t want
The owners of the country don’t want education. Great. But why? Why? And was talking about the real owners of the country. Wake the hell up, America. Are you watching? What’s taking place right before your very eyes? I mean, they’re applauding all of the donations that are coming in and all of the money that’s coming into Kamala after this.
They love Kamala Harris because Kamala Harris is their pawn. She’s going to do exactly what they say. What they say, they own her. Like Carlin said, wake up people. We have owners. The big club that you and I are not in, you’re watching it take place before you’re
eyes. Did you see Kamala yesterday there with the phone call with Biden? I’m sorry, you need to be brain dead. Not to recognize that that wasn’t some AI generated phone call. The original lady that was on before Kamala, you could see how nervous she was up there. There wasn’t even a conversation. Kamala almost had the Freudian slip, they almost called it a recording. We knew exactly what it was. It was a fugazi.
Again, I’m looking at all of these stories, what’s taking place here. And again, Barack Obama strikes again, and they’re talking about how Obama got Biden off the ticket twice. And what’s his name there? Rod Blagojevich, remember the guy from, who’s governor of Illinois, Obama forced him out and talking about how Biden got the Chicago treatment and Kamala Harris raises $81 million a day you’re watching all of these pundits on TV, all these.
starting to commend her. Like I said, they’re going to canonize her. We have to decide, to decide whether or not as a society, we’re going to go ahead and accept our fate. We’re going to continue to head down in this direction. It’s choice, people.
One, one comment that I got via Twitter, somebody like this is like watching the series finale USA. Turn on television, like series finale. It’s the end of this country. And, you know, it’s not going to, I mean, we’ll talk about the end of the country. This we’ve been changing our direction for some period of time. Okay. Like I said, I, I understand well, and I talk about it often here on the program is understanding the terrain, understanding the world.
that we live in. You you talk again, I’ll talk about I’ll talk about Rome, ancient Rome in a little bit here and the transition from a republic to an empire. We don’t have we don’t have an empire or like, you know, again, a Caesar coming out and running the show. But we have figureheads that are put into positions of power that are controlled by the little
Caesar’s behind the scenes, the people that own you and I and everything else. And again, what could be happening shortly, right? One of America’s great distractions, America’s great distractions, everybody, know, minds off what’s really taking place, what the owners are really doing. We the NFL coming up. a training camp starting.
Training camps aren’t, and everybody’s gonna be working on their fantasy teams and all this nonsense that everybody consumes, you know, basically uses their lives up rather than focusing on things that are important. They’ll be focusing on that. And again, I listen, I like football as much as the next person, okay? But I mean, we all know, we all know gonna happen. It’s great distraction for everybody. We have a choice.
We’re going to continue. You want to continue to be on many people do. Again, I and it is what it is. I’ve talked about a long time. We were getting around 4th of July. I always talk about, you know, bit of my disdain for that holiday. People are freedom. Yeah, you know, to understand what freedom is, most people don’t want responsibility. And I, you know, wrote about this and I grabbed some from actually was actually from the
It was a yeah, it was a freedom. was Lawrence Reed did this from. was it? Where did he write it in? I’m trying to get exactly what he put. yeah, the Foundation for Economic Education. Excuse me. He. Put a pretty interesting. Analysis in regards to what happened and we take a look at our situation today and you want to take a look at things that have happened in the past.
You know, like the United States was conceived as a stand against a monarchy. both nations were, were, we used to be suspicious of concentrated power and authority. Used to be. Now we applaud it. Now we applaud it. We, well, it’s all we care about is who’s donating money, where the big money is flowing, what our owners are doing.
United States and Rome established republics that enshrined checks and balances, separation of powers, and the protection of the individual with certain rights that were held sacrosanct. Again, recipe for success. And the greatest advances in individual liberty led to prosperity without precedent in world history. Now, Rome, classical Rome, thousand years.
First half a republic, the second was an imperial autocracy.
The conditions and events and how they transform from one to the other is frighteningly familiar. Again, this is people where we’re at today. Again, people are, we’re not gonna be more United States. Yeah, and I’m more United States the way we knew it. Like I said, Rome was around for quite some time, quite some time when again, the people lost control.
Again, three most stubborn lessons of history. is Lawrence Reed. No people who lost their character kept their liberties. Power that is shackled and dispersed is preferable to power that is unrestrained and centralized. And the here and now is rarely as important as tomorrow. And again, Reed talks about this and I’ve covered this here on the program. Virtue, need to have virtue.
other traits that were stressed in early Rome, dignity, goodwill, loyalty, sense of duty, and candor. He writes, says, the connection between character and liberty is powerful. Liberty, by which I mean rule of law, respect for and protection of the lives, rights, property, and contracts of others is the only social arrangement that requires character. Now with the system,
especially socialism asks much of you other than to keep quiet, pay your taxes and go get yourself killed when the state goes and directs you to. The absence of character produces chaos and tyranny. Its presence makes liberty possible. Rome rose from nothing and sustained itself as an entity for centuries, great entity for centuries because of its strong character. And again, take a look at Roman failure and obviously
keeping this short and sweet here. Rome transformed from a republic to an empire through a process of erosion. Welfare state was instituted little by little by individuals craving power and ate away at the virtue of the Roman people. Sully but surely a self -reliant people abandoned responsibility, discipline and property rights. They turned to the government to solve their problems. What’s in it for me? What am I entitled to?
These questions asked today by a vast number of Americans are nothing more than echoes of the past. The politics of Rome is also a familiar tune. There are incredible sums of money spent to get one elected with taxes being raised in the aftermath to pay for all the grandiose promises made to the self -centered populace. The emperors of Rome built their power on entitlements the same way our politicians do today. Rome, when founded, understood that concentrated power was very dangerous.
They originally split the top position of power between two individuals called consuls. The one was a check upon the other and neither could serve more than one year. The legislature was composed of the Senate assemblies and elected representatives. Sound familiar? These checks and balances dissipated over time because the cities and provinces of Rome lost their power and independence to the central government after demanding money to get them out of difficult situations. Again, we have a 10th amendment, their constitution is supposed to disperse that type.
power, but we’ve gotten away from
Freedom, Tacitus wrote that freedom was undermined when the focus of the Roman legislation changed from the security and good of all to the satisfaction of particular individuals and interest groups. And now bills were passed not only for national objects, but for individual cases and laws were most numerous when the Commonwealth was most corrupt. And again, Rome also decided to be policemen of the world. I can go
You get my point, correct? And you wonder why these people donate such vast sums of money to political action committees and to various different politicians?
It’s an investment people. It’s not a donation. It’s an investment. They have, these are the people, they say it in their things. If you want to seat at the table, you better step up as a donor. They run the country. You think you’re a member of Congress does? Again, we’ve been trying to get this across. Carlin tried to get this across. History books have tried to explain this. Choice.
People, you want it to be the season finale? Not season finale, series finale USA. It’s got to morph into something else. Okay, it’s been doing that for some time. Again, I don’t know. Again, I’m being honest here. Me, Denon, I know people want what America once was. I don’t know if they want that type of responsibility anymore. Some do. Some do and will continue to fight for. But many won’t. I wouldn’t want to handicap this. I’m not a gambling guy. Just leave it at that. Watchdog on wallstreet .com.