What is Behind Wall Street’s 100+ Hour Culture?
Okay, there’s been several stories. They have a bunch of sad stories. Wall Street bankers, a couple of them over the past week, drop dead. Blood clots, other things that normally young people don’t encounter. And it’s bringing up again, it’s been in the news talking about Wall Street’s work culture. 100 hour plus a week.
culture that these bankers have to go through and you’re seeing story after story coming out and various different young bankers off the record, you know, talking about sleeping four to five hours a night, sleeping in bathroom stalls and all of this, you know, and then you get to be, you know, they’re gonna say, this is necessary. This is how we weed people out and all that good stuff. I’m gonna, I’m gonna tell you what’s really behind it.
I’m going to tell you what’s really behind it and nobody else has. There’s a reason why they work these bankers really hard. I know. They got to prove themselves and all this stuff and they’re working hard on deals for their bosses. Yeah. The reason is, is that when you go through something like that, it’s again, it’s in some sense, it’s almost like brainwashing.
It is it’s like brainwashing people that there’s a myriad of things that they they want to see how far they can take you. But they also know that once you’re going through this, you’re never going to want to quit once you get past this. Once you get past this and once you get past, yeah, I put my two years in. You’re going to want to start seeing a reward for that, meaning again.
You’re going to have no problem at all doing whatever the firm tells you to do. You’re going to say to yourself, I went through all of that for two years.
It will, if you didn’t have an ethical bypass at birth, it’s most certainly trying to instill it. It will basically get you to a point in time where money will be your idol. Money will be your idol. Money, that will be your love. And that’s what they’re looking to instill. I, again, I’ve…
Well, I’ve been through this.
I’ve been through this. I know exactly what they’re trying to do and the type of pressures that go on in the office. And I mean, there’s other things they even do once you get to that point in time, looking you to pushing you to buy certain automobiles and houses that you might not necessarily need nor can afford. But again, you got bills.
that you have to pay, you’re going to do what it takes to pay those bills. It is a culture of brainwashing for two years.
It is. I’m people. It’s not about, you know, trying to work them to the bone to see who can hack. I mean, I can understand that that’s a part of it. But the reality is, is once you go through something like this and you are, that’s a part, you’re a part of that firm’s culture. You’re going to do anything for the firm. You spend two years destroying yourself and your health for them. And then you’re done. You’re going to do whatever they tell you to do so you can start.
getting paid. That’s the point. You get it? That is the point. You know, a lot of times people, you can see this, they have the bankers come in, you gotta be in the office on time, right? You might be doing nothing but stupid busy work until three o ‘clock, four o ‘clock in the afternoon, then all of a sudden they drop something on you and then you gotta stay at the office until two o ‘clock in the morning.
to get it done. They do that on purpose.
They do that on purpose because if you’re willing to do that, if you’re willing to do all of these things, guess what else you’ll be willing to do? You’ll be willing to, you know, craft. You’ll be able to, to, to justify in your mind, you’ll find a way again, after just to find your mind, creating a crappy financial product and sell it to your customers. All on the guys. You know what? You know, I’m doing it for the firm. That’s why people.
Okay, it is a culture, the 100 hour plus a week Wall Street culture is a culture of brainwashing. Watchdog on wallstreet .com.