What I Learned from the Great Pete Rose
Old to Pete Rose. When I was a kid, without a doubt, I grew up a Yankee fan, but I was also a huge Pete Rose fan. I love the way he played. I don’t know if it was, know, maybe because, you know, I wasn’t a home run hitter. was something I couldn’t do. My brother Michael, my brother Matthew.
They could, and my brother Matt, I don’t know how many home runs he hit in his last little league season in a 16 game season. was like 25 or 30, it was insane. But anyway, not me. I just, back then I hated, did not like striking out. I liked to put the ball in play. I liked to run the bases. I always went 100 miles an hour. And I guess I still do that throughout life. And that’s how Pete Rose played. A lot of younger people not familiar with him. And all you really know about Pete is that he is the all time hits leader.
And he’s not in the Hall of Fame because he bet on baseball, again. It’s a no-no, it’s a rule. I get it. He lied about it as well. Pete Rose, without a doubt, a flawed human being. But I’m asking anybody that’s listening right now, are you not flawed in some way, shape, form? We’re all broken human beings. We all screw up.
These bands that they have, they call it a lifetime band. Well, he’s no longer with us. I mean, that needs to be lifted right away and he needs to be voted into the Hall of Fame. Plus, know, the hypocrisy of the entire thing. I don’t even know how the gambling works now with sports.
They actually track phones of professional athletes. They’re not allowed to vote if they’re actually on the premises. They can get fined, but they’re allowed to, folks, mean, allowed to gamble unless they’re on the premises. They can’t allow, they’ve got to be off or if not, they’re going to get fined. We all see how gambling is, owns everything at this point in time. And Major League Baseball has got to deal with sportsbooks. I’m one that, I don’t gamble. I never placed a bet.
In my life, I don’t do that. I have no interest in it. I’m not interested in the whole fantasy crap that goes on I got better things to do with my time However for if you’re not familiar not familiar again little ode to Pete Rose He played the game the way it’s supposed to a hundred miles an hour again Everything in life meaning value and worth work time and effort. This guy wasn’t a tremendous athlete by any stretch of the imagination But he would walk
You take a walk, ball four, sprint to first base. Sprint, head first dives. Listen, you go through life like that, you’re going through life 100 miles an hour all the time. You’re gonna make mistakes, but good things are gonna happen.
Good things that happen. I kind of translate that again to the way I coach lacrosse. I always tell kids all the time, I said, go out there and make fast mistakes. Make fast mistakes, meaning you’re going as hard as you can all the time. And that’s what I learned from Pete Rose growing up. Watchdogonwallstreet.com.