What Big Gov And New York Football Have in Common
Yeah, New York football and our government. I got a confession I got to make.
First and foremost, am a Giants fan, New York football Giants fan, but I also root for the Jets as well. Talk about this, friends got season tickets and I go to a lot of games. You couldn’t drag me to a game at this point in time. I don’t care how great the tailgate is. I can’t watch this nonsense. I really can’t. I actually mentioned, I think on the radio show, I’m thinking about becoming a part-time.
Detroit Lions fan just because the head coach I think is just fantastic. But anyway, New York football and our government, New York football didn’t get to this state overnight. Many, many, many poor choices compounded upon one another year after year after year.
And you end up with this mess. I got to admit as well. Six o’clock this morning, six o’clock tomorrow, I’m at the gym and listen to my usual podcast there. I had to flip on the the New York sports station at six a.m. the Boomer and Geo program to listen to their analysis of what’s going on with the Giants. Couldn’t help myself.
Couldn’t help myself, but anyway. The Giants, they’re gonna run out the clock this year. They’re gonna take three steps back. Three steps back and hopefully in order to take many steps forward, get a better draft pick, have more money. There’s a myriad of different things. And again, they’re in.
a difficult position. have a salary cap in the NFL, you can’t do the things that you might not need to do, you don’t know who you’re gonna get in the draft, all sorts of stuff. Now what does that have to do with government? Sometimes, yeah sometimes, things have to get worse.
You know, like I said, taking a few steps back to take many steps forward. What’s going to happen? What’s gonna happen is, and I hope it happens, reducing government spending, eliminating government waste is going to have an effect. You’re gonna see GDP numbers drop.
And unfortunately, many people out there are going to take this in the media and say, my God, look at Trump took office and GDP has dropped. It was better under Biden. and again, they’re liars. They’re liars. They know exactly what’s taken place. and they’re using this for political gain. you’re going to have, it’s going to, it’s going to employment as well, but it’s what.
We need, it’s what the doctor ordered. Like the New York Giants, they do not need to win any more football games this year. What I like, everybody wants to see them, yeah, that’s all well and good, but we all need to understand that, it’s about getting a better draft choice. Now who’s to say that that draft choice is gonna work out? And you go out there and you play the games and I get it, okay?
You’re talking about a government, you’re talking about 50 years. 50 years we have gone nuts. Past few decades, you know, since really the turn of the century, it’s gone out of its mind. mean, talk about it, it’s 2004, the national debt’s gone from $8 trillion to $36 trillion.
We had everything under control in 2000. Clinton was on his way out the door with Newt Gingrich. Things were, they got it under control. Why do we have so much inflation? Why have things gone nuts? And I even like to think about it in terms of even government bonds back in the 1990s and then higher, much higher than they were now and nobody really fretted.
over it. Really fretted over it didn’t really bother you know now we got you know interest rates and mortgage rates are up around you know high sixes closer to seven everybody has a heart attack for crying out loud and I’m like okay were that addicted? Were that addicted to you know artificially low rates? We have got distortions in our economy which are
It’s bad. We talked about consumer goods, unproductive, nonsensical government jobs, people that are not doing anything. This facade, this appearance, here is Fugezi, as I’ve called it, here of, yeah, economic growth, economy is just awesome.
Interesting here and as some numbers I’m going to repeat I’ve talked about them before 2023 25 % of all job additions were government jobs Last 12 months government jobs increased by an average of 43,000 per month GDP figure government spending accounted for 30 % of annualized growth
If and I hope they do if Vivek and Elon are successful guess what? GDP is going to drop and the unemployment rate is going to go up. But it is going to be a good thing. We need to take our medicine. I’ve often described it. I talked about it this past weekend on the radio show. Think of recessions. Think of and this is is a cell we need a self inflict
recession via getting rid of government spending, getting rid of these jobs. It is like a lymphatic system. We’re getting rid of all of the crap that we’ve been doing to ourselves for decades now.
Again, you think about all of this spending and all of the economists out there and everything that’s been taken away, it’s all been a lie. This Keynesian nonsense that they have pushed upon us, it doesn’t make any sense. You want to be as productive as possible and all this Keynesian has nothing to do with productivity.
It has everything to do with the old, you know, Milton Friedman digging with spoons that we’ve talked about here on the program. Creating jobs, you digging holes and filling them up. mean, making no sense. If we do this, like I said, and God willing, I said, I’m hopeful. I’m hopeful we are going to get ourselves back to a hyper growth type.
of an economy. Again, many younger people out there, you’ve never experienced anything like this. I mean, you gotta go back to, know, 80s and 90s to see that type of dynamic growth. And it’s what we’re capable of doing. And again, I remember, I remember Obama and Biden thought that they were gonna, they were gonna do that. They were gonna get the government going, because they were coming out of the worst recession going, right? Great recession should have popped.
except they believed in all this Keynesian nonsense and government spending and running it out of Washington DC. And they kept trying and they kept trying and they kept trying again. The definition of stupidity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result, but they kept doing it. Joe Biden is going out there. He’s touting Recovery Summer. Joe Biden, he was also in charge of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, right? Because nobody messes with Joe. Failure, failure, failure.
and it came time towards the end of Obama’s term and Obama just threw his arms up in the air and he said, well, you know what? Those days where America could have that, know, hyper economic growth, those days, the three, 4%, those days are gone. They weren’t real in the first place. No, Barack, no, left this. They were real. They happened. The problem is you. The problem is you and your… ridiculous belief that you can control and engineer economy out of Washington, D.C. Watchdog on wallstreet.com.