Was The Media Completely Wrong?
Media blame game. You watch it. All the various different networks. It’s actually, you it’s hard to avert your eyes. It’s like watching a a liberal train wreck. Actually, you know, if you were going to ever advertise, I thinking about this, you’re going to ever advertise on CNN and MSNBC. Today would have been the day to do it. Today would have been the day to do it because you’re to get a lot of eyeballs.
on CNN and MSNBC and ABC and NBC and CBS and all of the the networks out there because everyone’s watching to see how they’re going to handle this complete collapse. My watchdog on Wall Street acts as a evil, essentially, essentially the big club. The big club that George Carlin talked about that you and I are in media.
big business and politicians work in hand in hand to further their own needs. They’re playing right now when they’re doing their analysis of why Kamala Harris lost. How did she lose the election? Now, again, it’s no real reasonable analysis out, at least that I have seen, based upon her
policies, the fact that quite frankly she didn’t do many interviews, oftentimes sounded incoherent, no real accomplishments, the fact that she was installed as the presidential nominee without any sort of election after not being able to garner a single vote last time around.
when Tulsi Gabbard took her out in debate. There’s a lot of, you know, actual reasons that you could probably point to. But no, it’s come down to right now, if you’re listening to these people, it’s the fact that half the country is a bunch of racists, misogynists, morons. You actually had Joe Scarborough this morning.
basically saying that Latinos and blacks, they don’t like women. I’m paraphrasing, don’t like women, can never vote for women, can’t stand women leadership. Never about the actual merits of the candidate, it’s the fact that, you know, we the people, myself, yourself, we’re a bunch of morons. Cavemen, cavemen, I was just thinking about that. Remember that Saturday Night Live skit with Phil Hartman?
when he was a caveman lawyer. Yeah, that’s basically, well, it’s a bunch of Neanderthals that we are that can’t make decisions for ourselves. The vitriol in this campaign was without a doubt the worst I’ve ever seen.
the worst I’ve ever seen. Nazi, racist, Hitler, fascist, we’ve covered it all here on the program. That’s the type of words that were being thrown around. again, you’ve had people in the media, you’ve had people use those words oftentimes in criticizing policies of a
I, again, the type of language that was used and was directed, and I didn’t mention the fact that you’ve got the media going after you and I, saying that because of the way we think or who we want to vote for, whatever it may be, it makes us subhuman evil.
Evil so they’re they’re basically, you know again placing the blame on us I I I don’t I ran I don’t get I don’t know who watches These people I I really don’t some of it, you know, some of it again on the election night got to be kind of funny
You saw a couple of them that were just unwilling to accept reality. They still thought the red mirage was going to work late at night. Late night, Trump is up. You take a look at the exit polls, everything pointing in his direction. Everything point in his direction. And they’re like, no, no, it was like the black night from Monty Python. it’s just a flesh wound. That’s how they were acting. These are not.
not very good people. And I’m putting that mildly, okay? Putting that mildly. Some of the things that were said were downright frightening again. You had Chris Hayes on MSNBC basically saying, okay, we’re gonna need to send in the deep state. We’re gonna need to send, in essence of what he said, we’re gonna send in the deep state to stop Trump.
And again, I’ve cited this before. I remember when Chuck Schumer said that to Rachel Maddow, talking about, yeah, the intelligence agencies, they got six ways past Sunday to go after you. And that’s what they did back in 2016. Do you remember all the BS Russia crap that took place at that point in time?
Anyway, is, again,
It’s again, it’s not my job. don’t like to be judgmental. I’ve talked about this here on the program when it comes to individuals. However, I know evil when I see it. I know evil when I see it and I’m not calling out individuals as evil. I’m calling out their actions as evil.
Take I take a great deal of pride and Doing the podcast doing the show something but I spent doing this for 25 years Have I been? Accurate all the time here on the program have I gotten things wrong here on the program I have And when I do
or anyone who listens says, hey, Chris, you’re off on that factor, that number. I correct it.
It is a big responsibility. But when you are out in front of people, you are in essence, you’re teaching them. These people, these elites, again, these people in the big club, again, Watchdog on Wall Street, Axis of Evil, they’re about themselves, and again, they are about by any means,
necessary because they believe that their way of life and the way they want things to be is right. They believe that they should say anything, do anything, whatever it may be to achieve it and it’s okay. It’s not.
It’s not. There is the, again, there’s people having fun on social media when it comes to the meltdown that many liberals are having. Now, again, I, to God, you see them, they’re out there, they’re hard not to watch. These left-wing kids and.
adults out there having absolute meltdowns because of this election and it’s easy to make fun of them. I’m gonna throw something out there. Don’t do that.
Don’t do that, you should feel sorry.
You should feel sorry because these are just kids that have been misled.
And that’s a no-no. Okay? That’s a no-no. See, we’ve got this issue in our society, in our country, nobody fears God. I do.
I do. I get a lot. I’m scared. I’m scared that I may get something wrong. I may lead somebody or point somebody in the wrong direction. I have a chair with you some man. I’m sorry. I don’t gonna do it. My show Bible quotes here. This is Titus. Teachers should demonstrate integrity, dignity and sound speech. This is the one that is important. And again,
these people out there in the media, they could care less. Teachers will be held to a higher standard of judgment because their words have a deep impact on people’s knowledge of God and Christian character. Again, it’s applicable for everything.
for everything.
Teachers should be ready to teach, this is Timothy, teachers should be ready to teach at all times and should rebuke and exhort with patience. And there’s many other examples as well. But when you have an entire group of people that is willing to just make things up and lie again and again over everything.
And it’s how is it okay? Now sometimes things might not come out right, you know, you may say things the wrong way and some things may get misinterpreted, whatever it may be, or you may hear something the wrong way and you may criticize, but you can correct that. I mean, you had Barack Obama this past week at a rally talking about how Donald Trump was saying, saying that, you know, about that Charlotte rally that there was good people on both sides and
paraphrasing say Nazis and all other they’re good people too he knows that’s a lie yet you go on stage and you pick up a microphone and you knowingly do that how is that okay
To all of you liberals, again, you guys are so in love with yourselves, you guys like to smell your own farts and think it smells like potpourri!
How is that okay? Justify, explain it to me.
It’s not. I have a certain worldview that might be different than your worldview. I’m gonna try to get you to see things my way in an intelligent, Socratic, coherent manner. I’m not gonna lie to make that happen or try to tear other people down, whatever it may be. That’s wrong!
That’s wrong. These are not good people. They’re not.
And again, I’m going back to my, oftentimes very difficult to adhere to Catholic sensibilities and you gotta kind of pray for these people and you have to try, you have to, it’s my rule, you have to forgive them, okay? But you know really gotta say a prayer for all those kids out there.
all those kids out there that have been lied to.
that have been told one lie after another lie after another lie. I mean, it’s the old saying, the lie becomes the truth. It ain’t gonna be easy to reach them. It’s not. It’s a difficult thing to do. Kind of on a side note, I try to explain this to all the time. When you’re teaching people to do something, you wanna teach them the right way from the get-go.
It’s difficult to break bad habits or break bad ideas or fake ideas or lies. It’s a hard thing to do. reason why I don’t play golf right now, I don’t have the time yet to learn how properly and I don’t want to develop bad habits. But anyway, I’m just off the beaten track. That is. That’s where we are today. That’s what the media did. Media blame game. They can look to themselves. But.
The sooner we tune them out, the better.
better and I mentioned this before. I mean, I’m encouraged. am. I’m encouraged. You got to, like I said, you got more and more people tuning into Joe Rogan and other podcasts where people can sit down and have a discussion about ideas for hours. Talk about a myriad of different things. That is a complete break.
from the mainstream media. hope it goes in that direction. You’re watching the left going after Rogan. Rogan’s pretty much been a Democrat his entire life. You take a look at where he came from, what he did, how he built it up, the type of person he is. Ferris Bueller, they call him, know, the secretary. He’s a righteous dude. He’s a righteous dude.
And again, I think we should all aspire to be in everything that we’re gonna do. You’re not supposed to lie. You’re not supposed to make things up. What they have done is despicable. How they have acted is, again, it’s hard to even get your arms around just how bad this cycle was, how awful they are. You watch the meltdown. You watch Jen Psaki. You watch Chris Hayes. Watch Joy Reid.
It’s demented, quite frankly.
And the sooner the country realizes that that’s the evil, that’s the cancer, the sooner we can pull it all together. Watchdog on wallstreet.com.