Trump’s Border Enforcement Will Finally Ban SLAVE LABOR In America
Illegal immigration, you know what it does? It’s slave labor. One of the things that really distressed me, distressed me, this is years and years ago, is when I first moved to Florida, the first time I lived in Florida was watching and seeing these awful old school buses packed with migrant workers, bringing them out to various different farms in the middle of the state.
Sometimes you would drive through the middle of the state of Florida. You have to go across the state for a lacrosse tournament. Something was backed up and you drive through some of these sugar plantations out there and you see the conditions. My church, back when I lived a little bit further south from here, every Sunday, every Sunday was collections, clothes, baby formula, food to give to all of these migrant workers.
It pissed me off. Pissed me off because it’s it’s freaking slave labor. Why do you why do you think what do you think? Well, Democrats and Republicans for the most part have not given a damn about illegal immigration, have no problem with it. Overall, cheap workers, cheap labor. Wall Street Journal has always been for US Chamber of Commerce. Yes.
All of them, sure, it’s great, it’s wonderful. Really? No, it’s disgusting. Quite funny, people should be ashamed of yourself. You know what’s happening right now in the state of Florida? There’s a massive battle taking place in the state of Florida between Ron DeSantis, the most effective governor I have ever seen in my entire life, bar none. He turned this state from a purple state to an uber red state.
And he’s getting, he’s battling right now with the legislature in Florida because the legislature in Florida, they want to water down the immigration rules here. Why? Well, their contractor friends want all of their cheap workers. They want all of their cheap roofers. There is a story, this was on CBS yesterday. CBS yesterday, they are interviewing
An American farmer, an American farmer. And no, this is like a woe is me story. This is like a woe is me story. this American farmer, he’s got his sweet potato crop, $500,000 sweet potato crop. my God, he doesn’t have the workers. needs 20 pickers. He’s only got five out there. He’s got 200 acres, only five showed up.
and he’s got a possible loss of a half a million dollars of sweet potatoes.
what was him? And he admits his workers are illegal. And they go and they put him, like.
Yeah, I’ve been doing this since 1993. Doing this since 1993.
Now when she gets paid.
$100 a day.
10 to 12 hours of work, 10 to $12 of work, hours of work a day, maybe one break, $100 a day, not like you’re getting any benefits, not like you’re getting any healthcare to go along with it. And I’m supposed to feel sorry for this farmer.
You freaking mind. You freaking mind. American farmers are freaking protected class for crying out loud. Yeah, I know, know Neil Young likes to hold his farm aid concerts and always woe is this. And they like their subsidies and they like to grow their corn and make it go into cars and all this other bull crap. Paying workers for crying out loud. Pay them.
This is why we need to have immigration reform. All of you leftists that are jumping up and down about all of these illegal, this is terrible, all this stuff, like, labor’s okay with you? It’s not okay with me. The rules are, yes, he could get, he could, this farmer, if he wanted to, could get the visas, could get the visas to bring these workers in to work his farm, but that’s gonna cost him more money.
That’s gonna cost them more money. it most certainly can be done. They don’t wanna do it.
They’d rather pay them, they’d rather pay them this ridiculously low wages. That’s bullshit, man. Quite frankly. And I’m tired of this nonsense. What just happens all over the country. woe is me. who’s going to pick the crops? Yeah, these people can pick the crops, but pay them a prevailing wage for crying out loud. They’re taking advantage of the situation because they know that they’re illegal. And quite frankly, that’s bullshit. It’s wrong.