Trump DEMOLISHES The Davos Globalists At WEF
Donald Trump killed, killed in his Davos speech yesterday. I’m gonna go out on a limb and I’m gonna see that was his greatest address that he has ever made. Now again, people have been listening to me for a while, okay? I’m not Sean Hannity. I don’t have Trump pom poms or a skirt. I have been very critical of the man on a myriad of different things on many different occasions, but I’m honest.
He gave a remote address yesterday to the James Bond villains at Davos. It started out like he was reading, he read off his first week, in essence, resume. It was a CV for his first week in office. And spot on, return to common sense. Now, I am hoping.
hoping that the folks over in Europe were watching this. I don’t know. I don’t know if this was televised or the people in China were able to have access to it. Most certainly Xi Jinping did, but across the board, across the board, the America first agenda they put forward. And the funny thing is right after the speech, the mainstream media here in the United States went,
of their way to find somebody well you know allies are a little worried this person from Finland said this and this one said that they don’t want to be hard on the allies and tariffs
Okay, he was fair. was fair. You want to make, you want to make your products in the United States, you’re going to pay some of the lowest corporate tax rates in the world. Were any of these European companies sad when we had the highest corporate tax rates in the world and American businesses were being shipped overseas? No.
He said listen you could make them here and you make make your stuff here in the United States if you want to you don’t have to we actually said that you’re prerogative But if you’re shipping it in it’s going to be more and explaining Yeah, the amount that we pay the tariffs that are put on our items. He just again. It’s just free and fair trade Why is that so difficult? Well?
It’s been difficult because many of the people that have been running this country, many of the people that are in power, the people part of the big club, they’re tied into all this stuff. They’ve got their buddies and friends and they’re collecting their vig. That’s how they become so wealthy. He’s, he don’t give a damn. He can’t tie to any of this stuff. And you people on the left, you people that, again, I gotta admit, okay, I got some Trump.
derangement syndrome and the way that he speaks to people. He hasn’t been doing that for some time. Again, I don’t know what’s gotten into him, but how do you argue that this is not in our nation’s best interest? Everything that he is putting forward right now, again, I’m impressed. Okay. And I don’t impress easily. Standing up for American companies. Again, this was freaking awesome.
This is what we’ve been saying here on the program. He cited Apple, he cited Google, he cited Facebook talking about the fines, the stupid lawsuits that the European Union puts on these companies and he called it a tax. Cause that’s what it is. That’s what it is because you don’t fricking do anything over there. And you know what? You know what? Europeans know this. They’re well aware of this. They know it.
Okay, there, you and you have, well, you had the Spanish left wing spine, the Spanish prime minister up there talking about the dangers of these tech companies because you don’t freaking do anything over there, man. You don’t, you become a vacation spot. Did you see that story about Spain wanting to put a 100 % thinking about put a 100 % tax on foreigners, non-EU members buying up property in Spain.
you don’t want to change the look here. Again, because we can buy up the place. Because we can, because we actually do build and create stuff. Just saying there, buddy. OK, what do you got? Again, what do you guys I mean, I mean, love the meats out of Spain and all that stuff. Fantastic. But what exactly do guys do there? What was the last big company that you built? Anyway.
Again, just him addressing all of the empty suits in the room. Again, knocking them down a hundred pegs, they’ve got nothing. Again, they today search the media high and wide, European, whatever it may be. They can’t say anything because it didn’t say anything was inaccurate. He was spot on. Now let’s even talk about foreign policy and war. And again, all of you left this out there. All again, you code pinkers.
out there who happened to you guys happen to be right when Bush was president, by the way, I to give you kudos on that. Talking about the horror of war and citing what he has seen and what he knows to be true and the Ukraine Russia conflict and how this wasn’t necessary and the waste, the human carnage, he talking about buildings being knocked down and.
You know, they’re saying only a couple people being injured. He knows that’s wrong and how awful this is and how we need to end this. He talked about reducing nuclear weapons. Mention that prior to him leaving office, they had conversations between Putin and Xi Jinping and himself looking to denuclearize.
You left this out there. OK, again, it’s either about, you know, either you’re just so one issue when it comes to trans, gay, immigration, whatever it may be. How can you not be for this unless you’re a part of the military industrial complex? This.
This agenda that’s being put forth right now is, I’m gonna be honest with you, God bless him. I hope he stays safe. This is the radical type of change that this country needs. It’s similar again, some of the things that Kennedy wanted to do and well, they killed him for it. Again, absolutely killed it.
In my opinion, Trump’s greatest address, I highly recommend you watching it. was, see, he fielded some questions from, you know, Steve Schwartzman, Brian Monahan, Bank of America, and a couple others. you know, and Schwartzman talking about how difficult it is. He’s speaking to European business owners and how they can’t get anything done over there in Europe. And he actually talked about, he owns a club, and was it Ireland?
and they told him how long the permitting was gonna take was five years and how he nixed the entire thing. This is a type of frustration that people that actually do wanna build and create in Europe have to deal with every single day. Why? Because you guys have these empty suits that don’t build anything, don’t create anything, pat themselves on the back. All of these losers, we got them in our country too. It’s like a European disease that affected the United States in many ways, shape, matter or form.
Allow these Europeans to go out there and build and create. Let them grow their business. Let them grow their economy. Let me bring wages up on the European content. That would be fantastic. Called it out. Call that out. Listen, I listen, you know, come on over. You’re not going to be allowed to do that. Start your business here in the United States. We welcome that. Again, was ecstatic. Over.
And again, like I said, I gotta say it one more time, okay? I’m not a cheerleader, okay? I’m not one of those. Not one of those. Again, we are equal opportunity bashers here on the program and that’s the way we’re always going to be. this was off the charts.