Trump Bible?? Yes, He Went There.
Okay, my job here on this program is not to make people happy when it comes to the choices and who they want to vote for, whatever it may be. I try to be as honest as I possibly can. We take in whatever news and I, again, I try to present it in a way where we give both sides and I’ll give you my perspective and opinion on things. And,
Again, I’ve been very critical of former president Donald Trump and I’ve also given him credit, what credit is due, but Trump Bible.
Trump Bible, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, he went there. He went there on this one. Again, many people, messages getting people yesterday. That was kind of a straw that broke the camel’s back. You remember when Popeye in the cartoons is, that’s all I can stains, I can’t stains no more. Well.
How many people did you finally push over the edge with this one? Listen, I mean, the guy’s a salesman. I understand that. Again, I remember shopping for furniture with my wife. This was when we were living in Southwest Florida. It’s 2006.
2006, maybe eight years. And so again, when I got that house that I was in, that’s why I remember the date. But anyway, neither here nor there, we go into a furniture store and he had a whole line of furniture and tchotchkes there. And I remember laughing, I said, who in their fricking right mind is gonna put throw pillows in their house with Donald Trump’s crest on them? Who? Man, this is.
going back to 2006. And again, he will license his name image and license. It’s name image and license. He’s got a company that does that. There was Trump Water, Trump Vodka, guy doesn’t drink. It can go on and on and on. But again, yesterday puts out on Truth Social, Trump Bible, $60.
$60 and he’s selling this with Lee Greenwood there. Lee Greenwood, the God Bless the USA Bible. It’s got a handwritten version of Mr. Greenwood’s chorus and Mr. Greenwood’s song. It’s got a copy of the United States Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence and the Pledge of Allegiance. Trump expressed his approval of the book’s blend of theology.
with foundational American political documents. Again, going along with his campaign slogan, Make America Great Again, and he said that we must make America pray again. Again, you can go and you can watch the video. Again, they say that Trump has no part of this company, he’s not running the company, but is Trump making money?
off the sale of this Bible. Yes, he is.
Yes, my first reaction was, doesn’t anybody actually fear God anymore? I certain people do. But you have the. Again, you’re going to make money off the sale of Bible. I mean, fine, you want to sell your, you know, your sneakers with this three hundred ninety nine dollars sneakers or parts, pieces of the suit that you wore.
in that Georgia election interference case.
But you think that this is a good idea? You think this is gonna bring people over to your side? Yeah, I also got a text from Trump yesterday. Again, this was the latest here. He wanted me to buy his official Trump metal black card.
What is it? It is a metal black card, limited edition Trump black card. This is President Trump and I’m launching my exclusive membership program for true MAGA Patriots only. True MAGA Patriots only. I have felt your love since the beginning, so I wanted to give my top supporters something to show their devotion to the MAGA movement.
The official Trump black card is metal and etched with my mugshot to show the radical left that I will never surrender. This is the most important election in American history. You’re going to want one of these before they’re gone. I’m asking true MAGA patriots to contribute at least $100 to be a part of my Trump elite membership program. And I will ship you the official Trump black card straight to your door.
But not only that, I mean, if you want, you know, $100 to qualify for the black Trump card, $200 if you’re going to vote, if you’re going to vote for Trump, you got to send them $200 and you get the black card. $300. You send Trump if you think that Trump is the best president of all time and you get the Trump.
Again, I don’t know. I mean, I was targeting this. What does it say about me? The intelligence level of the people that are going to send money in to something like this. And I’m going to do a compare and contrast because I know, I know message of it again. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. But Chris, but Chris, but Chris, but but but Biden, but Biden, but I’m like, no, I’m sorry, people.
take a look at the internals of the polls and what’s going on right now. Okay. The so -called conservative movement stepped in it. You throw up Ron DeSantis, Nikki, any of the any of the people that were up there, they would be leading Biden by double digits at this point in time. And let’s let’s go to Trump Bible and Trump metal etched.
card to what is Joe Biden’s campaign doing today? Well, Radio City Music Hall in New York City, they’re holding a massive fundraiser where Barack Obama, Barack Obama and Bill Clinton are going to be co -hosting with Joe Biden. But again, it’s going to give.
people the illusion of who’s actually running the show behind the scenes. But if you think the left, they don’t care. They’d be happy to have Obama back with Clinton. By me, not Clinton so much, but definitely Obama. They’re all going to be there. Okay. And this is what you know, this is what you’re going to get. Stephen Colbert is going to moderate the conversation.
there. The program is going to be hosted by actress Mindy Kaling and include musical performances by Queen Latifah and Lizzo. Again, they’re going to bring in $25 million. That’s what it’s expected this fundraiser to bring in. And the fundraising at this point in time ain’t even close.
It’s not even close, okay? Biden is crushing Trump right now. Not only that, you send enough money, you could actually get your photograph, photograph taken by bloody Annie Leibowitz for crying out loud.
with any of these presents. Okay? It’s the beginning of baseball season today, is it not? Yankees are playing today. They get all the people out there handicapping what’s gonna happen with the season. Be honest, right now. Be honest. Because I’m telling you right now, the…
people out there, the leftists out there are, Biden can fall off his bicycle another 10 times. Okay? They’re confident that they’ve got their people behind the scenes that are running the show.
You cannot, you cannot go turning people off like this. I mean, I’m sorry, who in the world do you think you are? You’re gonna hawk Bibles and you’re gonna make money off it?
Again, to all of you, the butt monkeys out there, butt, butt, butt, butt, butt, Biden, butt, butt, butt, butt, butt, butt, butt, butt, butt. Like I said, there’s not a day that goes by that you don’t get more people saying, I’m sorry, I’m not gonna vote for him. I guess the hope is right now that Kennedy will pull over many of those voters, split the vote, and then maybe Trump will win. But…
Again, I said, you know, I got a pretty wide reach here on this program and tell you what a lot of people are thinking. Okay, not good, not good. Like I said, go back, you want to go back and hawk throw pillows or vodka or sneakers, but you cross the line here. Anyway, watchdog on wallstreet .com.